Blazing row with DH about SD10! Losing Battle?!!!
Tried to raise issues with DH but he won't understand, blames me for everything and said he will always choose her over me coz she is his blood!
See my previous posts SD10 rejecting me & should I tell DH about SD10 little wife syndrome!
Are you willing to spend the
Are you willing to spend the next 50 years like this? If not why bother? Just pack.
I can't walk out, this is my
I can't walk out, this is my house because I am legal guardian to my brother also aged 15
Well silly pack his stuff up.
Well silly pack his stuff up.
I can't think of a time I
I can't think of a time I have ever been horrible to her. Infact I give up my life at 18 years old to be with her father and have been truley honest and dedicated since!
I understand it's hard for him but I can't get a word in or explain
I don't have my own children
I don't have my own children and prob never will coz of this. If it isn't get better soon we will end up splitting up and I won't be able trust and love anybody else intime to have kids. Lose lose for me I think
Pack his stuff up. Look I
Pack his stuff up. Look I understand how there are situations where he must put his daughter first. Your sister is getting married and you have flight reservations prepaid and non-refundable. His girl is in the hospital.
But EVERY TIME? Of course not. I.e. she spits in your food without consequences?
Now obviously I'm being extreme but for a reason. If he really means it when he says that you are totally powerless in the relationship and have to stand by while he supports his 20 something princess by buying cars and apartments then you really need to get out. I know she's 10 now but it'll get worse not better. Much worse. He's drawn the line, either cross it or toss him.
Move on woman - you're nothing to this guy. Rather move him on I meant.
if choosing to end ur
if choosing to end ur relationship with your spouse vs. ur child (which i think is what's being asked for here?)How many BMs would't choose their children over their spouse? And yet this BF is getting a little chastised for not picking his wife over his child?!?! I have always made it clear to both my DH and my skids that relationships can end but their father will always be their father and if it ever came down to it they come first! I personally would seriously question the character of anyone that didn't put their kids first and definitely wouldn't try and date them. obviously this is not to say you should be a doormat or that your opinions don't matter, just don't give him the "its me or your child ultimatum" and expect to win.
(Before i get killed i realise there are EXTREME situations in which the bio parent would have to make the opposite decision)
i have since had an apology
i have since had an apology for his comment and he now realises the problem we have and is willing to sort it. i have arranged for us to have some family group conferencing which should help us along the way.he even discussed this with his father which i was quiet surprised about. my DH is fearful i might throw him out and is trying to do everything he can not to make it happen.
the first thing toward sorting a probnlem is reconising it.