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Dodging BM - this will be fun!

Redsonya's picture

So in my last post I let you know that BM is trying to serve DH with contempt paperwork for a variety of RIDICULOUS reasons, including back child support when he was paying her 75% of his income and she proooooomised never to go after him if he was short on the agreed amount. I am sure that I'll be mentioned in there too - she let us know that "she'd be adding a few things" since she originally filed in January. And she thinks that the judge can order me to cover the skids under my health insurance policy.

BM left him a message to let her know where he would be next week - she wants to serve him exactly 21 days before the court data so that he can't respond. She honestly thinks that DH is going to drive an hour to her house and let her serve him. In the past, he's been really cool about the whole serving paperwork thing - just took whatever she had to give him when he picked up the kids. But now, the kids haven't wanted to come over and she is after him for total nonsense so he has NO reason to make serving him easy. I am sure she'll serve him eventually, but until then, I am going to help him dodge her. To drive her nuts if nothing else, lol. Here are a few of my ideas:

1. Text her back that she knows where he lives. This will REALLY piss her off, she has an absolute fit anytime she has to drive the hour to our house and HATES coming here because my house is so much nicer than hers.

2. When she gets here, I'll refuse to answer the door one or twice.

3. Then I'll answer the door and tell whoever is with her that he isn't home - I'll do that two or three times.

4. Then I'll tell them that he moved to India.

Any other ideas? I am thinking I can keep this going for a solid month and get her to spend several hundred bucks in gas.

Disneyfan's picture

Why would she even play that game? Can't she just mail the papers or pay a small fee and have the sheriff serve him?

Redsonya's picture

They are contempt of court papers so she can't mail it. It has to be served personally. She is the cheapest person I have ever met - she'll pay a process server or sheriff to serve him as a very last resort. Besides a sheriff is even easier to dodge. I just won't answer the door.

In any case she has to serve him by Monday to keep her May 7 court date. The house has a tentative foreclosure sale date of August. The longer DH can stay out of court, the more likely she is to just sign the agreement on the house, which just states that he will stay on the loan for five years until the youngest is 18 and at that time, she has to refinance in her own name, let DH refinance, or sell it with equal division of profit or loss. She is telling him that there is no way she will give him more rights then he has now. I have no idea what she is talking about since the house is in both of their names, but there you have it. Basically, she wants him to sign the deed over to her so she can modify the loan, have him stay on the loan with her for the next 30 years, and dump the house on him at any tme she wants to. She keeps telling him she doesn't want the house and doesn't plan on staying in it for the next five years. But....she also doesn't want to pay the mortgage or let DH take it over.

Redsonya's picture

Unfortunately the courts care what she wants - although DH has made some big wins at court. If I was taking care of my interests, she'd be forced to work a full time job, we'd cut off spousal support, kick her out of the house if she doesn't make the payments, and rent it out. She hasn't made a payment for 9 months and the judge just keeps saying that times are hard for everyone.