4 beers missing the last time we went out of town..going out of town this weekend, but not changing the door code?? WTF
I posted on here a few weeks ago that magically there were 4 beers missing from our fridge the weekend that the only person in the house was SD. DH said that he was going to change the code (keyless entry) on our door and not give it to SD, but that was almost 2 weeks ago and of course, he didn't change it.
So we're leaving tomorrow for the weekend again. I told him that I'm changing the code tonight. He freaks out and says that if I do that, he'll take the door off the hinges. WTF REALLY??? Are you stupid??? Do you not care about protecting our home, our belongings, and ourselves you f'n idiot!! I know I sure as hell don't want to answer to the parents of teenagers who get MIPs in OUR house!!!
I'm not sure how much more of this I can take! I'm angry ALL of the time! I called my Dr. to get put on meds for the love of GOD!!!
Let's just hope my house is still standing when we get home on Sunday
If you come home and find
If you come home and find anything missing this weekend call the police and file a report.
Does your DH not understand the implications of minors drinking in your home???
File a police report. Change the code. SD does not get the code again.
Change the code!! You have
Change the code!! You have every right. I agree with Rising...he's acting a little weird about it. Fishy.
Change the code before you
Change the code before you go. Don't tell him and see what happens...Don't say another word about it to him....Just do it.
That's an awesome idea! I'd
That's an awesome idea! I'd still want to know wth he doesn't want to change it though.....
I agree with the others.
I agree with the others. Change the code without his knowledge or stay home. Staying home makes a huge point. Just the threat of it may do the trick. But make sure he agrees to not know the code until you guys return home or he will surely pass it on.
By the way he's an idiot.
If you're going on medications you've got to do something to change the situation. I'd suggest counseling as soon as you get back. If he won't go along then gone alone and try to drag him in later in the process. A good counselor should have you in and out in 3 months. If not find another.
In the end you may have to leave to relieve your anxiety.
While I like the idea of
While I like the idea of changing the code without him knowing, doesn't that sort of defeat the point? I know not all disagreements are about "winning" .. but I think there's a bigger issue here ..
He KNOWS SD will swing by and drink alcohol in the home .. yet he's clearly not willing to prevent it from happening. That's a problem, and I think the power struggle over the door code is overshadowing that in his mind.
If he doesn't know you change the code, he may view that as your submission.
That is not right how he
That is not right how he threatened to take the door off the hinges unless you are his child living in his home. He is not viewing you as an equal IMO. Maybe SD is living up to what she was trained to do, I dunno.
I agree with the others here, change your locks or don't go.
When MSD29 set up her
When MSD29 set up her terrorist camp in my basement last spring with her cat, mini fridge and microwave for five weeks of hell ....I thought DH and I were in agreement not to give her a key or the garage access code. She refused to tell me her comings and goings so one day she got locked out. That inner voice must have known what would happen and that DH would cave in and give her the code. The day or so before it turns out that I took the battery out of the keypad. It doesn't! Work without the battery. He was surprised! She couldn't get in and didn't wait five minutes till I got back from walking the dog. Even though she told Daddee that she had to get in to get something before going to her sisters to get her hair done. And she had to get in cause she felt dizzy. I knew he would do it at some point. The surprise in his voice was priceless when he called to ask me what the code was ( since it wasn't working after he had already given it to her BEFORE he called me).
The lack of trust I have for him stems back to that one incident. All he had to do was call me first and see when I would be back. All she had to do was let me know if she was coming back then. But she was too busy playing the victim card the whole time she was here and shunning me in my own home. Thus the mini kitchen in my garage. She was too afraid to come up to use the kitchen. Please.
Anyway. Change the code. Or take out the battery. Or pour all the beer out...better yet take it with you or drink it first. Call his freaking bluff and let him take the door off the hinges. It is your house too. You do not have to worry about SD being there while you are away. If a kid dies or kills someone after drinking at your house you are equally responsible. Plus...wtf...they could burn your house down while you are away if they are partying there.
Your DH sounds like an idiot and a bully. Tell him to f off. Hell I would be so pissed already by now I would not bother to even go away for the weekend.
Why does anyone need access to your home when you are not there? They don't. Period. End of story.
Good luck.
Or pour all the beer
Or pour all the beer out
EEEKS!! That's alcohol abuse! LMAO
In my home, if an underage
In my home, if an underage person sneaks/steals alcohol, then they don't get to stay unattended a few weeks later! Code or no code! Especially if DH doesn't want the code changed. If SD is already drinking, chances are her friends could supply the beer. How many movies are there about kids having a party when the (steo)parents are out of town?