CS been established for 7 years but now BM wants DH to pay for medical costs??? WTF? isnt that what the CS is for???
So the bitch faced ex slag has filed for more CS....knew she would....
Im totally bored with all this court stuff...yawn yawn...however....can someone let me know what to expect please....?
Court order of 7 years ago specifically says DH pay 200 bucks CS a week....and that DH will be held responsible for medical insurance until that changes to BM
No dates, no changes to CS nothing...its a vague statement yeah but thats just what it says...
So obviously bitch faced BM is after DH for more money in particularly the medical insuarance premiums of which she has been responsible for as its cheaper, for the last 3 or so years....
So do you think CS can be altered to include these premiums?
2nd Question
the spawns are unhealthy fat kids and are always at the doctors/dentists etc....can she expect further money off my DH for out of pocket expenses? She demands this off him all the time....he says no....as I have explained to DH,....your CS is enough...
infact...last time in mediation BM was told she is getting enough CS and unable to get anything further....
ADVICE MOST APPRECIATED GUYS...oh and one more thing....her wage is around 71k whilst my DH is on about 89k
This is what ours states as
This is what ours states as well. CS PLUS insurance PLUS 50% out of pocket costs. We do make sure that we pay our half to the doctor/dentist/etc. directly though and that we get the bill directly from them as well.
They will re-evaluate
They will re-evaluate everything. They use a formula and there is not much you can do about it. DH did start putting SS in Karate to add to what he was paying for and it did help.
Our CO says that they have to split all medical expenses over $100.00. So when it gets over a 100.00 they just send an email and whoever owes wrote a check to the other.
Now, we have just changed it again and thankfully it is easier. DH pays for SS and BM pays for SD. Although DH does cover her for insurance, he no longer has to communicate with BM about any of it.
There is not much fighting involved here, it is a simple formula that they will follow. Both salaries go in and the expenses that you pay for the kids and the cost of the insurance and it will kick out a number.
I suggest if you are paying for any extras you start documenting it so you can add it to the spreadsheet to help your side.
We use MS Money and document every dime that DH spends on his kids. Thankfully our finances are separate so it makes it easier. But, when BM sued us she did have a right to see our combined tax returns and that still irritates the hell out of me. So now, we file separately this year to prevent it again.
You need to get a clearer CO that spells out what he pays for. But, usually medical is above and beyond the CS. It just needs to be spelled out. Have fun with the mediator...The whole process is awful. But, it did feel good when the mediator told her she owed us $5.00 a month...
OH we been down the mediator
OH we been down the mediator bit....she was trying to push visitation with DH alone and that I had to IDK fly to the moon for the weekend? anyway BM was told 'NO WAY'....and she was also told that their was NO WAY she would get any further CS, that what she is getting now is over the amount DH needs to pay...so dont bother taking it back to court....mediator went on to say that 'bm should be grateful for all she gets'
bipolar slag BM has a real personality disorder and so too do the skids....
horrible people the three of them....
Could it be that DH pays extra CS to cover the med insurance...thats why the CO is blasé in the way its written?
I doubt it. It was just
I doubt it. It was just written by ineffective counsel. If nothing else, I would want it modified to reflect that CS is for the medical out of pocket as well.
*fists pumping in the air *
*fists pumping in the air * yes...GREAT IDEA.... that should fix the bitch....
Oh and when they recalculate do they then take into consideration the Fathers new wife and 2 step high school aged kids as an expense?
Im not working atm
No your kids and you are not
No your kids and you are not considered. It is not the first kids problem that new kids exist. That is why it is always best to leave finances separate until all kids are 18. Best legal advice we got when we were doing the pre-nup.
Yeah I have a prick ex like
Yeah I have a prick ex like that.....livin it up in Australia earning cash in the hand wages so that the Child Support Department dont see his real earnings....
But my husband has always been over generous to these 3 leaches....(2 skids and 1 ex slag)
Too generous that I said NO MORE...as he was going into debt for them, just cos he felt guilty, and them leaches played on that state of mind....you would not believe the txt messages and crap that I have seen these pathetic lunatics use...
But the ss14 got braces 6 mths ago and of course the scrag demanded half the cost....I said NO...PAY HER NOTHING...she went to mediation to get it and was told there...NO....HE DONT HAVE TO PAY THAT....so Im wondering wots wot here....
I sort of think some states up the amt of cs and others may lesson it .... in this state they are about to alter CS so that you pay for college too??? its not been approved yet...but its expected
Don't know how it is in your
Don't know how it is in your state, but in Minnesota child support is actually 3 components. 1st is "basic support" (what people typically think of as child support, goes to food, housing, clothes, etc). 2nd is "medical support" (pays for insurance, medical expenses, etc). 3rd is "childcare support" (pays for daycare expenses if the child needs it). Google "child support" and your state and look for an official state website that will lay out how child support is calculated and what it takes to change it.
It may be that the shild support order needs to be changed to reflect changed circumstances.
It is odd that the CO doesn't
It is odd that the CO doesn't mention health insurance or medical costs. I've not seen a situation where that WAS included in the CS amount. As a matter of fact, where I live, it isn't split evenly; it's split according to the percentage that each parent is able to support the child(ren). In other words if my salary is $20,000 and my exh is $100,000, his portion of their support will be much higher than what I am able to support them with. If my portion of their support (determined by incomes, and what the state says should go toward the number of children you have) is 25%, then my responsibility of medical costs is 25%. This is all figured out in the child support worksheet and there isn't much to play with there unless the parent making less wants to work with the other parent and work out a different deal.
After 7 years, laws have probably changed no matter where you live. CS has gone through major changes nationwide and it just depends on your state. Expect him to pay for a portion of medical, at least, and whoever covers them for health insurance, the premiums are usually considered a portion of cs.
It really depends on where
It really depends on where you are. DH pays an exorbitant amount in CS. He is also required to carry insurance on SD, then pay 85% of all out of pocket costs. He was ordered to cover 100% of her braces and everything that goes with. And DH has no say in where SD is taken for medical treatment or when - he's just expected to pay the bill. So, yes, it can certainly happen that your DH will get smacked with it, but then again, our CS is apparently handled in the BM-haven where it's simply a matter of "Oh what,s that? You're a BM? Of COURSE 75% of you ex's paycheck should go straight in your pocket. Sit down dear, we're so Sorry that you're so loony-toons that you can't handle Anything, but keep your child and raise her up to be just as useless and psycho as you. What a horrible man you had! Let's see if we can take him for More money."
I'm a little annoyed still, can you tell?
hahaha....yeah I can
hahaha....yeah I can tell..but its annoying to have that crap thrown at you....not right either IMHO.
Maybe you can take the bitch back into mediation and modify the medical treatment arrangements....sounds to me she shouldnt have 100% decision on where the child goes....I know that looney tunes skank BM here is ALWAYS got them derelict children of hers....spawns of dh...in some head shrink counselling session and our lawyer said she was not allowed to just pick and choose where they go without consulting the father....
I feel that if Im the 'stepmother' then I too need to be advised on what quake and shrink my skids go to....
YEAP....looked up the states
YEAP....looked up the states calculation page...put in various scenarios.....hahahahah....doing the happy dance here...
CS does cover medical.....and the best bit....the bitch BM aint likely to get this court session in place for at least another 6 mths...hahahaha...
and then...the no. 1 golden child will be 4 mths off turning 18
wot a stupid horrible skank she is....
understand I may have miscalculated slightly but what is apparent is the fact she really is going to waste her money with legal fees and get nothing more....
Please learn from our mistake
Please learn from our mistake and make sure that your new CO breaks down the CS due BY SKID.
The reason I say this is because PB got a "review" of CS a few months before SD turned 18. After SD turned 18, she gave her the boot (surprise, surprise). DH let CSE know that SD had turned 18 and was no longer subject to CS.
He was notified that not only could he NOT get a review (unless he hired his own lawyer) because PB had JUST had a review...but the CO was written so that the CS amount in question did not distinguish between ONE skid to support and TWO.
So, PB is laughing and collecting CS for TWO skids, one of which she has already booted out of her house - until the younger skid graduates from HS!!
When we did the calculations
When we did the calculations it was in our favor. BM lost and had to pay all this money to the lawyers and ultimately got no CS. She did get custody of SD, but we had already dropped her off. So she gets nothing. Turns out when SS sued to live with us recently she would have owed us 300 a month. She freaked out and her lawyers had it written up that when SD turned 18 we couldn't ask for CS because then it was $600 a month. DH agreed although the final agreement has not been signed, held up by BM. So the decision is that in 2 years when SD is 18 we are going after her anyway for CS for SS just so we can get back some of the costs of the lawyers she has caused. May cost us thousands to collect the same, but DH doesn't care because it will still cost her more....
Custody agreements aren't
Custody agreements aren't really permanent arrangements, but are usually designed for each family's specific situation. I was told outright by the Attorney General's office that I shouldn't expect the custody agreement to be a set thing, and that my child support, etc... would fluctuate based on my income and what visitation was best for my son's well-being.