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Feeling, mad, sad, hurt, disgusted and just plain pist off!!

hbell0428's picture

Long story short - SD14 lives w/ us and has 4 for 2 long hard years. She has put us through hell and back (sneaking out, lying, stealing, boys boys and more boys)......During this time I pretty much bit my toungue and let DH deal w/ it after I realized my opinions and concerns were dismissed.
Well last night BD12 (whos has learning disabilities and takes meds for her severe OCD) - got screamed at by DH for her 3 failing subjects. Now while I do not condone failing grades; I do not see what the point of YELLING is.......I took her aside and explained that this was unexecptable and that she would be grounded until grades came up along w/ no cell phone and computer and e-mailed her teachers to see what we needed to do..This seemed to be fair to me. But the whole time DH (whom is not her real dad but she has been raised this way) is giving her dirty looks and almost clenching his fists at her?? And tells me that he is sick of this sh** and he is DONE? I could not believe it; the whole time SD did her crap to our family and almost broke us up - he didn't say that ONE time??
I am just so mad; why can't he see how diff he treats them?
Another example is BD is NOT alound to put her makeup upstairs w/ me to get ready because DH doesn't want her up there because it's OUR space. But Princess SD is aloud to walk right past me, up the steps and right in OUR room to wake daddy up to take her to school!!! REALLY????? I am just so made and hope I am making sense right now but really - I am just seeing RED!!

hismineandours's picture

I know exactly how you feel. My ss can use drugs, smoke, fail classes, be rude and mouthy and dh might tell him to "stop it". Not even an angry stop it, but more of a wheedling-"you really need to stop it ss-thinks would be so much better for you if you would". But if its one of my bios, that have also been raised as dh's, so much as farts they get in BIG trouble. For example, my ds12 had a "tone" in his voice the other night. My dh was basically accusing him of doing something and ds denied it once and then dh asked again and ss got a "tone" to him when he denied it again. Dh raised his voice and said, "Who do you think you are talking to?". Ok. Whatever. It's not like my ds12 went off on him, cursed him, etc but I agree his tone was not pleasing-so fine I am ok with dh reprimanding him-until I think of ss. My ds12 is making all a's-all his grades over 95% for goodness sakes-he cleans his room, he doesnt drink, do drugs, do anything really except be an annoying 12 year old boy at times. I have told my dh I feel like he makes a bigger issue out of piddly stuff that the kids here do, but will hardly blink an eye when ss does something major like gets suspended from school.

Dh really has no expectations of ss-he expects him to do poorly it seems so there is no real disappointment when he does. He also does not like to discipline ss-he says it is because he doesnt live here full time but he didnt do it when he did live here full time-I think it is just because he knows it wont work. Why give a consequence when you know you will get a fit and it will be ineffective? I guess is he thinking. Maybe your dh has just given up on his dd as well

mama_althea's picture

Aw, hbelle and hmd, that is so unfair.

My SO doesn't discipline or yell at my kids...but he does make all kinds of excuses for SD's behavior (behavior that I won't tolerate from my kids, by the way). Um, excuse me? Yes, your child is a Child of Divorce. Guess what- so are mine! And so are a lot of kids out there in the world!

Maybe I will try to find some statistics as to how many kids out there are children of divorce so we can whip out the facts, as needed, to help point out that their own Children of Divorce are not so unique.

(notice how my kids and other kids are just children of divorce, but these skids in question are Children of Divorce?)

hbell0428's picture

Ya, it is sad; because I know if I EVER dared to talk like that to SD.........OMG - crap would hit the fan!! I would probably be homeless............

Disneyfan's picture

What would happen if you stood up to him and demand he stop treating the kids differently? Or that you each handle your own kid.

hbell0428's picture

I have done this and I have examples of how he does this; but he just shrugs them off - like they are stupid or he doesn't fav...he'll throw stuff in my face!! It really gets me mad

hismineandours's picture

Yes, I have been accused of being "abusive" or "mean" to ss all based on ss's feelings toward me. Not due to any actual behavior on my part that anyone has witnessed-but just based on the fact that ss doesnt like me. I used to discipline him as I did my own kids when younger-but havent disciplined him at all in the last 4 years other than to send him to his room a couple of times when he was screaming at me and my dh was not there.

So you can bet your booties, I dont talk harshly to ss. Ever. I dont think it is fair-but one thing I will say is that my children will be better people than ss will ever be. My dh disciplines, reprimands them, and confronts disrespect from them. They know and are expected to have proper behavior. SS is not held to that standard so that is what he delivers. i think he will have quite a miserable life as he will not be able to function in a relationship, job, etc

CalgonTakeMeAway's picture

As I was reading this post and the replies with similar situations, this thought was running through my head...and I am NOT making excuses for your SO/DHs as I believe everybody needs to have a backbone with kids...that being said, I'm wondering if these men are just feeling impotent with their own kids. Some are afraid they won't be allowed to see them, some are guilty, some are just plain lazy, but in some cases, the kids are just rotten and nothing works with them. Men are fixers and it must frustrate them that they cannot fix their relationships, kids, etc. Do they channel that frustration to their skids, whom they CAN "fix" because they're otherwise good kids? Do your kids get the brunt of their frustration about his own kids?

Just some thoughts running through my head. My brain likes to try and make sense of things. I'm a need to find answers why kind of person. Again, I do not condone the behavior of these men. They need to step up and discipline or send the kids to boot camp or something, but I can kind of understand them too (unless they fall into the lazy category).

I hope this made sense and you could follow my train of thought. Many times it derails!! Blum 3

mama_althea's picture

Yes, Calgon has a point. My SO has basically said his kids are a lost cause and mine have potential. I'm not in the same discipline boat, fortunately, but SO does chime in there to my kids with advice about doing right or encouraging them in endeavors that he doesn't with his own kids.

I think SO just kind of throws his hands up in the air with skids. Therefore I come here and bitch about how unpleasant SD is. I don't know what I would do if I had to face the extra element of SO treating my kids unfairly. Maybe family therapy?

Even though SO doesn't over-discipline my kids, they still do see that SD gets away with stuff that they don't. I'm trying with the "you'll be a better person" thing, but that wears thin after awhile.

I guess hbelle and hmd can at least have the (marginal) satisfaction of being on the high road. And their bio-kids will look back on it that way as well someday...

hbell0428's picture

Yes, I never looked at it like this.....DH does feel bad because her BM doesn't care about her, or call her! He knows I am a good MOM and he is angry that I am not hers (he has said he wishes I was) maybe that IS the reason or at least some of it....hmmmmmmmmmmm


HadEnoughx5's picture

I agree with Calgon. My husband was very different with SD12 and set higher expectations with my bio kids and his sons. He would accept unbelievable behavior from SD12 and she walked all over him.I think he did that because he was trying to keep a relationship going with SD12 and was fearful of losing her. I did not accept being disrespected, which caused our home to explode. Between BM teaching PAS to SD and me not accepting the behavior, caused so much conflict that BF kicked her out of the house. is much more peaceful with out her. Except now BM is trying to work her frigg'in magic on number 2 and 3.

Like I said BM's make you wanna :sick:

ExtremeTJ's picture

When it comes to disaplining I think my BF is all over it. He doesn't want his daughter to end up like her mother. When I first came into the picture it was driving me nuts that his daughter (2) would drink from anyones cups, grab everything and anything. But I understood its been just the 2 of them so really didn't matter. But I kindly explained that she needs to start learning that you can't take (which ended up in a couple broken possessions of my sons) things that were not hers. Just manners especially when going into other peoples houses. And drinking from cups, thats how bugs spread, which I ended up getting sick after her drinking from my glass, which worked in a good way cause made him realize.

We've decided that because we're a family that we would work as team for desissions with the kids. By backing eachother and talking about concequinces/disiplining and such in private. My BF grew up with the tough love parents and I grew up with the not so much, but still was disiplined. We level each other out. If anything he's pretty strict with his daughter and I've sometimes said to maybe take it down a notch she's only 2.

I really think nipping things in the ass right off the getco rather then stewing hoping it changes is much easier on the nerves and brain then trying "deal" with whats going on. We obviously have the final say with each our kids, but I believe if can work together to accomplish the same outcome, each party will feel better that there apart of the situation rather then sitting on the sidelines not being able to put there input in. Just a thought.

hbell0428's picture

Ya this!! I feel the same way and would hope DH would see it that way Too!!

He doesn't want his daughter to end up like her mother.