i feel like we are being stalked by bm!
alright, perhaps i am overreacting a little to call this stalking, but honestly, i feel like im being stalked by ss's bm. well, not me, us. she calls and asks where we are, what are we doing, what will we be doing later (that day, that week, this month) and it is not so that she can work out a visit with ss (she didnt want a visitation schedule), she just wants to know. in four months, she has seen ss once for ten minutes and talked to him once on the phone but she calls and acts like shes going to talk to him and then just asks personal questions until dh hangs up or gets her off the phone. now shes talking about moving from the city she lives in (an hour away) to an apartment complex literally a five minute drive from our house and i am freaking out. this is not what i signed up for. when dh and i started dating two years ago, she was not in the picture, with her kid or us. now that we are married and ss is living with us... she is a constant. i day dream about running away to Hawaii if the chick actually follows through with this.
i would not put up with
i would not put up with this. if she has no visitation rights with ss i would change all phone numbers she has access to and if the calls persist i'd press charges for harassment and get a restraining order so she could not move five minutes away from your home. that is ridiculolus and you shouldn't have to move away just to get peace from this woman. have your dh have a conversation with her and let her know that she is not to contact him or you unless it is expressly to do with ss and nothing else. have him set the boundaries and if he's not willing to do that then you have a whole other problem on your hands. i feel for you, i'd be going crazy in this situation. good luck.
Holy cow! I can not
Holy cow! I can not imagine. She is obviously very emotionally immature. I know what you mean when you say you did not sign up for this... boy do I know. Maybe she is all talk and will lose interest in the game and move on to something else! Good luck.