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Update BM was a No Call No Show for mediation!

Sunflower's picture

I cant say that I am entirely shocked. This Thursday my DH swapped hours with a co-worker to go to mediation with BM.DH called me about 20 mins after their session should have started to tell me BM hadnt shown up yet.
Here is the kicker BM had the skids therapist group pay for her half of the appointment because she is "poor". Another charity defrauded by BM!! Well things should be interesting now because the mediation center has a rule that if a client is unable to make the appointment they must give 24 hours notice or they will have to pay the intire fee of $130. I hope they send BM that bill! DH waited for a half hour and then the mediator told DH he could leave because BM hadnt even called to say she would be late. Unfortunately DH wasted his morning and had to work 2nd shift that day and we didnt get to spend our evening together. BM gets away with it again. I think DH should call the councelors who ponied up the cash for BM to go and inform them of her little stunt.BM is always crying poor and that she really wants to make things better for her kids. Well to me this really shows her dedication for her kids and her direspect for the hand outs she received. :sick: How does she get away with this crap all the time??


Cheyenne Arizona's picture

Karma, it will all come back to her eventually - the hard part is waiting for it to.....

Anon2009's picture

We've been down the mediation road. BM never showed. Not once. DH's court order mandated that he and BM try mediation before going to court. Thankfully though, we didn't have to pay the entire bill. But we were still miffed that she didn't show.

tryingtokeepthesanity's picture

What goes around come BM always gets away with every evil thing she does........DH is going to court next month....that is when Karma is going to smack her in the ass!

Rags's picture

Your BM is a perfect example of that. Of course the BullShit excuse about how it was not her fault that she missed the appointment and how she was victimized by someone or some situation will come out eventually. "I sent my payment but the phone company shut off my phone anyway so I couldn't call". "I was on my way but the car/bus wouldn't work", Waaahh, Waaahhhh, Waaaaaahhhhhhh!

With entitlement victims there is always an excuse and they are always getting "screwed" or not worked with by some evil anonymous force or person. It is never their fault.

When the BullShit excuse surfaces please share. Idiots are always entertaining.

And YES, DH should call the charity that paid for the appt for BM just to let them know that they should stop supporting idiots with no pride or intent to support themselves.

Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications)

Sunflower's picture

I definetly keep you guys posted at least BM's antics are good for a laugh sometimes.BM does play the victim well and I am sure she will find some way of blaming DH.

It is better to be the hammer than the anvil.
Emily Dickinson