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Biomom social media - any fellow addicts

papayag's picture

Anyone else feel like they are wasting their lives obsessively checking in on Biomom's social media accounts?  Mine has about 4, dog account, Cricut Etsy store mug shop, wooden planter shop, actual account and then there's stepdad accounts on top of that.

I can't seem to stop checking in and I wish I were learning Italian or something even borderline useful instead. 

Has anyone successfully stopped checking in on this BS? I know it's all showy BS. I also know money that could be going to my daughter or even my SD is instead being splashed around to get likes on these accounts by a couple of grown teenagers and it pisses me off.






Rags's picture

For my parents 50th I was putting together a slide show of their lives. When I Shmoogled them a link to my XW popped up. So... I clicked it. Several layers later my XMIL's conviction and imprisionment for embezzlement unfolded.  Part of that was a lawsuit by her former employer where the entire XIL clan was sued. They settled. After a few calls to former joint friends it turns out that my XW's owed share of the pay back settlement to the business owner was $2Mil.  This was 19 years after our divorce so I was long clear of that polulted geen pool legal fecal storm.

Also uncovered during that click and catch up call fest, XW was on her 3rd marriage, had three all out of wedlock children (I knew about the first two) by two daddies she was cheeting with while married to someone else, and was still not right with her Church. My XILs were not thrilled about that.

While an update might be interesting, it has been ten years since that XW data mining session, I do not have the care or energy to look her up.  As for my SS's spermidiot, I have taken a look at his FB. It is so pathetic that I have not been back in over a year.

My guilty online pleasure is this community.


Sandybeaches's picture

Best never to start because once you do it's hard to stop.  I don't have social media but I have been told pletnty!! Especially when BM writes things about me and sometimes DH..

Try to stop it's a huge waste of your time.  You really do not want to know all you do about BM

SeeYouNever's picture

I check BMs and stepdad's maybe once a month, they have theirs pretty locked up tight. I also check BMs mom and sister who don't have theirs so private. 

I can imagine I would look a lot more if things were public but I'm glad they aren't. I wonder if BM looks at mine?

TrueNorth77's picture

I absolutely hate this woman, but like a moth to a flame, I look at SD's tik-tok comments just to see what idiotic over-the-top thing Crazy has commented, then sometimes click on Crazy's tik-tok page to see what dumb video she made. It's always cringey, but sometimes I think, ugh, her hair actually looks decent, or she doesn't look like a total troll in that one. WHY. I should just block her. lol.