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Anyone ever moved out of state? What happened to visitation?

losingmymind's picture

My DH and I are talking about moving out of state. Right now we have SD EOW. If we move out of state it will be way too far for that as we are wanting to go 9 hours away. We are thinking that we would be granted summers but is there a chance that we wouldn't? Anyone that has gone through this or knows I would really appreciate feedback.

TheSaneOne's picture

reasonable visitation is every six weeks, summer, holidays, and two hour phone time one day a week.

Sita Tara's picture

A good friend of mine fought against flying her then 9 year old once a month out of state, as well as her ex having his daughter all of every holiday break, and half of the summer. Her reasons were that he was a deadbeat dad, not only in CS (and the court ordered SHE pay for the flights as well as her H pay for benefits b/c her ex couldn't maintain a job) but also b/c he rarely took their daughter for his scheduled visitation when they lived in the same county, and canceled at the last minute constantly. Once he moved out of state and got remarried all of a sudden he wanted her again, AND would work the whole time their daughter was out there leaving her with a SM she never had met prior, or her new 14 year old SS. She would cry on the phone to her mom to come home and would have panic attacks about flying. It was horrible. I could not believe the court ordered all that visitation for such an idiot.

SO...the only good news is since your H is a good dad, has always been responsible and loving toward your SD, then I could not imagine the court would not do whatever you ask for that's reasonable. That's the only positive to knowing how little they do when someone's a horrible parent!


Peace, love, and red wine

losingmymind's picture

SD is 7 soon to be 8. Take today for example: BM was called by SD to ask permission for SD to stay 10-20 minutes longer so that SD could play at a birthday party for a friends that we all would be at prior to pickup time. BM said no. We wanted BM to at least pick SD up from there as it was just down the street from her house and we wouldn't be at home and BM threw a fit so I had to leave to meet BM across the street to exchange AND BM showed up 10 minutes LATE. (I was just getting ready to leave!)She CLEARLY is not out for the best interest of the child here.

My DH is not behind in any child support and we have tons and tons of emails where he has asked for more time and is denied by her so I'm sure that the courts would vote in his favor to have her during the summers but two problems: SD birthday is in the summer. Then what? 2- I could totally see BM not doing it. Like we would pay for a plane ticket and she just wouldn't put her on the plane. Then what? Can you file for contempt out of state? If so how?

TheSaneOne's picture

yes - but the case remains in the original jurisdicction unless she also moves. the court can specify the airline used, make adjustments to cs (LOWER USUALLY), etc. PM me for more details, I can tell you more based off the states ivolved as far as their standard visittions. my BF just went through this exact situation and her daughter flies out twice a month and misses one day of school a month.