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The first sign of calming

Missing_Me's picture

Since DH and I talked the other night and decided we are REALLY going to put fourth the effort to make things better, not just better but to make mom happy, so everyone else in our home can be happy.

SD10 was at a friends house last night, hubby had some buddies over playing poker, SD calls home sick, so I go to pick her up, bring her home and she THANKS me for picking her up, I get her in the house and in bed, cell phone in hand in case she needs me and a warm Sprite. She didn't want her dad, she really just wanted me to take care of her, (we have been at odd's for 3 months now, over talking back and being disrespectful) Everything was good this morning, I slept in (wow, it was nice!) SD then sends me a text message saying " I love you, and would really like to spend some time with you, can we do our nails later, or even bake?" I was SHOCKED, but I think the kids are seeing that things are getting back to normal around here. YAY! Tears actually came to my eyes, when her BM comes around and wants to play mommy, we usually end up distant, and it's been that way for a while now. I step back so she doesn't get confused, she is always questioning where her loyalty should lie, I feel so bad for getting so angry with these kids, they go through so much.

So I am going to take care of me for a change today, coming home to get a TON of homework done and then will be vegging out with SD10 and trying to reconnect with her. I am very excited and optimistic, yet still worried about having my heart broke again.

ddakan's picture

There are times when they let you in and you have the chance to have a meaningful relationship. It is nice.