BM is soooo mad at me!
After over two years of icy looks and her comments sent through fSD5 and fSD11 of how she feels about me, BM finally had enough and sent me my first nasty text last night (gasp). We just made it through 4 months of court with a signed agreement (yay!) but during that time our lawyer asked fDH when our wedding date was and BM overheard and got furious..face turned red and blotchy and she couldn't complete a sentence except to say how bad the kids were going to feel. We've been engaged for 6 months and the kids were excited when we told them or when the subject came up since. Last week fDH received a text from fSD11 saying how mad she was he was getting married. Hmmmm I wonder who was influencing her. Anyway that just sets the tone why I think BM is hating me more than usual.
So this weekend we allowed fSD11 to have a friend stay over. She is turning 12 this month and is a very responsible 12 year old. I took them to the mall at 10am, gave them $20, and allowed to walk around for an hour together. She checked in with me every 10-15 minutes, I ran into them a few times, I never left the building etc. FDH and I agreed this was okay. Fast forward to when BM found this out....
She starts threatening me about going back to court (not sure on what grounds), how inappropriate it was, how the earrings fSD11 bought were unacceptable, blah blah blah. FDH and I just laughed and didn't respond but here is what I would like to have sent back:
- I'm sorry you just filed bankruptcy and had to move back with your parents, that must be embarrassing. I tried to be civil with you for the last two years and would have welcomed two houses working together to have consistency for the kids, but you are absolutely pyscho and threatened to give me a black eye so you lost the right to have any influence in how we do things at our house. Yes it sucks that we are getting married and he decided not to marry you even though you begged him for the two girls. I didn't even have to get pregnant and that is probably also embarrassing you. Try to pull yourself together please.
Love your repsonse!! You have
Love your repsonse!! You have alot more self control than I do, I would have sent that in a hot sec! Don't let her and her BS get in the way of how you parent the skids when they are in your house. I'm sure there's plenty that she does that your FDH does not know about nor would like.
Some BM's have sad lives that evolve around their exes and kids, these are the ones that are alone and miserable. Don't let her see you stressed as this only encougaes their sad exisitence.
When it became acceptable to have no self respect I dont know but BM's have no shame
BM texted me once telling me
BM texted me once telling me that no matter what, I have to support and respect her as a mother.
I replied with, "I'd be embarrassed to do the things you have done and treat kids the way you do and still call myself a mother. Giving birth does not entitle you to my respect."
I have found that not replying at all is the best, but it's hard to resist sometimes!
I too know all too well how
I too know all too well how tempting it is to want to blast BM with texts in response to the stupid shit she says. Especially when she stoops as low as bringing my BS8 into the mix or ragging on my BF in regards to their kid. It is HARD not to let her have it because I KNOW she would NOT like what I have to say! BUT BF & I choose to take the high road and IGNORE her stupidity because we both know how she is. She just wants attention and is looking for a fight.
The BEST and most CLEAREST message to send these nutjob BM is to IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE them!!! Plain and simple.
HAHAHA! Best text to BM ever!
HAHAHA! Best text to BM ever!