GAL report not go to parents? WTF???????
Does GAL report not go to parents,? Report came in but BF is trying to get copy. His attorney said he can read in his office but can’t show to anyone or make copies, supposedly I’m in it alot don’t I get to see it?
all shady about it "You can come into the office to read it (Him, not me) but you can't make copies or show anyone...I need to know if she makes false accusations about me so I feel I have right to see it!
Spoke to attorney. The copy is for attorneys. So he will review with attorney and they will strategize on next moves. Kinda think that's BS, but whatever!!!!
The report has been impounded. He can read with attorney and take notes. I contacted a social worker I know who said that sometimes happens. He is meeting with attorney later today to go over it. Attorney said GAL "fried" BM. I asked him if my name/place of employment was redacted and he said he didn't think to ask. Huh????? Unbelievable.....can't make this s#}¥ up!
I read email from attorney that he could not get copy on his own.
The court
From what I gather
However, if she went batshit crazy so severely that the court feels compelled to protect her, my forecast is that the outcome will be heavily in favor of your DH.
What circumstances would they protect her? I'm new to this so forgive me but I don't understand....
Maybe extreme mental illness? Not sure if HIPPA applies.
But maybe?
Okay, I'm not an attorney,
Okay, I'm not an attorney, but here is my best guess.
The GAL represents the child, so there can't be favoritism toward one of the parents. There's a certain privilege between the child and the GAL. The child should feel safe confiding in the GAL without fear of retaliation. GALs are appointed in HC situations, and their first duty is to serve and protect the child.
If the GAL thinks one of the parents might go off the deep end, especially over something the child said, he may not want to divulge that. Which means neither parent gets to see the report.
I'm sure you are rightfully pissed to be mentioned in the report, but the context is likely from the GAL's stance that BM is psychotic with regards to you. She made accusations, which he dutifully addressed, and they reflected poorly on her.
As far as I know, our GAL never made an official written report, but he did testify in court, and Satan lost custody. She went even more nuts and tried to take action against him, the therapist, the school, and DH. She took her venom out on Killjoy because of a few slips Killjoy made, and a few photos of us having fun together. For the following two years she made constant false accusations of abuse. Everyone had a real fear that she would kill Killjoy.
for the clarification, it makes much sense to me now. SS told GAL that BM told him he was never to speak to dad again but would not say why (BM told court SS refused a relationship with dad because he knew I was a wh+re, he was afraid of me and hated me)...She told court that I WAS THE REASON SS STOPPED SEEING BF......And yes, everyone believes that BM will go off the deep end!
If he can't get a copy to
If he can't get a copy to bring home, have him take pictures with phone of the important violations to you.
Thanks for the insight
He was told he can take notes, but can't make copies or take photos of the report.
I think you have me
confused with another poster, BM never got reports from our therapy sessions thank God!!!
That is what happened to us.
That is what happened to us. We were not allowed to have a copy or read certain lines of it so as not to hurt the parent child relationship. The judge decided who could see what in our case.
The disparity can be infuriating.
In our case, almost two decades ago, both parties were "required" to provide comprehensive information on homes, cars, investments, account balances, etc, etc, etc..... We submitted it all, though fairly heavily redacted. They showed up with three pieces of paper which were the SpermIdiot’s last three pay stubs.
In addition to multiple thousands of pages of documents we also submitted video of him receiving under the table payments for off the books jobs he was doing with his employers customers, interestingly unbeknownst to his employer, etc, etc, etc.. They ended up having to comment on all of that and their lack of compliance to provide the subpoenaed information that they did not provide. But... never had to actually provide it.
The DA asked my DW to provide the information. She went all CPA on their asses and provided very complete and damning information.
The toxically manipulative opposition side of the blended family equation never seems to be held to the same standards and requirements that the responsible quality side is held to.
Thank you
It makes alot of sense now. SS told the GAL the truth and said he wants a relationship with his dad (Contrary to what BM has been spewing). I won't know much about what else until BF is done with attorney.
BF met with attorney briefly. He will be going over other things today via zoom with the attorney to read more documents.
Both parents could only read what BM said to GAL, what BF said to GAL and GAL’s findings. Neither parent could read what SS told GAL.
GAL stated that BM wants to control BF’s life and is authoritative and “not flexible.” GAL recommended more time with dad, keep therapy (he believes if therapy is not continued, SS will revert back to resisting dad), SS told GAL (as well as judge) that he resisted dad because his mom told him he was never to talk/see dad again but would not tell him why, told him “BECAUSE I SAID SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I haven’t heard that line in years).
There is more to come as they have to go over some more documents. I will keep you posted!
I hope so too! They haven't
I hope so too! They haven't gone over what she said about me yet, and what GAL thinks about it, this should be interesting!
I was going to say they would impound it
to keep someone from reading it to the child(ren). If they believe that one party would show the report to the child then they would impound it or if they feel that what the child has said would cause retribution by the parent they are to favor and or listen to.
In your case I would believe it is because the court believes that BM would
1. Show the report to SS in order to further her cause
2. Become punative to SS for the opinions he expressed to the GAL.
GAL report was impounded. BF had to read it in a video recorded room and take notes only. Report was court ordered to be shredded once he was done. SS's statements were not available to read. Report had my whole name, where I work, what floor at hospital I am on and where I live (thanks to BM). Not sure if impounded bc of SS, my personal info or both. Good news GAL report stated that I am not detrimental to SS and ge has NO issues with me.
And the word GAL used for BM was authoritarian