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Feeling like an unappreciated baby sitter by bio mom

julieholton5's picture

I'm looking for some support and advise on what I should do. I am a step mom of two and I have no children of my own. I just got married last May and since then I am asked all the time by bio mom to do her favors. She asks me to take them extra days or keep them when they are sick. Now I don't have a problem with helping her but if I ever say no I can't do it literally all hell breaks loose and she talks about how we never help her. I really try to see things from her point of view but I have had enough and I try being nice and explaining and it gets me no where. What do I do? Should I be taking them everytime she asks me to?

ndc's picture

Is she asking you directly or is she asking your husband who is asking you? Is the child minding burden on you, or is your husband there to help?

Frankly, I would do only as many favors as I wanted to do. You don't need to take them every time she asks you do. I would let my husband know that if all hell breaks out when I decline to help out, I'm going to decline all the time so there's no expectations. He should be handling his ex, not you.

julieholton5's picture

She is asking me directly......and he does tell her to stop but she doesn't listen. I do only help when I can or want to but I think she really thinks its my responsibility and I don't have the energy to fight with her. Today she asked if I could watch them Friday because they have off school but the kids are off Monday as well and I had already agreed to that. I told her I could only do one of the days and she freaks out. I told her sorry but I can't help every single time and then she just messages my husband blowing his phone up at work about how I am a bitch.

There is no explaining to her and she is always in the right. I really can't handle it anymore. I want to block her number but then she freaks because she says she needs to be able to get ahold of me because I am alone with the kids sometimes.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

BM never needs to get ahold of you directly. Block her crazy a$$ and make the ocmmunication go through your DH. We've seen tons of ladies on here go through BM becoming completely psycho and basically harassing them with the excuse "I need to contact you!" But she doesn't. When they're with you it's technically DH's time and it's DH's responsibility to keep them safe at that time. So he trusts you to do that and Bm needs to stop nosing in and pushing you to get what she wants. You're not a part of the CO, and she seems to be using you anyways.

SAFjh's picture

Oh geez...of course you shouldn't be doing everything she asks of you nor should you be doing anything that will make you feel used. You're not in a relationship with HER...nor are you even in a relationship with these kids. You're right...she is taking advantage because you're letting her and you are going to have to get an attitude right back if that is what you are getting from her when you say no to anything. In fact if it were me I would no longer speak to her. I would tell the Husband in the picture that you feel unappreciated and that it's time to draw up some boundaries here. So many people on here will say the following and while it can hit a nerve (after you have given so much of yourself to the Skids) it is a fact. You are not their mother. You aren't technically required to give them any of yourself or our time or your resources or your heart. That sound callous I know but seeing as how every situation is need to talk with your partner here about what your role will be and arrive at compromises together. STOP interacting with the bio mom.

julieholton5's picture

Okay, then I think I am going to block her. I did today stick up for myself and say you can't expect me to always help you and I also told her I feel used, but she doesn't seem to get it. My husband doesn't mind if I don't talk to her she just won't listen to him either......its always "their her kids" and "she does everything we do nothing" and its just not true.

julieholton5's picture

Okay, then I think I am going to block her. I did today stick up for myself and say you can't expect me to always help you and I also told her I feel used, but she doesn't seem to get it. My husband doesn't mind if I don't talk to her she just won't listen to him either......its always "their her kids" and "she does everything we do nothing" and its just not true.

SAFjh's picture

LOL yes what notasm3 said!!! And good for you for sticking up for yourself hon. Now speak with your actions and do cut contact with her. You sound like you're and overly kind type of person and believe will have to fight your own nature in order to maintain your sanity and happiness. I'm sorry, for what it's worth, that you are in a tough situation but take charge of it. It will get easier with time if you do.

julieholton5's picture

Thanks I am trying my best and I get told all the time I'm too nice but I am trying to stick to what I say to her.

julieholton5's picture

Okay this is the last message I sent her before I blocked her
You know you are the most selfish person I have ever met you think you are the only person that has to clean and cook and take care of shit you think you are the only person that needs money or has a say you care about your kids but you can't even drive her to free tutoring because she is almost failing math.....its a 10 minute drive for you we don't even live in your school district if you can handle it send her here and we will figure it out.....all you do is take advantage of people

and this is what she wrote back on facebook because I didn't think to block her there

Fuck you, you bipolar bitch! Who the fuck do you think you are?! You know NOTHING about my life and what I have going on, NOTHING! You and THAT PATHETIC SORRY EXCUSE FOR A FATHER are the ones who are selfish ! You guys don't do SHIT for these kids! You help every once in awhile but IM THE ONE DOING ALL THE DRIVING ALL THE TIME FOR THEM! I don't see either of you lazy asses doing it! You have the nerve to tell me if I can't deal with or leave her there ?????????? Who do you think you are ?! Those are MY KIDS! Neither of you have ANY room to talk or try to tell ME how to take care of MY KIDS!!!! She still needs me? Of course she does hey both do and I'm ALWAYS HERE FOr them! Don't you EVER tell me that I'm not! Don't EVER try telling me I'm a bad mother ! Wtf do you think you are?! You are a step mom but refuse to call yourself that bc you "can't handle it" cuz of your mental issues !

I really can't do this anymore......I don't have them call me step mom because she would freak out and she told me in the beginning that I was never gonna be their step mom and I said I just wanted to be their friend.

also she is blocked on facebook now

Twix's picture

Is it just me or do bio mom's just LOVE to type in caps.

Anyways, she's obviously crazy, right move with the blocking.

julieholton5's picture

I feel like it shouldn't be like this.....we are not the children here. I feel like there should be another way that is not blocking her but that doesn't seem to be the case.

SAFjh's picture

That's ugly. I didn't realize it was that bad. :jawdrop: Keep that crazy ass message in case you ever need to prove what a lunatic she is. Just out of curiosity would having custody of these kids be OK with you if it ever came to something like that? What about having zero custody at that? I always envisioned in my own situation that it might have been nice to only have my Skids %50 or less of the time but then again their father was a POS and it was probably for the best that he wasn't in any of our lives.

SAFjh's picture

Their clearly is not going to be another way girl. That message is absolutely psychotic. No dealings with her will ever be healthy for you and you have to start looking out for YOURSELF first!!! Not the kids and not the husband. YOU!!!

julieholton5's picture

I would help raise them full time with my husband if it came to that......I would also be okay with not having them at all. Just because it is like this every time you tell her no. She does drop them off and pick them up but that is because she wants to bring them as early as possible on Friday and pick them up as late as possible on Sunday. We have never been to court and we are in the process now but I don't know what to expect.

Cara1128's picture

My DH just filed for visitation.
We spent about 4 hours at the pro se office fillimg out paperwork. The forms require the birth certificate and additional info which includes BM adress for 5 ys her full name and borthday. They cost 154 dollars.

We were told that the forms take 3 wks
And then a notice is sent to both parents with a court scheduled mediation meeting.the meeting costs 200 and is split between the parents.(100 each). It was more like a week and we got the notice monday. Mediation mtg. Is March 5th.(so in abt a month.

During the mediation DH and BM and a court appointed mediator will discus ss visitation schedule so prepare what DH and you desiire as far as weekends holudays and days of importance.

If BM cannot agree then the court will decide to put court visitation into place.

This is visitation only(not custody)and specific to state(Im in ohio)

julieholton5's picture


Tiger7's picture

Wow - she doesn't seem too stable. I would ignore her completely. Everyone is right with their advice - its up to DH to handle her. Other than his custody visitation, you shouldn't babysit them yourself. In time, she might start to appreciate what you did for her in the past but if not, her loss.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

She's taking advantage of you plain and simple.

She doesn't respect you or see you as anything more than a pawn for her use.

julieholton5's picture

Yeah I know I don't get any respect.......I really feel like I am in a helpless situation.

Cara1128's picture

Yup ...blocked! Good for you!(i hope you saved all your messages to have proof in case she decides to escalate this into a physical thing! Like her lazy ass would drive lol)
Why is it that BMs think SMs owe them things.(rhetorical all SMs know why)

julieholton5's picture

Yeah its like you are being punished for what they did. And because they don't like him anymore or maybe because he doesn't like them anymore it has to be a freak out.
yeah i kept all messages

SAFjh's picture

Well she is disgusting for thinking you owe her anything. What does your DH think about all of this?

julieholton5's picture

He is fed up with her and is fine with what I said to her. I don't call her names and she complains all the time about help...... I know I passive aggressively said stuff in that message but she just comes back bitchy because she has nothing real to say. He knows all this and doesn't know what to do either. That's why sometimes it easier to always tell her yes cause it is the only time she is nice. You can never be truthful with her because she takes it to this crazy place that you weren't even going.

julieholton5's picture

They don't even have any kind of court agreement......we just pay her money and take them...I know that is stupid but we don't have money for a lawyer but he called one today. We might take our taxes and just do it.

SAFjh's picture

It's not stupid girl. It just is what it is. It's probably always best to try things civilly first without the courts until the need arises. What kind of custody agreement does your DH want?

julieholton5's picture

I think he wants to go for full custody.....I don't know if he will get it she doesn't do anything "wrong". She blames everything on the fact that we don't help her. Bottom line I think he wants something legal so he knows he will get to see his kids and she can't say you don't pay or do enough because it will be a court thing.

ndc's picture

Were your DH and the BM married? I ask because when my SO and his ex divorced they were required to have a parenting plan and there was a CO for custody (no CS because they're 50/50). But I guess if there was no divorce and no one filed for custody those things might not be in place. I think you would be wise to have an arrangement formalized, and then stick to it. Let your husband deal with the psycho.

julieholton5's picture

I understand what you are saying but that last message was following tons of messages from her bothering me for saying no to watching them on friday. I had to stand up for myself. I never called her crazy names. That was uncalled for.

julieholton5's picture

I am gonna to keep her blocked and move on. Everyone is right it’s not my responsibility

Llilac1's picture

I was in your boat. I had to tell her to stop. That my husband wanted and needed to be the point of contact for anything concerning his kids. She is asking you because she knows you are more likely to bend to her will.

Llilac1's picture

Never mind! Looks like you took care of it already! Lol

I did it in a different way because no matter what bm and I need to get along as well as possible for my skid. But when I had this convo with her she was pretty angry with me for a week. She got over it and is now going through my dh.

Acratopotes's picture

THis is easy, I gathered you blocked BM..... keep it that way.

Now make it very clear, if DH is not around her children will not be with you, tell DH, you are his wife not a baby sitter and you will no longer babysit for him or BM.

RST's picture

Such good advice, this is what I did thanks to the suggestions here. I made it clear that if BM had a problem with me why would she want me to look after her precious child, it took a few times of backing this up but SD doesn't visit if my SO isn't around. If it causes issues on the child care front...not my child not my problem.

julieholton5's picture

I have been looking stuff up about what the definition of a step mom is or what rights or responsibilities we have and it’s kinda funny we have none. All we are are married to the father. It makes me feel a lot better actually because I always have it thrown around I don’t do anything......well turns out I’m not supposed to. That’s kind of freeing to me.

still learning's picture

The children already have two parents who are supposed to take care of them. You're dad's wife not the unpaid nanny.

MoominMama's picture

' he does tell her to stop but she doesn't listen'

This is because you have made the mistake of saying yes in the first place. You are not their mother. You married a man, not his kids or ex wife. You have no responsibility towards them apart from what YOU decide to do from goodwill. That's it.

The problem with a lot of BM's is that they seem to have the idea that you MUST do for their kids, cook, clean, babysit, drive them to places etc. Once you start it will never stop. They just assume that you live with the father so you are there to be used. Stop it now or you will end up resenting the kids themselves. Only do the occasional favours but never shen SHE asks. Block her from contacting you. She should be contacting her ex to arrange child care etc. You did not give birth to them.

Our BM did this too.. I got comments like 'well, Moomin is there...' 'Moomin can drive them' then it went to 'Moomin should do this/that and she should not do this/that and by the way if she doesnt do it the way I do then I will come over and tell her how I expect it done.

Big tyre screeching to a halt noises... no no no. Stop it now or you will forever be her bitch.

** On reading further replies I see that you don't have a court agreement about visitation etc. I would suggest you play it cleverly until this is in place. Be hard to get hold of. Do not text or email, nothing in writing that you can't have them or be there when she drops them off. Leave it all to your DH. After this is settled then go fully to leaving their care to BM and your DH. Just don't give her anything to use against you.

momjeans's picture

Ghost the living daylights out of that loon of a BM.

Keep her blocked on all of your social media accounts. Keep all her phone numbers blocked, too.

You owe her nothing. Nothing.

hereiam's picture

It's not your responsibility to help her or do her any favors.

Good Lord, stop communicating with her and let your husband deal with his loon of an ex.

I've been with my husband for 21 years and can count on one hand how many times I've spoken to his ex-wife.

I watched my SD for a couple of hours (ONCE) when DH had to work. That was a favor to HIM (it was on his visitation time), not BM.

Back yourself up out of this mess, you are not the nanny.

julieholton5's picture

Thanks everyone for all the advise. It helps to know that I am not alone and that what I have been thinking the whole time(that it’s not my problem) is true. She is still blocked and I have not talked to her and do not plan to. It’s so hard because bio moms say over and over you are not the parent but sometimes their actions suggest the expect you to act like one. It is very confusing. But distance from this will help and my husband is taking some steps to have a more official agreement with her and maybe this will help. Again thank you everyone has been so helpful.

Rags's picture

It is good that  your DH is pursuing a more structured Custody/Visitation/Support agreement.  That will make your lives easier though BM will likely not agree on that.

Oh well.


Take care of you.

stepmominhiding's picture

Um, nobody owes her any favors. If stop Amy and all favors all together.  At least for a while, so that she realizes you owe her nothing

Rags's picture

Based on her behaviors you certainly shouldn't.

No is a perfectly valid answer to her requests and you need to practice that most powerful sentence.

The beauty of favors for BM is that they are entirely on your terms.  So set and enforce  your terms and make sure to say NO just to keep her tuned to reality.

Most of all....  have fun with it. Diablo