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I am so mad!!

valerie10411's picture

My bf and I have been together for A little for three years and he has a 3.5 yr old. From the beginning he has asked me to help him raise his son (he's only with us every other weekend and only for maybe a year and a half now). Well for awhile it was okay and if I said something he would reinforce it. Now it seems we have different views on parenting and he always undermines me. I know that it is his son so I don't butt in too much but every once in awhile he just let's him get away with too much so I will say something. Today we went to visit my bfs relatives and his son started throwing rocks!! Well my bfs sister stepped in and lectured him and then SHE started picking up the rocks so I said no, he needs to do it. She agreed and we both asked him to pick them up in front of my bf. When his son wouldn't do anything he started picking them up and I said excuse me I just asked him to do that back me up. And he just responded I dont have time for this! So I said ok, dont ask me to help you anymore or go anywhere with you tomorrow. we're leaving, now. So here we are on the 1.5 HR drive back. I am so mad! He just asked me not to let his son or younger cousin fall asleep and I said no, I won't be saying anything to them anymore. You can't pick and choose when it's ok. I am so mad. Have any of you delt with this? What did you do?