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FH's "Surprise Visit" to BM's house this morning.

DISbelief's picture

Well, as I mentioned yesterday, FH stopped in on BM today to talk to her about the condition of her house, and a few other topics that affect SS.
He says her house was a little cleaner than it was when we were there last week, but still not in any condition to LIVE in. He told her she needs to quit smoking (AT least in front of SS). She needs to clean her house, get a job and stop hangin out with such losers. He went through her house, room by room and told her she is disgusting and there is not reason for her house to be dirty, she hasn't worked in a year, it's not like she doesn't have time.

BM cried, and told FH that he sounds like her Dad (who has been on her case about what a loser she is becoming as well). He just said "well, maybe it's true then if it is coming from more than just ME".

She of course attempted to defend herself, but really there is no defense to being a loser... it is just a fact and she needs to fix it. He told her he was going to give her a little time to get her house cleaned up, and get a job before he takes the next step (we already had this conversation with her back in December). She doesn't know that "a little time" is a week. She needs to at least be working fast food or SOMETHING and have her house clean within a week. We will be going back to check her progress...

Most Evil's picture

I can understand more if she is working 3 jobs or something, but what you are asking is completely reasonable. I hope she gets her (*&# together!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

DISbelief's picture

She has been given 100 "last chances". FH is all talk sometimes. I wish he would actually follow through on some of the things that he threatens. Really, they are for her own good. He is reasonable. i.e.~ I will take SS full time until you are back on your feet, and can support yourself. Things like that. He never threatens that she will never see him again, or anything ugly like that. Just common sense. We will see how serious he is this time. This is the first time he just popped in on her... normally it is a "set meeting" where she has had time to prepare rebuttles and such. He really caught her off gaurd and RAW. She is plain and simply LAZY, and there is no two ways about that. Just like her mom, who has not worked a day in her life, even when their house was in foreclosure. That was "her husbands fault" for not making enough money. SICK. All I can do is sit back and watch. Doesn't do any good o fight about it anymore.


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )