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And now she wants the tax exemption

Candice's picture

Okay most of you know my situation with ss, bouncing back and forth between here and bm's house. I recently set up an appointment with our therapist for bm and I to discuss ss returning to living with us full time. Bm agreed and promised to show up to the appointment. I basically thought we could set down some ground not telling ss "hey when I break up with my bf, you can move back in with me..." or when ss tells everyone he is being abused b/c he was denied dessert...or maybe your should start questioning ss a little more when he tells you school is dismissed one day, when it is really another day...type of stuff.

Well, she totally blew me off for that appointment. Wouldn't even answer the phone while she was at work. But would you know she was able to pick up the phone and call dh yesterday to let him know..."it would really help me out if I could claim ss on my taxes again..."

Let's see, you don't provide any stability, you won't put him on your insurance, you don't pay for copays, music lessons, and since he has been living with us again, you haven't volunteered and cs check yet...I know, it's only the 22nd day of the month, but I can tell, you are just going to avoid the issue, until someone asks you about the money.

None of this phases her, she is so self absorbed, that she could care less about one little benefit the irs will actually allow for parents, and she thinks she is entitled to it. She got to claim him last year, and apparently, that isn't good enough.

OldTimer's picture

and head to the tax consultant and claim SS on your taxes this year. Tell her, she can have it next year.

Yeah, we're in the same boat. We're suppose to be able to have SS for taxes every other year, but BM has two other, no, now it will be four other children... two bio kids, one stepkid, and a baby on the way, so that will make four other kids besides SS for her tax benefit... hmmmm. Anyway, she tried to pull a fast one on us the year it was 'our turn'. By the time DH went to our tax consultant, claimed him, we didn't know that BM had claimed SS, a time or so later, we got a letter from the IRS that said SS was claimed twice. We of course, was able to prove that we had legal authority by providing our court papers to them, but BM was NOT HAPPY. She OWED them money because of that, and boy oh boy, did we hear about it... that was a NASTY rant from her. So, the next time it was our turn, we knew how she operated, we made sure that by December, we had all of our tax papers ready and as soon as we got our W2 in January, we immediately made appointments for our tax consultant- beat her to the punch. First come first serve. And wouldn't you know... guess who calls a few months later b!tchin because her tax refund was refused and lowered... geeh, well, that's funny, isn't mine year, I do have odd years, right? She claimed SS on her taxes year after year until one day I read the paper work and pointed it out to DH that, you know you really should file head of household and take advantage of this.

Now that she has other children under her roof, the next time we go to court, that's one of the things we want to go after... getting to claim SS on our taxes every year, since she has four others to claim, we don't. Seems only fair to us...

Candice's picture

our parenting plan clearly states dh has even years, she has odd, and she knows it. We also had her sign an irs form stating that she KNEW dh has even years, and that she will not try to claim ss on even years. She knows this, that is why she called to ask. I'm sure she is stupid enough to claim him anyways, and she will beat us to the punch.

DH is self employed, he doesn't get w2's, and every accountant reserves self employed taxes to be done in the summer time. We always get extended, and then our taxes are done either in August or October of every year. So, we can't just rush to the accountant and get it done.

I'm pretty sure she is 100% idiot, and I'm thoroughly positive she will just claim him regardless of what agreement we have. Even if dh tells her no, she may just do it anyhow. All he said was that he needed to talk to me about it, and I said absolutely not, and he hasn't bothered to call her back to tell her no. I think that since she refuses to communicate to us, dh is less motivated to communicate with her.

Julie30's picture

BF's ex is claiming both kids. Meanwhile they are with us most of the time just because she doesn't care and would rather be off wrecking her BF's marriage.

Her daughter just went to Washington and she had the nerve to ask BF to pay for half meanwhile we get the kids weeks at a time and she gets the child support check.

Then the other day she sent her son in to ask his father if he had half of his sister's aftercare money for mom. BF said no, he doesn't have any money at this minute. So, she spun out of here - surprised her crap car didn't explode for pushing it that hard.. LOL

But I was angry! BF thinks he should help out because they are his kids. But who helps me out while they are here at my house? BF never has extra money and heaven forbid we step on the ex's toes. He originally told me that he was going to file for sole-custody. That has yet to happen.

I'm just really mad. I think there is away to claim all of the little extra's we paid during the year for those two children. So, I am going to look into that.

I wish you luck, and please rush down to the tax guy and claim your SS Smile

Julie (31)
Bio-Children - Son under 1 with BF, Son age 11 from previous relationship.

BF - Son under 1 our's together, Daughter age 20 from prior marriage, son age 14 & daughter age 10 from previous relationship.

Candice's picture

She just does some really stupid things from time to time. Cheri, you're right, if she does try to trick the irs, she will lose in the long run, b/c not only will she owe them money, penalties and fines, but she will lose her opportunity to claim ss as a dependent for the next 10 years. Not sure if she knows that though...

I just cannot fathom the level of self absorbancy this woman demonstrates. It just blows my mind how she only thinks of herself, and not any one else, including her children. I guess I shouldn't worry about it, in the long run, dh will have the exemption, easy or hard way.

DH is not a good communicator, and probably would pawn the phone off to me to deliver the bad news to the ex (doubt this happens, she probably will not ask again)...I think he knows she won't yell at me over the phone, she knows I'll kick her ass if she does, and she is literally afraid of me physically.

Nonetheless, it isn't my problem....if she does beat us to the punch, we have the documents to support us.

Morocco's picture

She will be forced to pay the IRS back any monies received from claiming the child(ren) and risked being audited. This happened with my hubby. Per the divorce decree he is entitled to claim the children in even years. He did last year and she did as well. He submitted a copy of the decree and she was forced to pay the money back. It was her problem--not ours.

Candice's picture

How stupid for your dh's ex to go through with doing that. Just got a call earlier from bm, and it looks like she already filed her taxes. My dh informed her that he needed the tax exemption and that he would be claiming ss for 06 taxes...she said "I figured that you needed it, so I didn't bother calling back." From there I guess she is saying she didn't claim him. But, I'm sure the IRS will let us know if we are wrong }:-)

Glad it wasn't too painful for you guys to get your money.