DH and I FINALLY went No Contact with SD and XW. Waiting for their next attack.
SD loved to use Facebook to indirectly insult her dad and Fathers Day was a perfect opportunity. After she posted a "shout out" to all the "father figures" in her life but not her father I decided I was going to call BS. So I texted her and of course the reaction was dramatic and full of upper-case words (20% misspelled).
A little background. DH and wife #1 adopted her as a newborn but wife died when DD was 5. An emotional mess, he remarried too quickly. Step mom adopted her but when SD became impossible at 14 SM decided she'd had enough and kicked DD out. DD ended up with us but I wasn't taking her crap so she ran off to live with her friends and buddies when almost 18. Cops wouldn't track her down and pull her in. She dropped out of high school, had ditched too much and cared more about getting a tattoo than graduating.
Fast forward to age 21 and not surprisingly had a baby while single and shacking up with her BF and his mom and H in a mobile home.
It used to be SM #1 was satan but she has given SD enough guilt gifts and lets her run their relationship so, for the moment, she's Mommy again and I'm the object of both their hatred. Of course I had thought I was the coolest SM ever. I had bought her clothes, taken her places, signed her up for stuff, included her in events on my side of the family, etc. But the instant any discipline came into play... Uh-uh all of a sudden I sucked.
So the reaction didn't surprise me; I was expecting it. Her MO was predictable. The instant I'd do anything she didn't like she'd start sending her dad abusive texts, demanding that he get "his wife" under control etc. On occasion she'd draw-in XW who is bitter and jealous. So when I heard his phone buzz I picked it up and there was her nastygram. Instead of leaving it, I answered it. I wrote that he was asleep and that she'd have to just deal with me because I wasn't going to let her pull her usual crap. Then (GASP) I blocked her from his phone and I went to sleep too; figuring I could talk to him in the AM before she had a chance to inundate him with drama and lies, putting me on the defensive once again.
That worked pretty well... Until XW started to text him to tell him how evil I am and he didn't tell me even after I asked. It's like,"You know DD will sic XW on you right? Has that happened yet?" No. So I gave him all day to come clean about that and it didn't happen so I confronted him. There were the usual excuses like he was going to but didn't want to deal with it right then etc. Grrr! I absolutely can't tolerate the little secrets. So I kind of wigged out about trust and his DD's MO of "divide and conquer". Plus, as is the MO of the ex, she threatened to draw DH's family in because it was her duty to tell the world exactly how evil I am.
Finally after the dust settled and I was googling around I found this forum and a post by StepAside about the Merry Go Round. I was like, OMG, DH needs to see this. That was it. We were convinced we needed to step off the spinning machine and go No Contact with the whole mess. DD had already unfriended us on Facebook (I'm so sad... NOT) but we also blocked her and the Ex. We blocked them from our phones. We'd had DD on our cell account. He cut that off. No more free phone with data for the princess. He asked my family members to block her and they complied. Now finally... PEACE. For now.
I'm sure the next attack will involve his family in some way. But for now it sure feels good to shield ourselves from that narcissistic little twit.