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SweetMom's picture

So it's the weekend and the Brat comes tonight lol. Like all weeks prior to her arrival I look on Facebook to see what she has done so I can understand her a little better when she tells us her life history of her past week. I noticed her BM tagged her things so I click to see, being nosey. Maybe I shouldn't have because I'm a little annoyed. I have posted on here in the past at how this woman has copied every damn thing I do. I have even put a stop to her coming to my house and have h meet her because it was getting freaky at how she copies and crosses boundaries. She still finds a way to copy. I mean every damn thing. My h and I took sd11 to this place that's a good distance away. The place had these pirates that were displays where you can put your head in and take a photo. We took photos twice at this place, once with sd11, her half sister, h and I when they both came over to visit. Also another time with sd11, my son, h and I. Anyway, I notice the exact same picture of pirates with the BM head, her new boyfriend, and both girls on Facebook. I'm a little annoyed because the last time we done boat riding then she copied and now this. It's like she is either trying to out do us or clone her life into ours. Those are our memories. Why does she have to copy every damn thing?

Snowflake's picture

If it were me, I would just let sd verbally tell me what went on in the past week, and not look at her Facebook. From what you are saying, it sounds like bm is doing the same crap just to yank your chain. Don't let her.

If you have to look, then I would just think of it as bm is jealous. There really isn't anything you can do about that unfortunately.

Stepmom09's picture

BM just announced she wants the same car I drive in the same color. Yup I feel you on this.

Stepmom09's picture

Lol She says she is going to buy (by buy I mean her husband will buy) a lot of things that never happen. I will believe it when I see it. She has also been looking to move into our neighborhood for 3 years now. I will be amazed if she can afford it.