I can't support his two boys part time on just my income
working two part two part time Jobs as I can't find anything full time.. BF got fired from his job a month ago.. Hasn't found any work yet. We still get his boys 50% of the time and he still has child support to pay his well off x wife.. He's 30 days behind and I'm sure the court will be ordering a bench warrant soon.
I'm not paying for his kids.. I'm already supporting them and feeding them when they are here.. It's pretty pathetic his boys walk around with more cash in their pockets than we do... Neither has a job as money bag mamma still pays them an allowance...
They never offer to buy a pizza.. Never offer anything.. 17 and soon to be 16..they think stuff falls from the trees for them.
I can't take it anymore.. I have no interest in ANYTHING including sex because I am so resentful and stressed most of the time that he keeps letting his x wife call the shots.. And gives into her..
He feels I need to stop worrying and just forget about all of it for awhile so we can have sex...
Right... I can't afford a freaking stick of butter but his boys can come over with all their money and toys and act like princes...
Nope.. Sorry no one is getting laid in this house...
I'm tired, stressed and hopeless... He just doesn't get it.
But sex to him will make it all better.. Of course.