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Can anyone help me?

Goincrazy40's picture

I am wondering if anyone can share their story - if they have one similar - so I can show it to DH.

My DH has always been a Disney Dad. He has coddled his son in particular. I met him when SS was nine and DH didn't have full custody. Now SS is 14 and DH has primary custody except 10 hours a week. He promised that there would be rules and chores for skids. SD will help if you ask and is generally pleasant. SS is belligerent and defiant and is just getting worse.

I have had a million conversations with DH about how SS needs structure and consequenses for bad behavior. DH agrees with me but can't manage to follow through. As a result, a 14 year old boy is doing whatever he wishes in my home and causing chaos. He is disrespectful if you dare call him out on anything.

There are so many experienced step moms on here... Do you have stories of what has happened to skids who have no rules as they grow up? I'm am truly scared for what is going to happen as my SS gets older. My DH sees nothing wrong with his parenting. He is doing everything out of guilt. He can't seem to listen to me. Maybe some stories of good kids gone bad can open his eyes.

Orange County Ca's picture

Follow the link below. Many people won't believe another person especially a spouse but this book is written by a authority figure. Perhaps he'll believe in it. If it fails to have sufficient impact on him then your battle is lost and since you can't change him you must disengage for your own emotional sake.

If you get to that point come back and ask the question in a new Thread titled "How to disengage" and we'll go into more detail. Meanwhile check out the book and others at but this is the one I recommend after reading the reviews of people who have read it:

Orange County Ca's picture

I see you double posted with the real problem. Forget what I said above the situation is way beyond what a book will help. Follow my advise in your other Thread.