Anyone else's skids act like spies?
Just wondering if your skids act like intelligence spies when they are with you? Even though we keep our finances separate, other than the household fund, my skids are always prying, SD16 even tries to check out my closet to see what is new, asks how much things cost etc. I used to ignore it but some weekends it drives me crazy!! Sometimes I tell her something cost way more than it did just to annoy her and send false Intel back to BM. I know this makes things worse but it never stops. Then the whining starts and the "Daddy buy me this, that and the other." Anyone got any ideas on what works best?
BM has surveillance in my
BM has surveillance in my house, OHHH I mean OSS and facetime. Just blogged about it. I'm so fucking fed-up with the CIA in my house.
BM has surveillance in my
BM has surveillance in my house, OHHH I mean OSS and facetime. Just blogged about it. I'm so fucking fed-up with the CIA in my house.
lol, I'd keep telling her how
lol, I'd keep telling her how expensive my stuff is, then one day I'd drop a bomb.
Well SD, when a woman gets off her lazy ass and works she is able to afford the luxuries of life.
Oh...every single weekend...
Oh...every single weekend... she says I have "oooh so many shoes"...and how "big my closet is"...... all the time ugh
Why do they do this when they
Why do they do this when they know we buy our own stuff?? I just don't get it.
Good answer,I will use that
Good answer,I will use that line cos SD16 never misses a moment to tell me I am not her real stepmother because we are not married. Her and BM are very jealous of my income. I work hard for it which neither of them will ever do.
same here - BM hates that we
same here - BM hates that we live in a nice place, and take 3-4 vacations per year, all paid for with cash. she also told her lawyer that she should be entitled to half his pension when he retires because "she was married to him all those years" (she will get a paltry couple hundred bucks a month when the time comes - that's all she's entitled to).
first thing id do is put a
first thing id do is put a lock on your bedroom door. kids do not belong in your room.
second, someone (their father) needs to have a blunt discussion with them about how rude and impolite it is to discuss other people's (particularly ADULTS) spending and finances.
You are so right, it's so
You are so right, it's so rude. I have said that to SD16 while FDH was present (how bad mannered it is) and he just looked away. When it comes to his kids, his balls go missing until I really get mad and then he might find one ball...
my kids constantly eaves
my kids constantly eaves dropped. i said dont do it because you may not like what you hear. dh never saw anything in the eaves dropping. frankly its rude and an invasion of privacy.
This used to be a huge issue
This used to be a huge issue at our house. My SD for a time was like her crazy mom's little minion. No matter what we did, what we said, or what we spent, it was reported back and did nothing but anger BM. However, the kids have finally realized how their mom operates and see her for the sociopath she really is. It sucks for them, but at least they know her game and shut it down.
We had this problem in the
We had this problem in the beginning, but it actually backfired on the skids. The real BioMonster came out with a vengeance and it was a shocker for the skids. 2 months ago, she pitched a hissy fit to PrincASS15 about him bringing over some very nice books to keep at our house. His half-sister, Spawn7, and BioMonster herself like to mess with his things and had messed up some of them (torn pages, spills inside and out of the book, etc). And while it was probably accidental on Spawn7's part, PrincASS15 told DH that BioMonster did in intentionally and laughed at him saying "What you gonna do?". So he brought the books over and when she found out she went all "You love DH more than you love me!!!"