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I feel sick...

bubbles92399's picture

I feel sick. I thought my husband had finally come to his senses and now I'm questioning it. SD and BM have caused soooo much trouble for us that it's unbelievable. In my previous posting I told you guys how they were taking us back to court because SD says that she is abused because she sleeps on the couch during her visitation. The abuse allegations are directed at me (she states several other ridiculous things too). My husband said that he is sick of her crap (they took us to court over ridiculous lies last year too) and that he's just going to drag the court thing out so that his ex has to pay her attorney a ton of money. My husband also requested that SD go to counseling which the court granted. The mediator told my husband that is sounds like his daughter is extremely jealous of me. So anyways I told my husband that under no circumstance is she to be around me or my children until we see the results of the counseling and she truly realizes what she has done. He agreed. SD's ultimate goal is to break my husband and I up and to have him all to herself. She hates me because she can't manipulate him when I'm around. So anyways, the other day BM filed more papers asking for permission to move out of state after the school year finishes. I say let her go, it wouldn't make that much of a difference anyways. SD doesn't want to exercise her visitation anyways. Now my husband is upset and said that maybe he should pick her up this weekend and they should spend the weekend at his mother's (3 hours away) so that he can "figure out what's going on in her head". I think it's pretty obvious what's going on in her head! I think that this is just playing into their stupid game. She would love nothing more than for him to pick her up and they could be by themselves so that she could manipulate him! This has been her whole goal! She was upset last year because he brought me to his sister's baby shower! She said I thought that you were coming by yourself! It seems like I only have one friend that understands because she has gone through this too.

sarahbernheart's picture

A father and his daughter are a tough thing. I am very lucky that my FSD likes me, she is a good kid, she has issues that most teenage girls have but she is not bad. I am afraid that if she did not like me my FH would be caught in the middle. My FH has guilty dad syndrome and he wallows in that constantly. It is frustrating because it is not a good way or healthy way to raise kids. Maybe that is your DH problem? He seems to realize that his BD is wrong but is afraid she will end up not loving him??
Dont settle for second best, kids should be important but not all important!