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BM only talks w/ SD

hbell0428's picture

SD15 lives w/ us F.T. BM had been talking things over w/ DH for a short time; but within the last couple of months she has been making plans through SD. Then SD will "inform" us of what they have decided. Of course DH doesn't want to piss princess off so he goes along w/ this. I know when children are younger - it should go through parents......but is thier an age when it's okay to just have the kid deal w/ plans and such on thier own with the other parent.......or never?? Thoughts :?

Kes's picture

DH has never dealt with BM since the SDs were in their teens - he just talks to the SDs. It is slightly different as we are EOW, not F/T. I would think as a courtesy since you have SD full time, things should be run by you before being decided - SD should not just "inform" you what is happening, except if it purely concerns what happens when she is with BM.

Auteur's picture

GG has never dealt with the Behemoth except for maybe 10 seconds in the very early years. They'd get into screaming matches and that was it. So EVERYTHING would go through an eight, six and two year old. There were so many miscommunications, it was un friggin' real.

But hey! That's the way they deal with it! Who cares if SM can never plan anything, has to walk on egg shells and change plans on the drop of a penny. After all, they're "not her kids!" (TM)