6 years marriage ended today, thanks to SD.
Hi, I am reading this forum for over 6 months now and finally decided to “talk”, hoping for someone to understand me.
Who I have become in last 6 month it’s scares me....I am a mother to two boys 18 and 13, who live with me full time. I have been married for 6 years to the man who is divorced and have SS22 and SD18.
Step kids lived with their mother 50km away from us for first 4 years. I had ok relationship with them, but not from the start. SD and I always had a rough time, but we tolerated each other as best as we can as they didn’t come over often and my husband went to their town to see them.
BM living with her boyfriend, who she left my husband for (she is 46 and boyfriend is 35). Two years ago SS moved out to live with grandparents as he didn’t get along with his mother boyfriend. Over last two years SD had constant conflict with her mother and always turned to my husband for support, which he always provided.
My little family here (my boys and husband) are very happy in our day-to-day life, well, used to be anyway. My sons get along perfect with my husband. Occasional visits of step kids were very pleasant lately, which made my husband super happy to see that I am friend with SD and do not hide in bedroom as I used to, few years ago.
6 month ago SD called in tears that her mom’s boyfriend showed up naked in her bedroom and even though nothing has happened ,she said , he was a little too cozy lately with her and touchy and really freaked her out.
Next thing I know I have SD living in my home full time. I took this change /addition to our family well and I felt horrible that SD had to deal with such an unpleasant events. Her mother did not believe her and looks like was happy that she left.
I tried to make SD happy; I spoiled her with shopping, hair salon, delicious food and fun time. We were getting alone fine, until Christmas. After that, everything has changed. I believe she was holding up as a guest and behaved well and was polite in the beginning...but as time passed she got more and more comfortable here and true SD was revealed....
Long story short....my husband kissing the ground SD walks on, I have become his # 2 priority, SD moods go up and dawn and she is very passive aggressive. Sleeps, eats, party on weekend, Daddy provided car and money for his little princess. I can no say a word to her, I learned it hard way, when she run away from home and my husband told me if something happen to her it’s my fault. Itold her something she didn’t like. If there is an argument between us, I get silent treatment from both, SD and my husband....bla freaking bla bla , you know the drill, I believe I am not the only one who become a doormat .
I did explain myself to my husband and said that I do not want SD living with us anymore. There are two sets of grandparents, there is BM and she can go and live with them. I have been told on the weekly basis that SD moving back...since Christmas.
I am angry , I am crying all the time, I am sick in my stomach when it is time to come home from work and face SD. I feel nauseated when I smell her perfume...but I manage and do not say anything to her and being polite, I try to get used to her...but I just can’t...
Yesterday, SD left for another weekend party in our car, I thought I will have my husband to myself, right before dinner SD called and had some conversation with him, which I am never a part of (feel like outsider all the time in my own home). I hear my husband saying to SD “I love you too” and I think something has snapped in my head. I lost it...whatever I was holding in for 6 month, I lost it. He got upset that I got upset, throw some bad words into my face ...next thing I know I slapped him across the face ...twice. Today we both agree that line has been crossed (by me it is) and we are getting divorce. The End.
What is going on with me? Do I need to check in mental institution? I felt like demon was inside me...I am so scared as to what’s going on with me, why does my perfect marriage ruined in 6 month? Why am I acting like freaking caged animal? Please somebody, talk to me ((((
Hmmm. First, you are blaming
First, you are blaming the SD. WRONG. You should be blaming your DH because HE spoiled her, kissed the ground she walked on, and made you #2.
Second, I don't think you have any business AT ALL having YOUR children in your home 100% of the time and thinking you can throw out your husband's child.
Very selfish, imo.
If you're unhappy and demand things be your way and your way only, then move out. Take your sons and leave.
Coconut---i heart you!!!!!
Coconut---i heart you!!!!! (FYI-i had to change names..i am formerly known as Lynn123)...
I am so sorry. I think you
I am so sorry. I think you were totally setup. I know it doesn't feel like it now, but your DH is doing you the biggest favor. He is saving you from a life in hell. Things with SD will be getting worse. And DH will have to deal with it on his own, or find a woman who he can guilt into submitting and being second priority. I think it will be hard to find a woman who will put up with your SD, though.
Even though this is painful and your emotions are high, now is the time to get a good divorce lawyer. I hope you find one soon, especially before DH gets one. You need to protect yourself financially and legally.
I know things will be better once you get out.
Sorry to hear, but for what
Sorry to hear, but for what it's worth, you deserve to have someone who loves you <3 and now you can have that chance again.
Thank you for the replies and
Thank you for the replies and your opinions.
I think I am just not good for taking care or live with someone else kids. It is not natural to “adopt” 18 years old who have been raise by someone else. Clash of personalities have to be count as well, no? I did try, I put a lot of effort in this relationship with SD, but it is just doesn't work.
I think the problem is, my SD didn't WANT to be part of our family, she had no choice. Grandparents didn’t want her to stay with them. Her mom’s grandparents... she doesn't like them. She lives with us because there is no other option. She misses her mom very much, she told me about it, she got drunk couple of times and was wondering streets after party crying, because she wants her mom back (we found out about it from SS). I feel bad for her but in the same time I am just so angry for her rejecting me after all I did for her and for my husband do not see or acknowledge my feelings about this situation and always take her side no matter what and for my life which was great and happy fall apart like a card house....
I did see therapist and she told me , she thinks that SD have what’s called chronic anger and until she will deal with it and move on from it, she will be angry passively and most likely , towards me, as she loves her dad and I am basically the only available punching bag.
You need to stop laying blame
You need to stop laying blame on yourself...as much as SD and DH would like you to believe this is all your fault, IT IS NOT! You need to give yourself a hug! Do NOT feel like a failure here...YOU did everything you should have done, it is DH who has failed.
You did try, I have absolutely no doubt at all...your SD and your DH did NOT try. Your pleas fell on deaf ears, your niceness was used, you were manipulated and used to place blame on...that is not your DH or SD "trying" that is your DH and SD "using". The fact that you feel this may be your fault shows that they have played mind games with you...honey, this is NOT your fault!
You are a great wife and a great step-mom, I know because you allowed SD to come live with you at 18! No wife or step-mom less than great would have been ok with that. Furthermore, you tried hard and you feel guilty it didn't work out. You will be a great wife again and I hope next time you find a man deserving of your greatness. A great man would never have blamed you for your SD running away, a great man would have had his daughter under control and would have seen all you did for them. You are not currently married to a great man. I suggest reading "Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men" by Lundy Bancroft. I bet you have been in a verbally abusive relationship and this book may be an eye opener.
I have been in a similar situation and I just can't stand for you to think this is your fault...it is not!
Is something wrong with me
Is something wrong with me for not wanting SD in my home? Does StickAFork is right? I am selfish? Well, how to change what I feel then? Will giving more time to it will make it all better?
My husband, he is great man, I know he loves me, I know he doesn't want to lose what we have. But he just doesn't know how to be a parent and he is terrified to upset his daughter, so when he have to choose who gets hurt, he chooses me. I can cry for all evening in the bedroom, he will not come and ask me why? SD have a tear in her eyes and he was all over her helping her to talk about her issue...I know I sound like jealous b...
If I stay, what is next? How to deal with the feeling of resentment towards SD? How do not be angry at my husband? I just don’t know...
I don't know why StickAFork
I don't know why StickAFork is even on here except to make us feel bad for being human. NO, there's not anything wrong with you. I would feel the same way and DO feel the same way about sd11. If I am made to feel left out or cast aside, I become very angry. I think that is normal. We are supposed to be our husband's first priority. He is not making you his first priority and most women who actually live through such a thing would be outraged.
She's here because she gets
She's here because she gets some kind of pleasure from kicking those who are already down.
^^^amen!!!!......damn, i have
^^^amen!!!!......damn, i have missed alot... }:)
The rejection is a tough
The rejection is a tough hurdle, I agree. I was hated on the spot and personally attacked for no reason. Luckily for me, things changed and are getting better, but I know you can't get blood from a stone and I couldn't have hung around for years that way if things stayed the same. Maybe the child has a personality disorder and can't love anyone right.
You deserve better. Try to look on the bright side (the right one is out there) and don't look back at what could have been with him. Maybe he needs to be alone so he ~has~ to be a parent for a change?
That is what I said to my
That is what I said to my husband exactly: SD hates me, because I remind her of what she DOESN’T have from her mom.
Do you ever have a feeling, when you talk to someone and it looks like they listen, but they don’t hear you. Listen, but don’t hear...that’s what my husband does. He listen, he just don’t hear me.
His ex wife don’t pay anything, she doesn’t help her kids in any form what so ever. I make almost same money my husband does and I have no problem to go and get SD $300 coat for Christmas, as she refuses to get any other as they are all not what she wanted. Well, the box with this coat almost fly to my face on Christmas morning, because she was in her mood, when she gets very cold and do not speak or say good morning. I made a mistake and give her the box with stupid smile on my face, as it was a surprise for her...she reject it and give me so much attitude that I was literally heartbroken, thinking why? Guess, who got thank you not? Daddy! He didn’t even want to buy it, I went shopping for her in two different store.
I feel tired. I feel, like I do not want to waste next ? years dealing with it , yet I love my husband and I am humiliated to get divorce second time.
I keep reading this forum and all I see is misery woman put up with. We do and we give and we get slapped in the face by man we love, by kids , who is not ours, by BM who decided to divorce there kids...then we get up and we keep going.
When we first start living
When we first start living together, I didn’t let any bad word/look/attitude fly from my boys toward mu husband. Both of my sons had occasional “thing” with my husband, when they get upset for whatever reason. I did not let them disrespect him. First year was hard for me that way. I had to “hide” my husband behind my back and discipline my kids to teach them to be respectful, because a) they are kids and my husband is adult b) because he is MY husband c) because I said so.
I asked him to return the favor...still waiting. Be a parent sometimes means tuff love, be fair and be kind but don’t let your kids run your life. That is why my ex husband and his new wife (who he cheated on me with) our family friends and we celebrate kids birthdays together and my boys respect their step mother , as I never let them not to.
In my books I do what has to be done. But I do not know how to be a step mother ...I failed miserably and now I am gonna have to leave my gorgeous home, my life I loved and my husband who I obviously wasted 6 years of my life on.
Your situation sounds so
Your situation sounds so similar to mine...not in the types of steps, but in the fact that you are a smart mom and your husband is an idiotic dad. You can't teach an idiotic man how to be a better parent...it is pointless. After 8 years I gave up! We are still married, but his daughter will NEVER live with us again. She is a mess, but if he had been a better parent, I think she may have been tolerable. But I see that DH will never change the way he parents her (at least not for more than 2 weeks after I throw a fit) so SD in my home will never work. He just can't teach her good behavior because she manipulates him and he isn't smart enough to see it. It sounds like it would be the same in your case...you and your boys and DH were quite happy before SD moved in. If your DH cannot establish order in your home and rules for your SD...then perhaps SD needs to go. If that is not an option, if I were you, I would be divorcing. My DH knows if he ever considers letting SD move back in, we will divorce. I just will not tolerate that toxic situation anymore.
Perhaps a separation is in order? Let your DH deal with his daughter on his own. She will love it and will feel like she won which would make me sick to my stomach...but it is better than you having to live with her.
There is nothing wrong with
There is nothing wrong with you. You are married to a male who is far from a man and allows his daughter to keep his balls in her hand.
Your problems are ending. Next time they are both out of the house change the locks and go file for divorce.
End of problem.
Anyone who puts their children above their spouse is not anyone that I would remain married to. I do not condone the slapping but up to that point your feelings and perspective are viable IMHO.
Good luck.
I think you are feeling
I think you are feeling extremely resentful and as time goes by you feel more and more powerless as well.
Why does your SD have your family car? This is not appropriate. Why is she partying? Anytime I hear of teenagers 'partying' it gives me pause. I think this term is synonymous with lazy/unmotivated/low class. You snapped because you obviously have no say in what goes on and it has boiled over for you.
I don't know what has happened between the SD and the SF but at the end of the day YOUR home life and your comfort have been severely compromised by this situation. Rescuing her from this does not have to mean your life is now secondary.
If the divorce is a done deal then get on with it and get your half - move on.
If the divorce word was a 'threat' then you need to take it seriously as it means your husband is also feeling very resentful and angry. This means you BOTH need to go to counselling asap so you can validate how you feel and setup a better situation for yourself. He will, of course, do the same.
My marriage would be over if my SD came to life with us. Too many problems/issues/dramas/losses. If she has issues such as your SD then her parents would have to arrange for living arrangements for her. Not in my home.
You aren't responsible for her. Her father and her mother are.
SD has our car because her
SD has our car because her dad lets her. She doesn't work, doesn't go to school, doesn't do anything actually, just lounging around the house all day. I don't understand this , but also I have no idea what to do. My husband rather die then upset SD and this is the problem. She know that and all she need to do is say " I love you Daddy" and he i sat her service.
Right now, I have silent treatment again...it is driving me crazy, but I think there s really nothing else he have to say to me. I do agree with you and I also think he is angry and disappointed with me.
SD coming home soon and then all I will hear is them watching TV together and laughing/chatting...it's really hurts and just adds up to how horrible I feel.
For next 2 weeks we can not put house on sale, so what do I do during those weeks? Would you believe him in this situation if he says :it will change, it is temporarily"? How to deal with silent treatment? I'm not good with it....
SD is definitely very smart
SD is definitely very smart in destroying both marriages.I just don't think she does in on purpose. I think she is just very angry lost girl, who need her mom to love her and kick her ass , like we all mothers do. We are selling the house, we both have invested money in it and we must sell and take our investments out, which means I will never ever again have such a nice place to live. I will not be able to afford it on my own and I will never ever ever again have another man live with me. Done.
What surprises me is my husband is very calm and peaceful at the moment and don't even trying to talk to me...I guess he is fed up with it all as well....I don't know where I can get the strength to go throe all this again. Divorce, selling house, moving again with boys. Explaining to people why it is happened...and how do you explain it to someone who never had SD in there life?
You may not have the great
You may not have the great nice house you have now...but you will find happiness and that is worth so much more! Your boys will have a happy mom instead of a depressed, beaten down mom. I understand, I have a great house and it has made me think twice before separating from my husband when he gets in his verbally abusive rages (he is working on that). I bet you can get a smaller house and slowly over the years invest in it and it will make you very happy.
I wish...my father, my
I wish...my father, my friends, my ex, people at work ...when I change residence and marital status. I feel like such a looser :sick:
Tell them he's having an
Tell them he's having an affair with his daughter. LOL , he is actually, emotional affair for sure.
Not this time. There is
Not this time. There is nothing we can do about it. He need to take care of SD and I do not see myself living with SD under the same roof. In last 6 months we fought more then in last 6 years, it really broken us apart. He thinks I am horrible woman for ending marriage over his daughter. I think I lost all the respect to him and I don't feel like we are a couple, rather its him & SD and me & my sons.
Megan - so sorry this is
Megan - so sorry this is happening to you. It sounds to me like your DH is "replacing" your role i.e. wife - with his DD. They are doing things together, colluding, he sides with her and allows her to behave disrespectfully.
Seems to me YOU did the right in terms of making a stand with your own children and how you showed them they needed to behave with your DH. That was being a good wife and mother. Sadly, your DH is allowing his guilt over being sort of absent from his DD's 24/7 life, her experiences with her BM's bf and his joy at finally having her *home* in his eyes to guide how he treats her and everyone else. Lets look at it this way, if you favour one person in a household and treat the others like crap, then there are going to be fireworks, hurt and anger. This is what is happening, however to compound that hurt and betrayal your DH is trying to turn this around onto you and make YOU the issue. As after all both DH and sd are getting what they want atm, validation from one another (and they are being emotionally incesteous), therefore they will resist any and all attempts to see reason. It's called denial, living in a fantasy and their world is VERY dysfunctional and unhealthy.
You would not be rational nor healthy if you allowed this to continue and by this I mean accepting it, continue trying while everyone else is not accountable and in fact they are doing the opposite of trying. STOP.
The reason your DH is seemingly calm even though you both have agreed to divorce is potentially down to a number of reasons - 1) he doesn't think it will happen and is using the fact you have slapped him as blackmail (btw I do not condone violence however tbh you have been living in a pressure cooker and your DH will purposely attempt to push your buttons in order for you to lose the moral high ground so he has ammo to use to blackmail you into submission and under his control - do NOT lose control with him again) 2) he is using sd has an emotional crutch and a surrogate wife (see above where I mention he is replacing you with her minus the sex) and therefore doesn't feel the lose like you because your role is already filled - by sd.
I do believe your DH is to blame here mainly as HE is your husband, sd doesn't own you any allegiance except for common courtesy and respect. That said, sd IS 18. She is not a little girl and while she obviously has issues, these should NOT be pushed onto you. Having issues and finding an innocent target for these should not be accepted - sorry. I have issues but the responsible and loving thing family should do is point those issues out, try and help but that does not include making excuses for shitty behaviour and blaming the person who is the target and eventually gets sick of being unwilling dragged into that person's problems.
What YOU need to do is pick up your big girl panties and paste that fake arse smile on your face and not allow those two A holes to bother you. The more you show your hurt, the more they both will be crowing. Sd because she will love the power and the fact daddykins has sided with her and DH because ofcourse you are in the wrong and its good you feel hurt as you should be punished for your horrible crimes against him and precious. DO NOT SHOW THEM HOW UNHAPPY YOU ARE.
While inside you may be dying, please give yourself a stern talking to. Your husband is not acting like a husband. Instead he is acting like he is having an emotional affair with his grown daughter. The fact he has genuine regrets over the past with his DD does NOT excuse breaking his wedding vows. F*ck no. It's time you realise that ok, you slipped up by slapping him but what this guy has done is worse. You have had 6 months worth of pain and all because he refuses to BE a husband. He was absent from that role as soon as SD walked through your door. HIS fault.
Personally I would do this. Any time you have to talk to DH, talk to him like a distant business colleague. Polite, at arms length however do so positively (make this man REGRET ever killing your marriage and acting like the sweet person you are VS the shrew that he's created will KILL him more). Do NOT get drawn into discussions about sd. Nothing needs to be said, even if you head if chock full of WTF is happening and hurt. As guess what?!! DH WILL NEVER listen. He will take anything you say as an attack, he will turn it around, he will use it as an opportunity to attack you, to accuse you of things (all which serves to destroy your confidence and make you feel like its your fault - so not give him this opportunity). He may also use it to negotiate and blackmail you - no deal imo. If he decides to start on you, your marriage, then have a set response "I have told you how I feel about this situation. You have gone ahead in the last 6 months and made whatever decisions you felt necessary regarding our marriage, our household and sd. The consequence of which is I now have made my own decisions - I am no longer accepting it." If he's abusive "that is not nice. I am not listening to this." Then walk away.
Your DH may look to TRY and make you react so he can get that control back over you. He may escalate his behaviour and that may include subjecting you to longer silent treatment and ignorance. Well look at it this way - if they both are ignoring you, this means you are not being abused, mistreated. Instead you are having peace. So be happy about that. Use the time for the following:
1) Get legal advice - even if you do not end up divorcing, info is power and you do not have to let DH know you have gotten advice unless it necessary to blow any threats he makes to smithereens.
2) Use this time to go have some fun - recruit your galfriends/family and go shopping, see friends, have dinner, have them over for a BBQ (DH may find this uncomfortable which is GREAT, after all both he and sd do not care if you are squirming). While you are having fun, paste a smile on and be happy. Showing DH what he is missing is the best form of revenge and will KILL sd to see you do not give a shit on the outside. If DH accuses you of enjoying your marriage ending "I am just getting on with my life DH, just like you and sd are. After all wasn't that you and sd giggling in the living room last night, the night before?" Then walk away.
3) Go get a new hairstyle. May seem cliche, but you need to boost your confidence and show DH you are not going to fall apart from the fact he doesn't want you. So what? You can do better, so SHOW him that. It will annoy the hell out of him.
Do all of the above with grace and class. Do not raise your voice to sd or DH. If sd is a bitch to you, do NOT ignore it. You now have nothing left to lose (however hide any and everything worth of value to you) and just do not put up with her nonsense. Do so politely but coldly. DH doesn't like it? So what? What's he going to do? Divorce you? Ha!! He has NO power over you now. Feel liberated and use that power to your advantage.
Good luck.
Thank you so much for taking
Thank you so much for taking your time and writing your reply in such a details. Actually I really like your advice and I definitely need to be in more control of my emotions...
cried all evening yesterday and OMG I look horrible today, gotta stop it.
SD came home in the morning, walked by me like I am invisible and said not a single word or even look. I just went for a very long walk as I can not cry any more, I have to be in the office tomorrow, can't look like this.
It is hard, so hard....but I will do my best to manage.
My husband came over today in the morning and said he will be taking SD to his parents and will be living there M-Fr ....and then "It may kill my mother who is old and sick, but I have nowhere to go". I feel like a freaking monster... "I don't understand why you hate her like this, she doesn't steal or scream at you,she is not a bad girl"...."SD doesn't want to cause a divorce for us, but she has nowhere to go". What do you say to this?
I said I need to take care of my sons and myself and he needs to figure out his life for him and SD, as in my opinion if BM (who is not so horrible or abusive or drunk or drug addict) doesn't want her own daughter back home ,there is gotta be a reason. BM and SD were fighting like cat and dog all the time, why? I have my son 18 and as I am sure have some issues, as all other parents have, I don't have fights with him (or my 13 years old). There is respect and warmth and if I said no to them , there is no further conversation....what is it to fight about?
Why SD and BM were at each other throat all the time, I don't understand? Maybe girls are different then boys?
I'd go even further and get a
I'd go even further and get a storage locker.
Thank you all for support and
Thank you all for support and make my smile...this site is so great and I am just addicted now!
He does NOT need to take care
He does NOT need to take care of SD...she is an adult! Maybe you should point that out to him...if he was my DH, the conversation would go like this:
"Were you happy 6 months ago (or whenever before SD moved in)? Six months ago, would you have let SD move in if you knew it would cause a divorce? Why are you letting that happen now? Why are you letting a grown ass adult ruin our relationship? Where do you think she will be in five years? Because I think she will be married and starting her own family and you will be all alone wishing for the family you had six months ago. Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and see this situation for what it is? Your daughter does not need you to provide for her anymore...your daughter needs you to teach her responsibility so she can survive on her own in this world. You are choosing another grown ass adult woman over me. A woman that will drop you like a hot potato once a young man sweeps her off her feet. She can leave you for another man...why can't you leave her for the woman you ARE MARRIED TO?"
I love that!!!! It is so
I love that!!!! It is so true!
Omg.....there all the same.
Omg.....there all the same. when u get married the vow says forsaking all others. Wife comes first but these men parent out of guilt and it gets in the way. I hate when my husband refers to his 11 yr old in the names he calls me ..sweety baby hon whateever and the private dates cuddling and hand holding are pathetic. Texting I love you kissing on the lips I hate it ..my dad didn't behave like that and neither did my ex to my three kids its bcuz their divorced and these girls for a short time were mini wives ...I hope things get better for you and certainly understand how u feel. He is wrong
Hope SD can keep his bed
Hope SD can keep his bed warm! Because that is the only person he will have when he is old (except he won't have her either. Not once he is of no use to her anymore!)
I too have and am
I too have and am experiencing this. I have come to the conclusion that my DH must man up. Be strong and do things to create a healthy home. The SD is not the issue. If DH was supportive of me, I would have a better chance of dealing with the passive aggressive of his daughter. In some ways I can understand that he just wants to help her. At what cost? But you cannot help someone who does not want help. So sorry you are going through this, I hope that I am not about to experience it as well.
Thank you ladies for support
Thank you ladies for support (except Stick a Fork)!
Well, after many conversation about divorce my DH have decided that he do not want to lose what we have build and talked his parent to let SD move in with them. The moving day is in two weeks.
I told him do not ever blame me for this mess. I tried and I was doing it from the bottom of my heart because I felt bad for SD. I will not let him or his family blame me. I was not the one who raised her to be the way she is. Maybe I should have tried longer and harder, but without DH support I will never succeed and I don’t feel like offering my help and love to SD who for whatever reasons does not think I deserve a decent attitude in return.
I did talk to SD and said I am sorry it didn’t work out and I will continue support her financially and if she wants to, emotionally, but I think my relationship with her forever ruined. She said nothing to me, not a single word…that was 3 days ago. She goes to her room as soon as I come home from work, so I didn’t see her or talk to her since. She doesn’t come up for dinner ether, but eats when I go sleep.
DH worried she will harm herself as she feels rejected….I do not know what is with the father’s of the girls????? It is absolutely blows my mind what happens with strong independent men when his daughter is around…I will definitely need to be getting over all this and regain my respect to DH, as I never thought of him as a puppy dog until SD moved in.
I always believe that what ever happens to us, its happens for the reason. Ether to teach us the lesson or push us to curtain path …I am straggling to see why this event happened to us. It damaged our family so badly.
It didn’t really help SD in any way or form …and the only thing I learned is the man I married to have different side to him when his daughter around, this new side of DH is so unattractive to me. I learned that I will never again give a try to help SK under my roof. The price of that learning is so high, I am sure it is still not over.
New wave will come soon after SD moves…drama is not over.