I have had it!!! CS sucks
What is wrong with this..... we just had some of our State refund taken for CS, my husband has the CS come out of his check every payday. so he has never missed one payment. but because of our Fucked up Child support system paying weekly, because everyone working person that pays CS gets paid weekly right, wrong, my DH gets paid biweekly, but because of the system, it appears that he owes when really he does not.
I know some would not agree with this, but if a person pays CS and its taxed why does the receiving person not have to pay taxes on it, its income... or why do they get the Child credit.... so not fair, I think it should either be split or the paying party get some sort of tax break. My DH works his ass off been at the same job for 20yrs, and this bitch sits back and collects CS gets a pay check, and all the refund from our government! Most Men I will say that pay CS have nothing at the end of the month, why do the custodial parents get to live like kings..... Uggg, this pisses me off, I say this because I don't get child support, my DD bio is a total dead beat, and owes me too much, which by the way he has gone to jail for not paying but they can't seem to make him get a job.
I would have been willing to share in claiming the child if he paid!
We have screwed up lawyers that don't do right, and the CS system.....
I personally think that
I personally think that non-received child support ought to be able to be counted on your taxes as a tax credit...ie, I did NOT get the 4K a year support for our child that I should have gotten, and therefore I DO get an extra tax credit of 4K because my DH and I worked our asses off to take care of both kids...
Wow. I've never heard of
Wow. I've never heard of something like this. So does this mean CS doesn't come out of your DH's pay checks for the rest of the month?
Child support isn't considered taxable income as it goes towards the expenses of children. Alimony however is a different story.
yes child support comes out
yes child support comes out of each bi weekly check he gets. but because she gets it weekly and he gets paid bi weekly it appears he always owes... its so messed up.. WE need to fix this problem
She still gets paid to much! she did not have a job when the divorce went through but has one now, so I think her income should be considered. Cause its so obvious that that money is not spent on them.
Yeah...that's probably why
Yeah...that's probably why CS was taken out. It would appear he would be in arrears but not by much I would think. That's a very unpleasant surprise none of the less.
Most of time courts factor in a parent's earning potential not what they actually make for the unemployed. That still doesn't help if BM's getting paid higher than what the courts calculated previously. If you suspect BM's pay is higher than 30% of calculation you can submit a modification of support. If you wanna get nasty request an interrogatories report. Just know that she can ask the same from DH.
So you're saying DH gets paid two times a week? That is highly unusual as most people are paid bi-monthly.
Pay that is bi-weekly is
Pay that is bi-weekly is every other week, bi-monthly is twice a month. Weird wording isn't it?
Thanks for pointing that out
Thanks for pointing that out Wicked. I learned something today...lol
I get paid bi-weekly and XH gets paid bi-monthly. I correctly used both terms in a sentence. I should get an A+ for this lesson.
Oh StepChicka, you DO get an
Oh StepChicka, you DO get an A+! LOL (For the record, it took me FOREVER to get this straight in my head, even when I was helping do payroll years back! haha!)
In this state it does not
In this state it does not matter how much the custodial parents make. Although it should, why is it fair for the custodial to keep all their $$ and the non-custodial parent pay up. Don't get me wrong, I think CS should be paid, but In reality it does not take as much as she is getting to support them when she is getting her own pay check. Also pays the Medical and 1/2 of uncovered expenses. Its just a really messed up system. If she is getting her CS every week, why take our Refund! cause in reality it may appear he owes, but really does not cause of the messed up system, why should she get a check every week when he only gets paid every other week.
Sorry, just pissed off right now, so I feel like I hate the world. She is a single BM that really does not care about anybody but herself.
I wonder if she got a man it would be better? lol
That's flippin' insane
That's flippin' insane Stepma. I guess that's what happens when we're living in a bailout nation. One big I-Owe-U from the IRS. Grrrrr....
Oh, that scares me because
Oh, that scares me because DH's court stuff shows he's always in arrears 110.00 (not sure how they came up with that number), when in fact he's overpaid...aholes they are...and sometimes it is higher at the begining of the month and middle of the month for a few days until they receive CS because idiots make it "due" the day DH gets paid, when of course, it takes them a few days to receive it from the employer...freaking amazing...
So when we lived in the US, every freaking check my DH deposited into his bank account was always delayed because it always showed he was behind...
I am really sick of this crap...it's on his credit report because BM lied, even though we later proved he didn't owe anything...I have no freaking idea how the heck we will now get a house...we basically lost ours because could not continue the payments after she messed up his credit, interest rates on credit cards through the roof for her lying to the courts, etc...and now, how can we possibly ever get a loan after all this? I hate this woman with a passion...someday I will tell her off...as soon as CS is over DH knows that I plan on sending his daughter all the papers of what that witch has done to us so that she can then keep her mouth shut when she decides to bad mouth us...
We go through a lot of crap
We go through a lot of crap w/ DH's pay and BM's greediness. She had the cojonas to call him last week saying he was in arrears, because it was MARCH and she hadn't received the other 1/2 of her Feb Payment.
What's funny is the official DCSE website didn't show DH was in arrears! Said he was current. On the 2nd (the day after she called DH) the other half of February's CS was posted.
The DCSE is GOING to get their money--CS is automatically taken out. WHY it takes as long as it does to be deducted from DH's paycheck and for DCSE to credit it is beyond me (sometimes it can take 7 days!)...with electronic fund transfers nowadays, it should happen the same exact day it comes out of DH's paycheck.
So she thinks DH should make up the difference when she doesn't get all her money in that month. DH has absolutely NO control over how long it takes for the funds to be disbursed to her. She seems to think he should call someone up and bitch them out coz SHE's not getting her $$ ASAP.
She drives me batty with each phone call he gets from her. I can't even imagine how batty it drives HIM!
~*~It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye; then it's a game: Find the eye.~*~
I worked for child support,
I worked for child support, and I'll tell you everything ad I mean EVERYTHING with acception to entering new cs orders is 6 months to 2 years behind. There just isnt enough workers to keep up with all the info going in with changed and adjustements and orders for excecution such as the tax and property leans etc. So everyhting could very well be on its way to corrections, and literally take 2 years to correct. Its a mess. One office never knows what the other is doing and offices are never all updated at the same time. Good luck to you. I feel for all on both sides. I've talked to the loosers who dont want to pay for their kids, the men who do and get screwed with the messed up system and the mothers who are effected as well. IT trully is a mess.
Loving Wife to my hubby, Mother and friend to our darlings.
We have my SD 50% of the
We have my SD 50% of the time & BM still gets CS because she is the custodial parent (they have joint custody) It's a really f*d up system!!!!
There are some people who
There are some people who want this government to take over health care.
So just as a silly question
So just as a silly question - it seems like this is a big issue for most couples on here so would it not be easier (yes, perhaps a little less beneficial financially) to just file separately from your spouse to begin with?
Since my SO will need to send a copy of his tax returns to BM every year we have discussed once married either filing separately or 'blacking out' everything except for his income (realize this won't help the 'taking of the refund', but we don't want her to know how much I make or how much interest we may be paying on a house, or other itemized deductions, etc)...
Any thoughts?
Yeah, once BM filed for WIC,
Yeah, once BM filed for WIC, Food Stamps, Welfare, etc - the state required my SO to have his CS withheld from his paycheck. And they assessed him an arrearage at first that took him two months to straighten out and had to send in cancelled checks and all (love the system...) and now the state says he is late every paycheck since it is technically due the day we are paid, however the company evidently doesn't deposit it with the state for a day or two...Really...so that's SO's fault? And we are talking a world wide, publicly held company...not a mom and pop shop..
But I am so glad it's now going to the state since they withhold any money they spend on the kids 'medicaid' payments since SO provides health insurance and 78% of medical costs...:P
If we had filed married
If we had filed married separate . then he would have owed lots, We did not owe as much for Federal going joint. and She only got one week worth of state anyway.... but still it just sucks that they filed with the IRS for one week, knowing he gets paid bi-weekly....
I need to know how to fix this, I may make a few phone calls this needs to stop, or the BM needs to get a CS check Bi-weekly like my DH does... Duh..... Why does she get it weekly?
OH... I am getting mad all over again. Really I just want to punch this woman in the face....
Are you required to provide
Are you required to provide her with a copy of the tax return specifically or with an income statement? if it's an income statement then he could get away with taking a copy of his w2 and giving that to her instead.
In the divorce papers it
In the divorce papers it says "tax return" so...however, he claims he's not going to give it to her unless she asks, but I kind of wonder if that's not just begging for trouble...
I went back and looked at
I went back and looked at his decree it says.... weekly amount$$ based on a weekly pay of $$ to be paid each Monday.
Problem is he is paid bi weekly and it never falls on a Monday, usually Wednesday I think. That is why he appears to look behind all the time. My husband has copies of ALL pay stubs since this started, showing what they take out each pay period.
The child support office reads weekly so that is why she gets paid weekly. Yep, going to work on getting that changed too. Thanks for making a good point.
beaaccountable - calling CS
beaaccountable - calling CS and asking for a supervisor is POINTLESS, the will get a floor walker "suprvisor" witch is someone whos worked there for at least 6 monts and is raandonly chosen from the other Customer service reps (thre is a huge flor of them, anywhere from 50-70) every friday for the following week. They choose 5 "floor supervisors" who get off the phone time to be the "supervisor". I worked for the cs helpine and thats where all cs calls go now
Best bet..go to court have a judge place ANYTHING you want or need in writing and court orderd..its the only way to get something corrected n CS as close to immediatly as you can get.
Loving Wife to my hubby, Mother and friend to our darlings.
I agree, my DH and I went to
I agree, my DH and I went to the CS office a while back when we found out this was going to happen but was unsure if they would do it, anyway, we met with the manager she was very nice and understood our problem, its the rest of the crew that work in the office about 8 of them that are stupid and are clueless, when you call they treat you like a dead beat even though my DH pays each and every time. I guess they are used to the ones that don't pay calling.....
We plan to go to court and I am going to discuss this with DH to bring up when we meet with the attorney.
I think my DH has a hard time with this, he never asks the right questions, sure wish I was with him while he was going through the divorce, I would have pointed out so much that was wrong with the decree that is why I am demanding we have it changed all that can be. I think the ex and her attorney made all that crap up and my DH just really did not know what he was entitled to.
Sounds just like me! If I
Sounds just like me!
If I could have been in that room when the divorce/parenting plan was ironed out...I so could have made life easier on all of us!
I really think that guys sometimes just don't think like women and don't see the pitfalls of certain things...
Of course, I struggle now with keeping that to myself since there have been a number of times when I blurted out "what were y'all thinking??? This is just stupid "
Then he gets down and depressed and says "I just thought I was doing good at the time and tried to make it so that I could see the kids as much as possible, and since she seemed to have the upper hand I took what I could"...SAD..SAD..
I know I catch myself
I know I catch myself saying, why did you agree to that, why did you not do this or that, he gets so upset, not at me, but it makes him feel bad. I really could have made a difference.
He just did not have anyone to help him, his attorney was crappy, and his ex had all her divorced friends telling her how to screw him over. So now its pay back time.... We are going to ask for custody change, and everything under the sun.... I know they won't change custody, but it will freak her out that he is asking for it, and it will be the unknown until court day. I really think this woman needs to be put in her place. Its not her fault about the IRS but a lot of other things are. And she is big time PAS. My DH is not allowed discuss parenting she thinks he does not have the right cause he is not the custodial parent..... Wait til the judge get a hold of her. We have a judge here that does not like woman that are given custody and behave that way.....
The recipient pays the taxes
The recipient pays the taxes on the alimony the payer pays the taxes on CS. Just the way it goes. basically the assumption is the person paying CS would be spending that money on the child if the child lived full time in their home. That money that would be spent on the child would be money AFTER taxes so the payer must pay the taxes on the CS.
Of you could be in my shoes
Of you could be in my shoes when we had SS full-time his BM paid exactly $130 a month for the last year and before that she was paying $50 a month.
Also can't you have the removal of child support changed? Prior to having SS full-time we were getting child support taken out weekly but when DH went to a job that paid once a month we had our lawyer draw up new paperwork that stated that we'd pay only once a month at the end of the month
You must have had the same
You must have had the same idiot family court judge that we had. BioDad paid $120.00/Mo for two years then $135.00/Mo for 9yrs before we were able to get CS raised to $750.00/Mo. BioDad shit a brick when he got the result of that court order. He actually ran from a process server and did not show up for the hearing. When they started income withholding he filed for an ammendment and got CS lowered to $380.00/Mo plus the arrearage going back to the original summons date that he ran away from. He paid $550.00/Mo in CS and arrearage for more than two years before he got the past due balance paid off.
I wish that judges were required to render their decisions with the Skids standing in front of the bench. If a dipshit in a black robe had to tell a kid "I rule that you are only worth $120.00/Mo and that is all I am going to make your NCP pay to support you" they might rule more rationally.
IMHO of course.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
Don't you love how they
Don't you love how they think that $120/month is enough to support a child. Heck he eats more than that in a week
Our BM can't hold down a job and is living on state aid just to keep from having to pay out a dime to support her own child. You'd think after years of milking the state that they'd finally tell her to get a job but of course not she just keeps poping out kids and getting more state aid.
They do have to claim it,
They do have to claim it, at least in california they do.
I don't understand why you are getting dinged in your refund though, it doesn't make any sense.
Because she gets a CS check
Because she gets a CS check every week, my DH gets paid bi-weekly, which means, he is always behind a week, and they report that to the IRS and it came out of our state refund. It is totally stupid, seeing the CS office office is aware of how my DH is paid. That's our system for ya, however in my post I did a update, I called the Clearinghouse where the money goes before its sent out to the CP and they said we would have to have a judge change it, which should not be a problem, cause not all CP are paid weekly, some monthly and some every two weeks.
If I was your DH I would
If I was your DH I would have the the state initiate payroll withholding of CS. That way he would never be behind and BM would have nothing to bitch about.
If I was in a situation where I had to pay CS I would also slightly under withhold on taxes so I always would owe a small amount of taxes to both the Fed and state on April 15th. If you get no refund, they can't take your money.
IMHO of course.
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)