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bedwetting problem or lazy

truebloodfreak's picture

my younger SS8 pees the bed every single night. i don't think that this normal at all. but i guess bm had taken him to doctors and they say it's hormonal and it'll happening naturally. every single.morning he gets up throws his peed on clothes in his room and leaves them there with all the peed on blankets. i leave work before they go to summer school so i can tell him to do it. my SO wont make him do it till later on in the day. what can i do Im tired of my house smelling like pee Im tired of telling my SS the same thing every single.morning first thing when he wakes up.what's more messed up is we have a washing machine in our kitchen. how can i get my SS to clean up after his pee mess every.morning? ?

Zoie's picture

Pullups they make them for all shapes and sizes..put a plastic basket beside his bed and tell
him , you pee you put everyting in here so we know it has to be washed, unless he can reach the wahing machine and put them in there. I know this is going to sound mean but strip his bed, put a plastic sheet to cover the mattress and just put a simple sheet and that's it. Once he learns to get up and go to the bathroom at night then he can have the rest of his bed back..

My questions is why is your SO not dealing with this??? why can he not put that in the washing machine???

No drinking at all after dinner...nothing not even a popsicle until he gets up at night..

Zoie's picture

Sorry I meant no blanket now because it's summer but a sheet of course. My SD has a bedwetting problem as well and that's where I came up with the basket thing and then the problem was solved as I knew if she needed her bed sheets washed.


hismineandours's picture

I have a 13 year old ss that wets nightly. My 9 year old dd still has "accidents" sometimes. My 12 year old son had one the other day and was mortified and actually cried. I wet the bed myself until about 8 or so. So 8 is not incredibly abnormal IMO-although certainly time to be taking some measures. My 9 and 12 year olds both limit caffeine, fluids, make sure they go to the bathroom before bed-so that is why they only have an occassional accident. My 13 year old ss refuses to take any measues because he cant help it, IHO. He didnt ask for it so its not his fault. My two youngest also clean up their mess, shower immediately if they have accidents. My ss will not shower for a week unless you force him to despite wetting himself nightly. He also has to be forced to clean up after himself. I stand over him and make him put the things in the laundry room and make him do the wash himself.

He also has a plastic sheet he is supposed to put on his futon, but typically refuses to put it on. (he will actually put it on while Im standing there and then take it off after I go to bed then put it back on after he pees all over the futon so it looks like its been on all night and he has not wet himself). He has some obvious defiance issues.

I would tell your dh that he needs to take care of it-if he doesnt then you will get the kid up yourself to take care of things when you leave OR you will punish him when you get home-not for wetting, mind you, but for not cleaning up after himself. If he does not agree with this then you can grab juniors bedding and stick it someplace useful like your dh's lunchbox, truck, wherever-so he understands why it is a problem.

truebloodfreak's picture

i tell him to clean after himself on the weekends. by m-f i leave before i see them. SO sleeps in with the baby so he's not awake when they leave. older SS is 13 so they dontneed help getting ready. i just need him to put his peed on stiff into the washer as soon as he gets up instead whenever SO makes him do it. he has a laundry pin that i ask to pit in if he doesn't put it in the washer but this lid doesn't listen. i say the same thing to him every morning for the past 4 years. he is just lazy and a.slob. he knows he supposed to put it in the washer.

doll faced sm's picture

What measures are you taking to correct the problem? In addition to no fluids 2 hours before bed, I also had to wake my DD up in the middle of the night to go. She still has the very occasional accident, but at 8 years old, bed wetting nightly is abnormal unless there is some underlying physical issue.

Disneyfan's picture

Some kids are just bed wetters. He will out grow it. Have husband take him to the doctor he may give him meds for it.