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Disney Daddy's Dream

forever2's picture

I live with a Disney dad, raising a spoiled entitiled brat adolescent. Turns out, Disney dad will be standing in line, until midnight, in the cold, when he has to work early the next day, to be first to buy this new video game for the little monster prince. Disney dad has visions in his head, like sugar plum fairies, of the little ingrate hugging him and kissing him and saying Ohhhhh, dadddddy, you are sooooo wonderful. You are my hero. You are my bestest friend in the whole wide world." This chubby lazy preteen who has no chores, no responsibility, no bedtime, and no interest in anything besides video games, will be the first kid in his school to have the latest and coolest video game. Isn't that just great? Isn't it great to teach a child that everything will be handed to him? Isn't it great to teach a child that no one wants anything in life other to please him? Isn't it great to set him up for a life of disappointment? Isn't it great to let a 12 year old play a game that is Mature Content, for people over 17, when his real emotional age barely approaches 7? Isn't it great to let a child that age witness grotesque violence playing that game 10 hours a day just because he wants to? Isn't it great to sacrifice your job and your sleep for a kid who, maybe just maybe but probably not, may even say thank you because he has learned simply to expect such things? Won't it be great when a month later, Disney dad agonizes over what to get the kid for Christmas, because, whoops, he already bought everything for him the second it came out. Why teach the value of hard work, of patience, of rewards? Isn't it great that we make monthly trips to charity to give away all the toys the little prince never even touched and never even opened over the years? And isn't the best part that Disney dad finds it a terrible inconvenience to do anything with or for me after 11 pm, because he supposedly values his sleep and has to work in the morning? I get my head chewed off when I try to point out what an absurd idea and what absurd values he is teaching that child? Oh, right, this is how parents create the monsters in our society. I am a witness to the kind of bad parenting that creates those people I run into everyday..and do people get like that?

Anon2009's picture

I've read some of your blogs and posts before, and I feel stressed out by this situation by just reading about it. I hope that you will evaluate whether or not you should stay in this situation. Is being with this man worth risking your sanity and happiness?

It doesn't sound like a healthy situation for anyone involved.

forever2's picture

Hi Anon, YES, trust me, I think about it on a daily basis! No, its not worth my sanity and hapiness (what's that?) but I am still in the big wimp phase, aka the I don't want to die alone with 100 cats phase. I read posts like today's "He moved out. Now I'm just numb" with great admiration and envy. Those women will get thru that terrible phase of the breakup, like the withdrawl phase of a bad drug, and then they will remember how wonderful they are and how much they have to live for. I will get there, I know, in time. Thanks for caring.