Help a stepdad who has never got a present, card ,pictures taken with except twice once when my wife and was married they where made to by my mother in law. And once with her family group picture. They dont talk to me .hi ,bye ,conversation unless I say something first every thing is short when we all lived under the.same roof. still have one 24 year old at home 2nd youngest of her 4 .I have never said anything or did anything to them or there mom mean or abusive .I have never even called my wife a bad name ,cheated on or threatened her with them around or not.i dont talk about there dad in front of them.he cant say the same he has threatened to kill many times over the years and talks bad about me always to them.i have never been the creepy step dad .I always wear a t shirt .lock my bathroom door and bedroom when changing. Never walked in there rooms unannounced or knock first ..I'm heart broken and lost .another Christmas nothing not even marry Christmas. They take there mom out every birthday ,movies shopping. They wont do anything with me unless there mom is with 19 years of this .I have talked to my wife about it .she always acts like what? I didnt notice or I dont know what to do. her family when I have asked for help. Give them time they will come around ..I have told her if my sons treated her like her young adult was kids treat me they know I would be mad they hug her and tell her they love her and talk to her.please help!!
Damaged stepdad's blog
Go to couples counselling
I'm so sorry you have gone through this. Can you go to counselling? Can you and your wife go to marriage counselling?
You sound like a decent man. You don't deserve this. However you are not the first step parent to be treated like this.