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how do ehlp my bf with ex-wife

punky's picture

As the girl friend and mother of his 3rd child, what can i do to help my NF fight his ex-wife. she is being so unfair with visitation and custody. my BF is a great dad and love his children to death. but because she wants all this child support money she doesnt want to share custody. we know she doesnt want the boys b/c they are never with her when we call on weekend or through the week. they are either at her grandmother or mothers and she doesnt bathe them everyday even on school days, or even feed them... we have picked them up on numerous occasion, when they would tell us that they hadn't eatten all day and theses little boys are onf 5 and 4 years old. my BF want s to be fair and have 50-50 custoday, but she want and then she went and lied to got an epo on him to gain temp custoday leaving him with only four days a month to see his boys.. It breaks my heart to watch him cry when the oldest one calls and tell him he wishes that his dad was there. And to beat it all its all her fault she cheated on him and then he went back to her and she cheated again and he then went a third time and told her if she promises to never cheat he would come back and they would work it all out and she said no. Then she tells the boys that daddy doesnt want to come home. after they had been split up a year i come in the pic and she tells the boys that this is all my fault i am why daddy doesnt want to come home.. and now that me and Bf has had a baby girl she want divorec him - its like she is so jealouse that she wants to control him and tell us what to do. I am the type of person that doesnt what i want ewhen i want and having to ask her to see the boys ticks me off and makes him feel less of a man..
is there anything i can do beside beat the sh**outof her... any advice?

punky's picture

i know its his battle , but he is slaway worried about pleaseing everyone else (just the way he is turned). i dont want to talk to her and we dont unless absolutely have to. we have an attorney and they have signed the divorce papers to be divorced b/c i told him i am not staying with a married man baby or no baby. But she told her attorney not to file the papers and i cant figure out why she still wants to be married to him, after he begging me to get him to sign the papers. he called her attorney and told them to file a motion for a court date for the judge to sign the divorce papers, but still nothing is done.. he has an attorney from WV so he isnt involed with the buddy buddy system of the attornies around here - and according to his attorney they where to be divorced after the first of the year.

i just dont like having to "lay down" and not being able to protect him... I know he is his own man and doesnt ask me for help. maybe i just need to relax.

punky's picture

i am not big on meds, i never had to take any. but alot has changed since i got pregnant and had this baby. i guess i a scared and threatened for no reason. we only knew each othe 3-4 months when i found out i was pregnant with his child. we did have much of us time and my hormones changed everything for me. he tells me he has never felt a love ofr anyone else like he does for me and he hates his ex-wife. So why dont he want things done and over with so it just go and pick up the boys and drop them off.. and there nothing she can say or do.... i just want to be happy family with out her and thats impossable i guess.