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First post ever and serious WTF moment

Krys1985's picture


This is my first time posting, and I am sorry to report that I am having a WTF moment. My husband and I have been married for quite a few years now and things have never been peaceful with his controlling and narcisstic ex. Well, this week has been the icing on the cake. We learned that his ex is moving into our neighborhood and will be a 2 minute drive away. Our first thought was to move, but no, we were in the neighborhood first. Also, why would give her the satisfaction of us moving. I know that this is a lot to put out there without giving you the full context of how bad things have been with her, but I don't see my therapist for another few weeks and am freaking out. I know that I am probably sounding dramatic, but I promise you that the situation has been bad for years. Question- Why would his married ex decide to move into the same neighborhood as us and practically down the street? Has anyone else had this happen? How did you handle thee situation? I think another important thing to mention is that since my husband and I have been together, she has spread lies about us even though she was the one who cheated with her new husband. We have some friends in the community, but I now feel that we are going to have no space from her. We already see her at all of the kids activities. Please help. 

Thank you in advance. <3 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

I would find this a terrible situation to be in, but there is not much you can do except move. Never, ever let her know it bothers you. Are there young children involved? As far as how to handle it, make sure you know what the custody order says and decide now how flexible you want to be with unexpected "drop-ins."

If you think she might be a problem, get an alarm system, deadbolt locks, and good exterior cameras. So sorry this is happening to you!

Rumplestiltskin's picture

If BM is personality disordered or hellbent on running OP off, OP should expect unexpected drop ins and have a plan in place. 

Winterglow's picture

No trespassing signs to start with and a very clear message to her that she is not welcome on your property.

Also make it  clear to the kids that they are to invite her in under NO circumstances. 

Kes's picture

We used to live a 5 minute drive away from BM - we lived near her for 17 yrs - I think we did our time!  We moved an hour away in 2020 and it was the best thing to put some distance between us and her.  Having said that, if you decide to stay I'd agree with the previous post about good locks, alarms and cameras.  Discourage BM coming around very firmly.  I would do this by checking your door cam and just not opening the door to her.  

Rumplestiltskin's picture

"I know that I am probably sounding dramatic,"

No, we get it. All i've got is sympathy and a suggestion to talk with your DH about how this move will affect communication and the schedule (it will be much easier for the kids to bounce back and forth at BM's whim, i know this because BM here would bring the skids back and forth multiple times per day without asking.) Boundaries must be maintained. 

MorningMia's picture

. . .  his controlling and narcisstic ex

That's all you needed to say for anyone here to understand. 

This happened with a couple I know. The crazy and out-of-control alcoholic ex moved up the road from them. The way they handled the situation was they remained steadfast. Firm boundaries. They did not budge. Of course, it made the crazy ex crazy and, as always, she pushed the boundaries. Eventually, this game did not pay off for the ex, and in about a year's time, SHE moved. 

Keep the focus on YOUR right to a PEACEFUL home at all costs. I hope you and your spouse are on the same page with all of this. Stick around here for support! 

Krys1985's picture

Thank you so much! This has been the most helpful. I need to remember to not show that I am stressed about this. I wouldnt mind it if she did not talk so poorly about us behind our backs. She is just really confrontational in general, and after almost10 years, you would think it would have gotten better. I am not confrontational and just want peace. I hope she just moves after she realizes "we don't care." Thank you so much again!

also sorry if this ended up posting twice.

RockyRoads's picture

This is going to depend a lot on how your DH is?  Is he easily persuaded to do things for the kids? We can see BMs house from ours. Not sure if she did it so she could keep track of my SO or not but it is not a good situation. BM is always asking for him to ride SS everywhere. Her house is not out of the way so it makes it easy for my SO to do it and he is a doormat to them. The kids don't stay anymore but when they did they could forget things and be able to make my SO take them to get it and there were frequent walk ins by the kids grabbing stuff they forgot here. It is not pleasant. If you have a DH with a backbone and boundaries it might be better. 

Krys1985's picture

He doesn't like causing tension so I worry about the boundaries. Thank you for this!

hereiam's picture

This sucks and I feel for you. I have always preferred to have a couple of highways and a river between us and BM. She did move closer to us, once, for a short while, but SD was 18 and married so BM had no valid reason to bother us and my DH had made it clear to her that he wanted nothing to do with her, ever, after SD was emancipated.

Like everyone has already stated, you and your husband need to agree on boundaries and stick to them for dear life.

Yesterdays's picture

This really sucks. At the beginning of our relationship my husbands ex wife lived nearby. She used to pop in when we were gone on vacation until he locked her out.

When the kids got older if there was any sort of disagreement at his place when the kids were acting up  then the kids would run down the street to their moms house to escape from the consequences of their actions... Something to keep a watch for.

How old are the kids? I agree with the others to have strong boundaries, ring doorbell, cameras etc and do not allow her in your house. Do not allow the kids to invite her over either. 

RockyRoads's picture

Yea the kids need to know not to allow her in. We were on vacation and SD18 was 17 was staying and watching the pets. She called us and said that she couldn't find one of the cats. SO said if you are sure she didn't get out don't worry about it.  We saw the ring camera and SD had BM in our house for an hour. I was livid and SO said SD must have been really worried. I didn't care because she was told to not worry about it and should have asked if BM could come in.  He would not confront SD or BM about it. I am still upset about it. BM was digging through my house.  If you are looking for a cat you look everywhere.  I told SO if you can't say anything then SD no longer watches the pets. The next time we went away we got our pet sitter to do it.  My SO is spineless when it comes the BM and kids because he lives in fear and guilt.

Harry's picture

Pick up drop off go as in CO.  No talking. Everything by text,   No dropping over. No babysitter kids before school / after school.  No cutting  her grass fixing her car ect.  Nothing will change. How's it is going now will continue.  Make a line in the. Sand.

Krys1985's picture

Oh he would never help her thankfully. I just worry about her being on our street and asking the kids to come say hi because she's out front... thank you for your thoughts!

Survivingstephell's picture

He will need to remind her that if she thinks she can intrude on his time , he can intrude on hers.  You really have to be resolute with her , the skids and boundaries.  Also don't hesitate to call cops on her for trespassing.  I had to do that because my HCBM thought she could enter my house ( DH at work) because YSS was inside.  The cops set her straight and put her in notice not mess with me.   So don't think you are helpless.  DH wasn't happy with me but it wasn't a reflection on him but a  justified reaction to her behavior.  

Survivingstephell's picture

He will need to remind her that if she thinks she can intrude on his time , he can intrude on hers.  You really have to be resolute with her , the skids and boundaries.  Also don't hesitate to call cops on her for trespassing.  I had to do that because my HCBM thought she could enter my house ( DH at work) because YSS was inside.  The cops set her straight and put her in notice not mess with me.   So don't think you are helpless.  DH wasn't happy with me but it wasn't a reflection on him but a  justified reaction to her behavior.