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Redsonya's picture

DH and BM went to court in September and then November 2011. The judge reduced his support to $894 for TWO kids. DH17 will be 18 and graduating from high school in June. BM was supposed to write up the Findings and Order after Hearing and file them with the court. Earlier in the year we asked her to file a medical agreement with the court while I was still stupid enough to try to provide free medical covereage for the skids. She was already required to file the Findings so we asked her to just attach the medical agreement. BM gave us a huge song and dance about how she didn't want to attach it to the orders she was already filing, she wasn't required to serve DH with the Findings, and it would just be what was agreed to.

So we got a copy stamped by the judge today. BM put the full $894 of support in the line for SS12, and nothing for SD17. I can see where the judge could have missed this and just looked at the total. But there way it stands right now DH will owe $894 for one kid, even after the oldest turns 18. They go back to court next month so I guess we'll just add this to our response and ask that it be clarifed/that support for SD17 be terminated in June, but what a skanky, sneaky bitch. The thing that gets me is that while I was offering to provide free medical insurance for the skids (even for SD17 after she turns 18) and DH is trying to work out an agreement to stay on the home loan with her until SS12 is 18 so they don't get foreclosed on/evicted, BM goes on and on about how she knows we are just trying to screw her and then she BLATENTLY goes out of her way to screw DH.

I guess bringing this up in court is enough to get it fixed, any other suggestions? The paperwork clearly says the support is for two kids.

oneoffour's picture

Maybe the time has come to remove his name from the home loan. After all, there is always a home for SS with you if she is unable to take car eof her son, his father can. Suck it BM!

fruststepmama's picture

Sad that you have to deal with this...

My SS9's BM was a total nightmare with money in the divorce. She drug the divorce settlement out for 6 years, hiring several forensic accountants, trying to find DH's money that didn't exist. She delayed her own remarriage for 2 years so she could continue getting spousal support. She called social services claiming DH was not paying child support (a lie with fabricated evidence) and got his bank accounts frozen for 2 weeks. She and her whole family lied and said that DH was beating his son so that she could try to get custody and more child support.

What makes these BM's just throw their morals out the window? Anger is a powerful thing. I say--FIGHT BACK! And be smart about it. But, don't stoop to their level.