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Disengagement - update

Eyes Wide Open's picture as some of you know, I disengaged from SD24/Golden Uterus/Easy Bake Baby Oven in August. Christmas was the first time I'd seen her since then, and I completely ignored her and her spawn. However, it was crazy that day and there were a ton of people in DH's sister's house, so it wasn't hard to ignore her.

Yesterday, we had to go to the family birthday celebration at his sister's house. I knew SD24 would be there because one of her spawn has a January birthday, and she would NEVER miss the freebies. She walked in, I just kept talking to the person I was having a conversation with and did not acknowledge her presence. I could tell she was pissed. The only ones "ooing and awing" over her were her grandmother and her father. None of the rest of the family can stand her! I did not speak a word to her the entire evening. She knew it, too. Oh well...if she would get off of her fat a$$ and make an effort to support herself or any of her meal tickets, I could at least work on a little respect for her. But....the way she is now I simply don't have the time of day for her.

Now, here's the clincher.....I asked DH this morning what she gave him for his birthday. He's a November birthday, but due to the holidays, we did Nov/Dec/Jan all at once. He said she told him "she'd owe him". Huh....... She had no problem showing up for the loot for her kid! I know she goes to Walmart every day, she couldn't even get him a card? Bear in mind, she sits at home and collects a check while baby daddy works and makes good money, but supposedly, no one knows where he is to get support from him. They have all of the toys, video games, motorcycles, etc. that money can buy. They want for nothing. As far as turning them in for fraud, it won't do any good. They are slick, and they know how to get out of EVERYTHING. So, anyway, being as she told DH "she'd owe him", I told him to remember what she said when her birthday rolls around in April---he just gave me a stare. I mean, come one....

Lord, forgive me, but she is a symbol of what her generation is and where our country is going. I hate her.....

Eyes Wide Open's picture

Amazingly, yes it has! I had to take back "me" again. DH's adult kids (they were already grown when we met) are not people I would ever want in my life. I would never be friends with either of them. These are not the type of people the general public hangs out with, you know? It had gotten to the point where I felt like DH wanted me to "dumb myself down" to their level. I had tolerated a LOT from his kids that I wouldn't take from my own child or even a friend's child. One day I just decided I wasn't going to put up with them anymore, either. DH isn't happy about it...especially because I don't like the "little princess". But, until he puts a foot up her butt, that's the way it's gonna be.