1241 days
My BF and I have a pretty good relationshiop, fun, love, passion, friendship, not to mention he is pretty darn hot. The only problem (or course, why I am on this site) is his lazy brat skid11 and self-absorbed BM. BF is an awesome guy who should never have been tied down by such baggage, so sad. Anyway, I have been with BF for about 3 years now. When I met him skid was barely 9. Now we all live together and we have skid 50% of the time, or between 50 and 75% if the BM has better things to do, like watch Nascar or dine out at KFC. I get thru by either looking at the big picture...kid is going to college in 6.8 years and that is not forever. Alternatively I get thru by looking at the small picture...okay, we are stuck with him for a week, but a week isn't forever. You know how sometimes your mind just wanders while you get ready for work in the morning? This morning my mind was dreading having skid tonight, anticipating the great fuss over getting the little prince his dinner at the approriate hour, then listening to him treat dad like S--t for trying to help with his homework, then crying like a baby when he is so cruely asked to go to bed at 10...oh the injustice that is his life! I hate the days and nights when he is with us. Its like a million ton weigh disapears when he does. Anyway, as per my routine, I was reminding myself this morning that A) 6.8 years is not forever and only one night then a brat free weekend! Then it occurred to me, if he goes to college in 6.8 years, and we have him 50+% of the time, we will have him the equivalent of 3.4 solid years! :jawdrop:
Thats 1241 days! :sick: I just never thought of it that way. No new revelations, just depressed myself.
Wow… we've got pretty much
Wow… we've got pretty much 100% time in, so I'm sitting on 5490 days here… holy crap dude.
Only about 330 days before SS
Only about 330 days before SS goes into the military!!!!!
Ahhh maux, already thought of
Ahhh maux, already thought of that one unfortunately. BF and I were the type to go to college far from mom and dad and launch an independent life from that point. But BM is the community college 5 minutes from home type, and worst yet BM's man du jour who skid adores didn't go to college at all. Plus skid who used to be a straight A student now thinks books are for losers and he spends homework time playing video games. I see a 35 year old fat loser sitting on our couch eating doritos asking dad to pick up cigs on the way home from work. But, I have to hold on to my hope that my sentence is limited. Plus BF said that we are only stuck in this sad city until skid goes to college. Even if skid becomes a professional bum, we can at least get out of this town, and I doubt skid will have the initiative to follow. He can stay with BM and her loser boyfriend and live on her couch, not ours.
Going on the "hoping that God
Going on the "hoping that God will grace us with an empty nest in 7 years" prayer...and never knowing when or if the BM will have the kids on any regular basis..I will figure my time on 100% for the next 7 years...so 2555 days to go. That's a lot of time, but we are talking DAYS!!! There was a time when it felt like that many years!!!
Wriggsy, are you me? We have
Wriggsy, are you me? We have a skid the same age and a BM who takes him when she feels like it, when she has nothing better to do! Anyway, yes, it used to feel like 1241 (1240 today) YEARS to me too. Just because I am nerd who needs my hope, I calculated based on my family genes and my age that with a bit of luck, the skid will only occupy about 5.8% of the remainder of my life. Given that BF is older and men usually don't live as long, I figure maybe 10% max of our remaining life together is contaminated by skid. If I love BF, which I do, and if we want to be together for the long term, which we do, we still have the majority of our lives together without baggage from that previous unfortunate marriage. BF is worth sacrificing the 10% I think, plus I can use that time to develop my own interests and continue to learn to enjoy my own company. There is a bright side if I can look at the big picture. Even though a weekend with that boy makes me want to run for the hills, I must keep my eye on the prize. Happy weekend all (for me for sure, NO SKID!!!!!)