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I am full of ?'s today!! Input please!!

hbell0428's picture

I have been through so much crap in the past year and a half or so that I just feel sick. My SD14 has caused so much uproar in our home that I feel bitter, angry, hurt, upset....all of it!

First she pinned DH and I against each other; it took him six months to see that! Now she is pinning DH against BD12; he has NEVER treated BD like this. SD did have BD and I argueing a bit more-I put a stop to that! Last night BD said that she feels uncomfortable when SD talks about sex and what she does w/ boys and how she can't wait till Friday night and blah blah blah...I want to confront SD but BD BEGGED me not to because SD will be sooo mean to her and of course DH won't believe that princess would EVER do such a thing!!

It is like a vicious cycle of SD controlling my home; I have stepped outside the box; I don't allow to anger me or fight w/ my family! I spend time w/ my kids (they want to). But DH is so sucked into SD that he is a puppet on a string.
Example: SD who is 14 and has a bust bigger then mine weighs 110; BD 12 who is the size of my pinky; SD swears they wear the same size and wears all BD things and stretches all her clothes. Well, last night BD told SD to stop wearing her crap!! BD ran to daddy screaming that they wear the same size and BD won't let her wear her stuff.....DH started in on BD - saying that they are the same size and SD lets her borrow things (LIE LIE)...blah blah blah; and of course SD walks away with a big fat stupid grin.....

Puppet on a string!!!


hbell0428's picture

I love that definition!! I wish DH would understand that! But he won't! It is just funny that grown men choose to let little girls ruin thier family and run households! I think I may just explode!!
Next time she pisses and moans or talks like a complete slut - I may just tell her to shut the F* up!! I am that close to loosing it. BM won't take her back I guess I am the chosen one to leave..........

hismineandours's picture

I would not allow her to wear your bd's stuff. Tell her that since it is causing so many arguments that each child just needs to wear their own stuff. Period. I know you are disengaged in all of that and I sooo understand why-but you still have got to be an advocate for your dd. It sounds as if SHE needs to disengage but is having a hard time knowing how or being able to. Teach her and help her with that.

If she wants to be a complete slut-then let her-but not while wearing your dd's clothes! And keep your dd away from her as much as possible. I know my kids are close in age with ss and yet they disengaged from him quite some time ago. They have all learned the perfect art of just staying the hell away from him.