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calling all social media experts

sixteensmom's picture

I've blocked bm, skids, skids friends, bms family, and made my fb and instagrams private and STILL she sees my pics and posts somehow. Wth... does she have a pact with the face book devil? The pa posts on her pinterest with details are just too much. Argh!

sixteensmom's picture

We blocked them all from both our accounts. Neither of us have any friends we don't know personally.most are family who would never speak to them. If I post something, only my friends can see it. I'm dumbfounded

sixteensmom's picture

We blocked them all from both our accounts. Neither of us have any friends we don't know personally.most are family who would never speak to them. If I post something, only my friends can see it. I'm dumbfounded

sixteensmom's picture


Orange County Ca's picture

Change your passwords.

Mutual friend (you think s/he's a friend anyway).

Are you reading her stuff? Stop it.

sixteensmom's picture

We have no mutual friends, blocked the last skid last week.

I look art her pinterest occasionally. Only looked this time bc someone that follows her tested me to ask what was going on bc she is bipolar and schitzo and right something sounded fishy.

Calypso1977's picture

are you or your husband friends with Skids? if so, even if all privacy settings are correct there is no stopping BM from saying "hey susie, show me whats on your dad's/SM's pages".

sixteensmom's picture

All skids are adults and could deff be sucked into that but they're all blocked too.

unwillingparticipant's picture

phantom accounts. I have one w/some random name that isn't even close to my own name. I use it to look up old boyfriends, neighbors, co workers, etc. If you don't know what name I made an account under, you can't block me.
Look carefully at your friends list and delete anyone you don't talk to in real life.

sixteensmom's picture

All of my posts are for friends only. Nothing public. I don't have any fb friends I don't know.

kontan's picture

change your passwords as well...just in case there was some way of figuring it out.

just.his.wife's picture

Go into your facebook settings, delete all devices.

Check and make sure facebook has YOUR cellphone number/ email address as the conact number.

Change settings so anytime new device is used to log into your account facebook text messages you a new code so you can access your fb accout from the device.

Resign in your computer/ cell phone (your normal mode of using facebook)
Sit and wait, if you randomly get a text from facebook with an access number you know she had/has your password somehow.

Click on your keyboard
open task manager

under processes tab see if there is a keylogger running (one way for someone to get your password and you were the one that typed it in)


You can have fun with her.
Make a post that you won $250k in the lottery.
Watch how fast she files for a CS increase/ alimony increase or how fast the skids start calling you up for $$ for stupid shit. When dumb a$$ requests for cash are made, snort and ask them

"What do you think we won the lottery or something?!"

girlmeetsworld714's picture

This is my BM to a T. I haven't seen her facebook in years but she's somehow convinced I "stalk" her (I don't even have fb at all anymore) and tells people she posts bad things about me and SO because she "knows it will get back to us."

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

Profile pics n cover pics are public !!!

It's insane that people stoop to stalk ~ why in the world would you care what I do ??? Simply reason ~ curiosity ~ but didn't curiosity kill the cat !!!

sixteensmom's picture

These pics weren't set as profile pics our covert pics. They didn't comment on fb, she sees things then comments on pinterest where she knows a mutual friend will tell me to look. It's like a train wreck

AllySkoo's picture

Honestly at this point I think I'd delete my account and create a new one. Or even keep the old one (don't use it) and create a new one anyway. Add your friends back to the new account one at a time and see if BM suddenly gets access to your pics when you add someone.

Edited to add: Oh, and I think you mentioned that none of your friends are friends with BM, but maybe one of them is friends with one of the skids? If so, then BM could see your stuff through the skids account. (Although I think you can lock down to "Friends Only" versus "Friends of Friends" - might want to triple check that you don't have that set up on your pictures.)

Drac0's picture

I had a cyber stalker for a while.

The best way to beat them is to simply go off-line for a while. I've done this with FB, and some other blogs. My account is still there but I am just inactive. Eventually the cyber stalker gives up and just moves on to someone else to stalk. It worked like a charm for me.

Drac0's picture

If she hates you that much you can use that to your advantage. As others have mentioned above, you should start making up any BS. She won't be able to get you ot of her head!

Drac0's picture

There you go!

My DW wanted to check out the FB profile of her ex's wife once. I told her not to do that but she did it anyways. Well 'lo and behold, there is a pic in there of her ex and SS sitting in a restaurant smiling. The caption read "My two handsome boys!" Oh good Gawd , that lit a fire in DW. "HOW DARE SHE!? SS is not her boy!!! Bla, bla, bla..." DW was even convinced that the woman posted that on purpose to try and goad DW. I looked at DW and said "NOW you know why I said looking up her profile was a BAD IDEA!!!" Dw hasn't looked at their profiles since.

rahrah2019's picture

BM in my case set up a new account for SS and sent me a friend request. I actually was happy about the request and accepted it right away, without thinking. A few hours later as my DH and I were eating dinner, I asked him if he had received a friend request from SS, as it appeared he had made a new account; he had not. SS was very, very rarely on facebook. I also noticed that none of his cousins or aunts and uncles or even BM herself was a friend. Boy, did I feel stupid for believing it for even those few hours. So "SS" was unfriended. There was never a word said about it from or to anyone.

It somewhat amused me to think she was interested in what I was posting. First of all, at that time, my posts were mostly public. Since that incident, I've changed that so my posts are for friends only. I figured if she couldn't get enough of me with public posts, I'd really drive her nuts with hiding stuff. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? Ha.

Midwest Stepmom's picture

If you google the persons name it will pull up thier Facebook account. Even if that person is blocked. I did this when I wanted to look at BMs account but she blocked me (i know, I know, shame).

Let me explain how she is doing it:

1. She will need to sign out of her account - that way her computer does not associate that it's her
2. Then she can google your name or screen name
3. Pull up your account

As far as her being able to post to your account - no idea. I only got a B in my IT and computer classes.

MEL1297's picture

I leave everything public now, so the miserable BM can see how awesome my life is }:)

But if it bothers you - I agree with the rest. She must have a fake account somehow and able to see anything public or "friends of friends' of yours. And perhaps your page isn't as private as you think? FB profile pics automatically set as public now, so make sure you change the settings. I would just look at all your settings again