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How often does your skid call NCP?

unluckytwin's picture

Hey everyone. Just curious what the norm is for the skid talking to the NCP. Do they do one daily phone call? More than one? Just one every couple days? None? Is it usually morning, daytime, evening? Is there no pattern at all? Just curious if there's a "norm." Smile

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

SS14 doesn't call. DH is out of sight, out of mind when he's with BM. DH calls him about once a week when he's not with us, but there's no set time or day.

onthefence2's picture

My kids don't call their dad. He will text them and ask them to call. My son sometimes complies; my daughter hardly ever because she is ALWAYS doing something. Of course, this is my fault. Even though I pay for both their phones and they can literally call anytime they want until 10 pm (we homeschool). He wants to call at midnight...or 1 joke. When we were married, he would blame exw1 for his daughter not calling him, and I told him over and HER. Duh. He will get obnoxious about wanting to talk to the kids and then disappear for weeks.

twoviewpoints's picture

I think it needs to depend on what's going on. If a skid is calling the opposite house to whine, tattle and pit one house against the other that it truly needs to have some limits. SGS use to call here when he got angry at his father (SS). That's not ok.

On the otherhand my GS calls his BM or Dad whenever he pleases, but it's just to talk. As HRNYC stated above, yes, if something needs resolved (such as health, school, blah blah) calls might go back and forth several times in one day. DS and exDIL usually let GS do the calling, but if one or the other hasn't heard from GS for a few days they will put in a short 'how you doing kiddo' call in.

I don't believe any child should be able to use the phoning to disrupt households. SM feeding a child oatmeal for breakfast when kid wanted hotcakes is not a reason to call Mommy. Dad sending Junior to his room for an hour is not a reason to hit the cell and whine to Mommy. There is also no reason for a parent to call nonstop all day/evening during the other parent's visitation/parenting time.

So again, it just depending on why and how the calls are being made. Some parents actually have to put calls and the limits, time and duration of the calls into COs. But I think those are the extreme cases where calling and/or contact is denied or abused.

Amber Miller's picture

I know this is off subject but how exciting it must be for your BS to be a prospect for a college football team! Congratulations. You must be so proud of him. Two of my sons play football. I'd be thrilled if they got recruited to play college ball. Good luck to your son.

onthefence2's picture

It never occurred to me that snapchat might actually come in handy for kids to contact their dads when they have crazy bms. I won't let my kids use it, but now I see a legitimate purpose for it. I read texts. If my exh was normal I wouldn't have to. But I found NUMEROUS texts of him pulling psycho crap on my daughter about how he was going to take me to court for custody of them, and him trying to make her tattle on things going on at our house. I have nothing to hide, but I knew he didn't care about getting custody, it was his way of snooping. He didn't even fight supervised visitation when we DID go to court.

onthefence2's picture

Yeah, my son is 12 and I've got to keep an eye on him. He has an older friend who is already doing inappropriate things w/ facetime and snapchat. I'm trying to keep him appropriate and teach him how to handle these things without banning friends. Life was much easier for parents when all they had to worry about were magazines under the mattress! LOL (Oh, and bio-dad is a porn addict and has a daughter21 who has gotten into some sex/online trouble from being unsupervised w/ biodad for a couple of years. So yeah, I have to be super vigilant!)

Disillusioned's picture

DH's daughters are now adults living on their own. While DH's eldest rarely calls, we do talk with YSD every week. We call every weekend for our chat, as she lives out west...

SMof2Girls's picture

My skids don't initiate calls to either parent. DH and BM have agreed to one daily phone call on non-switch days, but it's up to the parent who wants to talk to the skids to call.

DH calls everyday. BM almost never calls when they're with us. We let the skids call BM if they ask to talk to her, but that has only happened one time in the past 3 years.

derb84123's picture

bm is entitled to 15 mins a day with the kids. since they were 4 she has exercised that right. When it got to the point of her calling 12+ times a day on dh's personal phone we got the kids their own phone, but bm refused to pay for it (its supposed to be at her expense) so when the minutes we bought ran out that stopped. (we got them a go phone since they are so little) Now she skypes with them 4 times a week, at the same time every day... they last about 30 mins. The calls are just made up of her other kids screaming or her completely ignoring sks. Lately they dont want to do it, but if she calls and they miss it we get about 12 emails and phone calls of her freaking out. Its amusing when we aren't home how crazy she gets. It is like she expects us to just sit at home all night on the skype nights, like the kids don't have lives and extra-curriculars.

This is one of those battles that we will tackle when ready, we just have a ton of more pressing issues with her going on.

Amber Miller's picture

n my ex and I split, he didnt see or talk to our children for2 years. They were 3,5 and 6 years old. Now they are 16, 14 and 11. He gave up custody when I finally took him to court 2 years ago. He just didn't show up to mediation or our court day. He never requests to see them and on average, per the court sees them 1% a year with no overnight visits. He got zero visitation per the judge. I didn't request that. I want him to see the kids regularly. The boys have told me that they feel ignored and that he has no time for them. They are hurt so they never call him. He doesn't call on holidays or birthdays. He sees them twice a month for 3 hours at a time on a school night. He usually backs out of visiting once a month so he gets them 3 hours a month. I would never deny him visitation. My middle son calls him on his birthday, father's day and on holidays. He tells his brother's to call him and I tell them to call him they won't do it. When my son calls his dad they talk for maybe a couple minutes. My ex complains to me that they aren't capable of having a conversation with him and that they dont say much. Well, duhh; the kids are older now and they dont really have anything to say because the ex didnt maintain a relationship with them. Each kid has their own phone and he never calls. I personally made sure he got their numbers the day they got their phones. It's very sad. He never has them on holidays; ever! His excuse; he needs a day to himself as he needs to rest. What an ass. I guess my husband and I never need a break according to him. We get a 3 hour break once a month if we are lucky. His license is suspended for non payment of child support so now the excuse is that he can't drive. I offered to do all the driving and he then pulls the "I'm tired routine". So, there are no phone calls that happen in our house. Pathetic. Thanks for listening.

christinen's picture

SD5 never asks to call BM and sometimes when BM calls, SD says she doesn't want to talk lol!

We have her Sunday-Thursday and she talks to her mom maybe once all week.

I wouldn't care if she wanted to call her mom, but she just doesn't seem interested.

zerostepdrama's picture

The skids- Only when they need something..... lol

My BS8 rarely calls his Dad. I think a lot of it is the age and he doesnt like to talk on the phone. Sometimes I will ask him "Do you want to call your Dad?" and then he will call him. But my Ex doesn't really call for BS that often either.

EvilWickedSM's picture

SD15 only calls when she wants something and DH hasn't responde to a text. Other than that, she will text on occasion, but usually only when something is needed.

My DD never asks to call her father. He calls about once a week to talk to her. Of course, she doesn't call me either when she's at his house. I make it a point not to call her either when she's with him because I don't want to interfere with her time with him.

derb84123's picture

DH never calls sks when they are with BM, he feels the same way you do! That is her time with the kids, and we shouldn't interrupt their lives. I could not agree more. Putting your life on hold every day for 10-30 minutes (in between work/school) just takes away from any quality time spent.

Calypso1977's picture

my SD13 rarely calls her dad and refuses to respond to his texts claiming "i dont text adults" . When he calls her, sometimes she answers, soemtimes she doesnt, and never returns the calls.