He's HE is mad because I go upstairs to watch TV when boys are hogging the big TV with videogames??!!
Ok.. I make myself scarce when the boys are here.. They walk in the door and instantly hook up their game boxes to the tv. From the second they get out of bed until they go to bed the living room TV is taken while they are here. So I go out.. I keep busy with appointments or watch my TV or movies on my laptop in the bedroom or porch. I don't interact much at all except for dinner. I thought I made the rules clear that they don't have the privilege of taking over the big TV the entire time they are here.. But dad let's them. Then he gets pissed at me because I leave the house a lot or hang out alone in the house.. Would he like me to sit and watch his babies play video games all day? I get pissed because I get no couch TV time when they are here so I leave. They have a TV in their room but refuse to use it.... Unbelievable. I can't wait until they go home. I have a long weekend off and spend it out of the house or on my porch..
Walk into your living room.
Walk into your living room. Pick up the remote, CHANGE the channel to what YOU want to watch, plop down and enjoy.
STOP letting the kids break the rule of no games in the living room. They "refuse" to use the tv in their room? Guess they dont play. When faced with those two options... they will use it.
I definitely would have done
I definitely would have done this!!!
DH has one adult SD that everytime she comes over and turns off the TV (no matter who's watching it) and then goes towards my computer to do the same.
MAJOR BLOWUP - DH didn't have the balls to tell her that I pay for the cable bill and leave my TV alone - so I did! No regrets now I just make sure I turn on gross/horror or love movies when her and her kids comes over.
This just simply would not be
This just simply would not be happening in my house.
If you made a rule, enforce it. Have that chat with your BF and tell him that he needs to back you in enforcing that rule. This is your home, you should not feel banished from your own living room.
As soon as they even bring the games into the living room to hook up, just tell them no, you were going to watch TV. Stand firm.
No. If Daddy is going to
No. If Daddy is going to allow his kids to be couch potatoes instead of parenting them then it isn't done at your expense. The kids go in the cave (bedroom) and you have the house to use as you see fit. Children do not dominate the landscape.
The problem is your husband of course and you handle him by becoming the biggest and loudest bitch on the block until you've regained control of your own home.
There was one time where I
There was one time where I turned my stereo on LOUD. They got the message loud and clear; they went either outside or left. Either way I had my house back!
I hear you on this. I'm
I hear you on this. I'm newly engaged and living with my fiancé and his two boys. He has them Fri-Monday right now and when they are there i feel like I'm banished to the bedroom because it's the first and only thing they like to do. I even helped get them both some bikes (used) to encourage healthy exercise and get them outside but no dice. He has done better with giving them a two hour time limit but with two boys that's 4 hours a day after school and a chunk of the day on weekends . Anyway, I told him that when we get our place together there will either be a den in addition to the living room that they can use or they will be using it in their bedroom. It's ridiculous for sure.
I'd figure out a way to break
I'd figure out a way to break that sh*t so you can watch tv but they can't hook up their crap to it anymore. My dh is so tech dumb, he'd never figure out how to fix it and I'd be doing an 8 hour evil laugh from the kitchen!