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DH has no guts

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Yesterday his sister called and asked him if we would watch her son (he's 9). Well she works on sundays and lately has been working sat nites (so she says..i think she is out partying) . Anyway we watch this kid alot of weekends. THe agreement was she would help out getting kids on bus in the am so DH could go to work on time..this hasnt happened yet this school year. ANyway I told him that im sick of it! He has 2 kids that we have 24/7 and we hardly ever get a break. Well he said no..but then and hour later her son callsand asks please can he come over (nice trick) and he buckles. SO now im pissed off. THis morning his sister calls and says (get this) gee i dont know how her son wound up at our house..WTF? She must be on crack. ANyway IM sick of this kind of crap..helping BM and her I could scream.I need a vacation from this.