Here's an article that concerns stepmoms, anybody read this?
Strange tale of a family falling apart
It says in part, "Though Dr. Yaw initiated the punishments, police determined Ms. Starceski knew about them and didn't intervene and was therefore responsible."
Dr. Yaw is the father, Ms. Starceski, their step-mom. It's pretty sad actually but shows that step-moms can't just stand by and let things happens.
Wow. That is all I can say.
Wow. That is all I can say.
That is the one of the strangest stories I have ever heard. I can't believe that it actually went that far.
Reminds me of the Glass Castle
These parents don't have anything on Jeannette Walls parents!
But they'll have enough on theirs to write an interesting memoir one day.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
This is bad but I am not sure it is abuse? and I don't see what the SM could do, other than tell him she thinks it is wrong. I almost hate to see them go back home!
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin