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Calling SDs "Babe" or "Baby"

StepDoormat's picture

So, I have read several posts about this.

Do any of your DHs call their SDs (especially teenage SDs) "Baby" or "Babe".

DH calls me those nicknames... and sometimes in texts he will also call SD13 or SD16 those names. It pisses me off to a level I can't even explain. To the point that I want to flip the F off on him. Don't call someone else MY nicknames!!!! WTF.

Ok... then 1oz of reason kicks in and I remember these are kids. It's not like they're his female co-workers. It still pisses me off though.

Have any of you successfully brought this up to your DH? I *think* if I mentioned it to him, he'd knock it off. But, doesn't that make ME look like the asshole? Jealous, crazy, raging, evil stepmom?

I hate it. I put up with a lot of shit. This is one thing that makes me cringe every single time.

His daughters don't even talk to him. Usually it's when they're TEXTING (the only way they evey communicate) asking for MONEY (of course). He'll respond back with things like "Hey, baby. I will think about it and let you know" or "You're gonna look beautiful at homecoming, babe. I love you".

I know... I'm crazy. And, I'm sure several of you will eagerly point that out. I don't want him calling ME the same things he calls those ungrateful, hateful, spoiled brats though.


Frustr8d1's picture

FINALLY! Finally someone brings up something I gave up on years ago after my Don't Give a Fuck Meter finally ran out! YES, Stepdormat! It used to piss me off to no end when DH would call SD9 the same nickname as me! To make matters worse, one time he was on the phone with frantic BM who was over-reacting (like always) crying sobbing that SD had a stomach ache. DH was trying to calm BM down and said, "Ok, sweetie, listen...take SD to the doctor." I jumped through the roof at that. I raised hell over it and to this day, DH still denies that he ever called BM "sweetie" in my presence. What an ass.

So, with that little piece of history, I can't help but over-react when DH calls SD Babe. I DO bring it up to DH until it stops.

It really is a sore point for me Sad

Starla's picture

My DH just heard me read your post out loud..he replies with "God even I know better than to do that". Okay I'm just going to hand this over to him for he has an opinion here....

Dh of Starla here, you don't use the pet names for your wife with your daughters. This is wisdom that should be passed down from father to son.

StepDoormat's picture

Starla: Does your DH have a clone? He's posted something pro-stepmom before. I think you hit the jackpot with him! Smile's picture

It bothers me when friends on facebook refer to their children as babies, too. Especially when they are not even CLOSE to the "baby" age. But what bothers me my ex bf referring to his SEVEN year old as "a baby" when defending her idiotic behavior, after a year and a half of denying that she acted like a baby/talked like a baby unless he was able to blame her bm for it in that moment. Uggghhhh

bi's picture

my bff gave me shit for referring to bs, who was 2 as a baby. not 20 minutes later, she asked her dh "are you going to pick the baby up from awanas?" meaning her 8 year old daughter. nice. my 2 year old is "NOT a baby", but her 8 year old is. :?

RedWingsFan's picture

Yes, I got DH to stop interchanging nicknames/pet names between SD14 and I a long time ago. He would call me "love" and then turn around and do the same to her. I explained to him that pet names are given to a specific person to mean a specific thing, so they're not interchangable between 2 people.

And it made me feel icky knowing that the person he lays down with every night was being called the same name as his CHILD was. He got it.

He started calling her "babygirl" which I can't STAND, but it's fitting for a spoiled princess like she is. I'm still "love".

TheBrightSide's picture

For the record, I am an EX SM.

2 weeks 2 days and counting. Yay me!

Yes, DH calls SD12 "Babe". He also says to her "Yes Dear" when she is particulary demanding.

Just another thing I will no longer be irritated about.

RedWingsFan's picture

YAY you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you! And so glad you don't have those stupid stepshit issues anymore. Smile

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I call my 10 year old "baby". He's my baby. What is so wrong with that? So now is that indicative to having an inappropriate relationship (LOL).

Why do some women get so caught up in what their SO/spouse calls his children? Do you not realize that the children existed before YOU?

Erin005's picture

Because that would be weird right? I think that is what the poster is objecting to, that her dh uses the same pet name for both her and her sd.

Erin005's picture

Because that would be weird right? I think that is what the poster is objecting to, that her dh uses the same pet name for both her and her sd.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

No, because I don't think calling a grown adult "baby" is normal. That to me is weird.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Baby is an infant or child. No one calls me baby. Calling an adult that reminds me of Dirty Dancing LOL...

javagirl's picture

This makes me feel so much better. I was so annoyed that he and pyshco kept saying "my babies" for a 6 year old and a 12 yeard old. I told him that bothered me and luckily it stopped (of course not on her end). She still freaks out at every little thing "oh please don't let anything happen to my babies during the storm" or when SD12 got good grades "I knew our baby could do it". Gag me seriously.

Jmom's picture

MY DH loves to use "Boo". That's his term of endearment with SD. Come here "Boo" or help me with this "Boo". I cringe everytime I hear it.

bi's picture

that just makes me sick. fdh has never called sd20 anything but her name. the thought of my father or gf or any of my male relatives calling me "babe" or "baby" just makes me ill. it's not appropriate.

my ex used to call me baby all the time. we were fighting one day and we were at his aunt's house. he said "baby?" and when i said "what?" he angrily informed me that he was talking to his aunt, NOT me. uh, ok douchebag. like i'm stupid to assume that you were talking to me when you used the word that you always use when talking to me and that should not be used for anyone else. excuse the hell out of me, sicko.

roxxilu's picture

I cringe when my dh does this too, and he calls ALL his kids baby, sweetie, lovee, etc ... even his sons (8 and 9) ew. He even calls his daughter (11) LOVELIPS. I think its disgusting. And I'll even admit that the way I feel is somewhat childish, but I do feel quite a bit better when dh calls me by the name he ONLY calls me, rather than all the ones he calls his kids.

jumanji's picture

I call both of my kids Babe. They're 18 & nearly 21. Always have. Also sweetheart, darlin', schmoopie, dude, etc. If a SO got peeved for my calling my kids what I have always called them? Then SO is the one with a problem. Not me, not my kids.

So, OP - is this something he has ALWAYS called his daughter? If so? Then it is up to you to get over, IMO.

p.s. One of my kids is male. And I still use those terms of endearment wrt him.