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How to share a house after a break up!

Cinders1311's picture

So, I really don't have the energy to go into everything that's led me to this point right now. I feel I have been used; not necessarily on purpose but used nonetheless as a housewife and have ended up burnt out in every sense of the word. I have 2x young children 3 and 7 and my sort of ex has 4 daughters 8, 13, 14 and 17 oh and a witch of a BM too. 

I have made the decision that me and my 2 will be better off on our own. I'm tired of trying to correct behaviour in his kids; by his own volition he tries to shut them out by playing on his phone. So if their own father won't parent them then why tf should I!? But if I didn't try to, then it's like I'm saying it's OK for my children to turn out the same way with how young they are and how much of an influence his kids are on them. They have no respect for each other, the people around them, the house, their belongings or indeed, themselves! Their hygiene has been vile to live with and over time my house no longer feels a home for me. So I'm moving closer to my family again so I get their support and a fresh start.

But how am I suppose to stay sane living here until I can find somewhere. I'm not exactly an ideal applicant for private rented because I'm unfit for work, single mum and have a dog. I have managed to get into the council housing to bid and have been banded B which is high priority but that could still take months to be offered a property as they're in such demand. My mental health is in tatters and even though I've spoken to my sort of ex and he knows I'm moving; it's like everything is stagnant. Nothing is changing, he's planning what he will do with extra space etc and he agrees that it's what's beat for me. So we are good friends basically but it doesn't make living here any easier and I have anger internally toward him because a part of our problems has been his inability or unwillingness to address issues with the kids or with BM. He's happy to go to work 6 days a week and doesn't think twice that the kids are all left with me. He tells me to do what I have to do for my 2 but how can I cook tea just for my 2; what sort of a bitch does that make me. Ultimately his kids are still just kids. I resent them and I hate that my 2 have missed out on stuff because of his kids etc. God I could go on forever. Just want to see a light at the end of the tunnel. It's a weird in-between part of my life. Knowing I'm leaving hut not knowing when.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Why can't his teenagers prepare tea or a meal? They are old enough to do so. The 17yo should be able to cook, clean, and babysit the younger siblings. 

Cinders1311's picture

I completely agree with you; the 17yr old should be able to cook, clean and babysit the younger siblings. But she acts like a complete child herself and is not good with kids at all. She went a whole week without showering a couple of months ago, so she can barely look after herself. The second eldest who is 14, is actually more emotionally mature to be looking after her siblings. But none of them think to just help out and their dad doesn't get on to them enough to make them, if I bring that up to him he gets on the defence!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

At the very least, they can heat up cans of soup or make sandwiches and eat with veggie sticks.

ESMOD's picture

3/4 of his children are old enough to watch their younger sibling.  

My only advice would be to be there as little as possible.  If you have family you could stay with.. t hat would be better.. but otherwise.. you will have to divide up the house so to speak.

it has to be chaotic with that many people in a home.. no matter if they are well mannered or not.

Cinders1311's picture

I do feel even though the older 2 of his children are aware I will be moving out; absolutely nothing has changed in regards to their effort or actions towards me/children. Like it is half term at the moment; i have made plans for myself and my 2 children even though his children are with us until Thursday. That means his older kids will have to stay in to look after their younger sister but hes not made them aware of that yet. So it is just assumed that whilst I am still here that I will make their tea, do washing, wash the pots etc etc. I have told him that he needs pretend I'm not there. They are all going to get a big shock when I do eventually move because they're all happy to take me for granted. I can't help feeling a little bad that I haven't included the younger child but I just think, why should I!? If their parents can't be arsed to go out and do things with them then why should I use my time, energy and money to do it for ungrateful kids!?

Harry's picture

Get a check list together.  Add to it as you go along.  Where you are going to live.  Month expenses,  how are you going to cover them.   How much CS will you get ?  He is already paying support on his 4 ?    ......

Cinders1311's picture

Oh yes, I've been on top of this and luckily I can ask my mum for help. I don't have any family or close friends here which is why I'm moving closer to family now. CS, I don't get anything from my daughters dad as he isn't allowed contact with us by order of the court system. And my sons dad pays a measly £30 a month towards him which is through CSA! My partner at the moment has his 4 girls here for majority so he doesn't need to pay their mum anything.