I can't take my husbands ex and how he allows her to manipulate our life. Please Help
My Husband and I have been married for 2 years. I have a 6 year old from a prevois relationship and he has a 12 and 8. we also have a 1 year old . As soon as we got married she has been doing things that I feel are intentionally to mess with our plans. We took a two day honeymoon and took all the kids on a vaction when we got to the house she had sent her daughter to day care on a boat trip even though he mother had agreed to watch her until we got there, this delayed our vaction by 6 hours. Then some how she knew I was pregnant my husband claims he didnt tell her and she took it apoun her self to my step son who told mutial friends. When the Baby was born she agreed tp let my Dad pick up the kids to bring them to see the baby asap the hospital was out of town. She backed out the day of and brought the kids in the afternoon after taking my step daugheter to get her hair cut. Things have not gotton much better, my husband and I also have other problems. I feel like this is more than i bargained for and I want out. My sd is suppoused to come over this week, we got a list of all the things she "needs" do this week. Did I mention we are sharing a car because my husband refuses to get his truck fixed.
A list of things she needs to
A list of things she needs to do? Please. Send it right back at the end of the week. Your house - your rules!
We had to do the same thing
We had to do the same thing Echo suggested. Our BM lives in her own time zone. If she says she'll bring them over at "x" time, it's usually "x" plus 4-6 hours. One time I missed Christmas with my family because she was supposed to bring them to our house at noon, and showed up at 6pm (no, she wouldn't answer her phone or anything). I told my DH NEVER AGAIN will I miss something because of her freak-of-nature habits and personality.
So, we tell her we're leaving for vacation on Saturday, please have them ready to go at 1pm. She never does, but secretly we've planned to leave on Sunday instead. That way, we have the kids the night before we go.