How to approach the disney dad regarding dumping the spawns toys that are left cluttering up my house.
Just been down to the basement to fold the laundry clean up the area etc...when I noticed them damn toys of my skids. They are everywhere....
Now these are like 8 and 10 year old toys...and these horrible skids - who now live with their horrible mother bm bc Im the biggest bitch in the world - are 17 and 14 young men.
It annoys me that their toys are here and I have asked them to go through them as we are about to move house and DH and I dont believe they want them all....I said take what you want to your mothers and Ill chuck the rest...but oh no....I cant suggest anything without it being taken the wrong way...The little shits went around telling everyone that I was about to through out all their stuff....WTF....Well that was nearly a year ago we asked; and the toys are still here....
Anyway my question is....
The subject of getting rid of junk seems to be a touchy one around here with DH and his spawns,....heaven forbid the little sick puppies toys be got rid any ideas what to do with them....?
I would like to put them on Ebay or craigslist...better still dump them around at some poor less fortunate neighbourhood....but I would be accused of god only knows...
the spawns havnt been around here playing with them for over 6 mths so I get the impression they are just using my house for their storage use now....
Am I being a bitch...? I would love to clean up this house and get ALL their things out of here as they are cluttering up most of the house. But surely I should be able to at least rid the place of unwanted toys?
You are not being a bitch. I
You are not being a bitch. I was faced with the same challenge as GG (biodad I live with) had "sentimental issues" with their crap at my house.
Start out small. Start donating little by little the smaller toys first. Keep going.
If you get questioned say "don't you remember? SS took that to his MOM's house!"
"Don't you remember? SS broke that toy several years ago."
You are being used as
You are being used as storage. Shoot I even did that to my mother. Difference being is that when she just threw the stuff out I had no one to go moan to. I just had to accept it which I did.
You pretty much have three
You pretty much have three options
1. Directly confront Dh, give him a deadline to give skids and bm, to either collect their things, or they will be donated. And face the fall out. Not sure how often the skids come over, but given their ages, this will probably be the easiest if they don't come over a lot.
2. Slowly start getting rid of stuff on the sly and never say anything about it. Do it slowly enough that no one can accuse you of throwing their stuff out, and if questioned just say I have no idea sure your stuff is, not my job to keep track of your toys. (i use this when cleaning out my skids rooms, as they are total packrats and cry if they see you throwing away pieces of a broken happy meal toy.) A toy or two every week or two, and they probably won't notice. And the small garbagey stuff, is just chuck, no one will remember it anyways. You won't be able to get rid of everything like this, but you'll be able to make a dent and wittle it down to a manageable level.
3. Just accept it and do nothing.
I vote for option TWO! I did
I vote for option TWO! I did *ask* if I could sell Prince Hygiene's pedal cart a couple of summers ago when I had my yard sale experiment. GG spent $80 on a pedal cart (apparently this pissed PH off b/c he wanted a "real" motorized ATV and motorbike, so he had a tantrum on the day it was bought) and PH BARELY used it. GG even let him get some spray paint and he gave it a HORRID paint job; so much so that I had to redo the whole damn thing just to sell it on craigslist!!
I do #2 all the time. When SS
I do #2 all the time. When SS goes to his moms house, I go through and get rid of all the little piddley things and brokken items! They have sentimental attachments to everything!
I'm still cleaning up after
I'm still cleaning up after the remnants of PH (SS) who PASed out over 2 years ago over a homecooked meal. The manipulation!!! He actually went back and told the Behemoth's clan that he was just eating "slowly" and mean ol' GG (he uses his dad's first name; another PAS technique) and Auteur practically threw him out of the house for eating slowly!!
This from a kid who would gobble down hot dogs whole without chewing and often gag on them. Training for a career perhaps?
I'm going for three years of PAS out PEACE this September
Hmm, its amazing what gets
}:) }:) Hmm, its amazing what gets "lost" during a move
OOOOOOHHHH!!!!! YA!!!!! GOOD ONE!!!! }:) Or if they don't pick it up when you move, leave in in a box at the curb!
It's also amazing what gets
It's also amazing what gets eaten by the dog (if you don't have one, a neighbor's then)...
or dirtied up where they left them to the point where they don't want it because there are "questionable" stains on it. (nothing sticks like hair remover wax)...
or "lost" when rearranging the household furniture
Frankly, I'd just get rid of
Frankly, I'd just get rid of it all. If you asked nearly a year ago for them to go through their stuff and they choose not to-well that's their damn fault. If I asked my bio kids to go thru their stuff and get rid of what they wanted and put up the rest and they just let it sit for a year? It would be going in the garbage for sure. Obviously if your skids wanted those things they'd do something with them other than play with them every 6 months (what 14 and 17 year olds play with toys anyway?)
I guess you could pack it all up-drive it over to bm's and dump it on her doorstep as an option as well.
Hell no you are not being a
Hell no you are not being a bitch!!! I get rid of things all the time! Old things Goodwill or donate to someone, broken things go to trash. If he leaves his video games, movies, or DVD player on the floor (told not to a million times) it goes to the "trash" (not really, I have them put away, but he hasn't even realized they are gone (he did mention to his cousin 1 time that he didn't know where they were, but dropped it). And if he really does want to keep something old, unused etc.... he is told that he can take it to his moms house! I am tired of his nasty smelling, dirty ass room! YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO GET RID OF THEIR STUFF! Call them or leave a message that you are cleaning up the house and getting rid of all old things and if they want their stuff, it will be in boxes for them to pick up on (this date) and if not picked up by then, it will be donated. You are right!!!!
you know one time the cancer
you know one time the cancer counsel called they were asking for old toys clothes stuff like i gathered up as much as I could...boxed it all and put it out the front I think the little spawn pricks must have been facebook creeping on me or something cos somehow, they found out I was throwing stuff out and called their disney dad and he came home from work in a bad mood and grabbed about 4 boxes of the junk ... mummbling some crap about 'golden childs favourite star wars trilogy books' then sneaking them into the garage.. and he didnt hide them too I found them again a few days later...(damn it felt good using these books to light the fire the other day....yeah they light up really well.....)
anyway he took them away....
he also snuck back in a few old dvd's, video's, photo albums etc....I spat on the tapes of these....might rub the dogs poo in the rest...
so guys I think this time Ill be smarter.....throw it all somewhere and not say a thing to anyone....
Im sick of their crap...they NEVER Come here anymore...and they dont deserve me minding or looking after anything of theres