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Full legal custody question

NakedBee00's picture

If BM has "full legal custody" but BD has visitation rights from the court does BM who has full legal custody get to tell BD what he can do on his parenting time? Example if BM does not want 14 yr old to walk home from school during BD's parenting time BUT BD allows it will BD get in trouble legally? Or if BD allows 12 yr SS to have a BB gun and BM says no does BD legally have to do what she says since she has full custody?

twoviewpoints's picture

Your SO has 50/50 physically custody if I remeber correctly. If BM has legal custody it means she has sole decision making control of things like education, medical, religion. 

Your SO's 'rights' are more than merely "visitation rights" if he has the kids 50% of the month. Check you CO again. 

Legal custody doesn't mean BM gets 100% control of what goes in in your home (except for the basics considered 'legal'). Example, if BM wanted to put the kids in therapy, and Dad says 'no', pfft, off to therapy the kids can go. 

If the SD may be in some possible danger in walking , dangerous road crossing, registered sex offenders liter the route, bad crime neighborhood blah blah, BM may have good reason to want to block the young teen from walking. How has the child been being transpoted to and from school up until now?

Some states have laws on minors and BB guns. Anywhere from considered soft firearms, to needing permits to penaty to adult if not physically present with minor in possession. Your SO should check the laws i your state and do a call with his lawyerto clarify where Dad would legally fall as to the CO with this.