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Health insurance.???

SummerMomma719's picture

DH has sd on our health insurance plan. BM mailed us a bill from the doctors an appointment sd had. Is DH responsible to pay?

SummerMomma719's picture

It's addressed to BM to HER home address. She put it in an envelope and mailed it to my DH

SMof2Girls's picture

If there is no agreement in place, I don't see how she could obligate your DH to pay the bill. However, if it were to go to court, they tend to rule that medical costs are 50/50.

Mail it back to her and let her handle it. If she wants to take it to court, so be it.

SummerMomma719's picture

50/50 so she should pay. He pays for her insurance coverage. And if sd needs prescription DH also buys that too an drops it off at BM house