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A question for those inclined to answer

Gestalt's picture

Angel37's blog turned into a 100+ monster so I thought I would ask my question separately.

The question has absolutely no meaning, I just get curious about the way people think, what motivates people etc (I'm am really kind of a dork that way)

Some posters thought the letter Angel posted was ok

Some thought it was ok but a touch condescending (et al)

Some thought mom was being a martyr

Some thought mom blamed stepmom for everything and that was unfair

If it were revealed that the letter had been written by a member in long standing (years) of this site who is also a stepmom but was writing the letter to the stepmom of her own children....would anyone's responses have changed?

Were any of your responses based more on your own relationship with the mom in your situation rather than the content of the letter alone? Did you attribute the characteristics of the mom in your situation to the author?

If any of the moms in your situations (ideally the more stable ones) were to write the letter to you and you suspected were actually being sincere, how would you react? Would you write back or would you just start being friendlier with no conversation....

Thanks to any who might appease my curiosity Smile


melis070179's picture

It sounded like a lot of people applied their own situation to it. I didn't, and I thought it was okay. I see both sides and think either side could have easily written it, BM or SM. I only looked at the content, no outside influences.BM in my situation couln't have written it to me, it just wouldn't make any sense if she did. I really have nothing to do with her son about 360 out of 365 days a year.

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

melis070179's picture

LMAO...girl you are BAD!!!

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

anabihibik's picture

Well, I don't think it's really about replacing mom as mom. It's about replacing BM to DH, but it gets verbalized as replacing mommy status. When skids are at one parent's house, everyone's there but the other parent. I think it's a little natural to feel threatened and/or jealous of that family time that they're missing. And, personally, when I was doing my sm tryouts, I would have gladly replaced BM as mom. But, then again, the twins weren't even a year old. I would have adopted them, though. I never told her that, though.

To every thing there is a season.

Sita Tara's picture

I will never forget the time we ran into BM having dinner with SD at OG. We had been somewhere else to eat first, but the restaurant was not clean and we left. So we showed up at OG, with BD and they sat us right across from BM and SD. They were having dessert.

I didn't even notice them til DH said, "We have company," to which I turned around expecting to see a friend of mine who works there. When I saw BM I felt ill as usual. She packed up their dessert to go and fled, telling SD later that we were following them. Ironically we parked right next to them too and hadn't been paying any attention to even notice her car (unlike a few weeks ago when I drove down her street when she was "out of town" and couldn't therefore have SD on her night, and she saw my van. I wouldn't recognize her car if it was beside me on the street.

Anyway, I wondered what she thought seeing me, DH and BD sitting there. If for an instant she realized all she lost, gave up, threw away, never had to begin with.

"To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?" ~Hamlet Act III scene I

mystiery's picture

I think some of the responses would have changed. I however did not respond to that specific post about the letter, i did read it though and many of the comments about it. Either way to me how i look at it, she thought she was doing a good thing by posting the letter. Her intentions were in the right place, but others feel the need to make it a bad thing. I enjoyed reading the letter, and I put my self in it as I was reading, thinking how would I feel if it was written to me. I can honestly say there was an incident recently that came out like the letter, but we instead spoke about it over the phone and both agreed what was done was wrong and to drop it and move on from there.

namaste123's picture

No, even it was a long standing member and a SM

Yes, mu response was based more on my own relationship to my skids mom. I am friendly and I never talk bad about her to skids. Also I know many stepmothers and they would NEVER imagine doing or saying the things that the letter outlined so I feel that it was just assuming that ALL SM's were that way.

Finally, if the BM in my situation were to have written me that I letter I would have responded that she is delusional and needs to get over herself because none of that applies in our situation.

The Principlist's picture

not the one you are looking for a response to because I responded non-objectively on the other post. I personally took no offense, but then I try, I repeat TRY (am not always successful) to not read anything further than what was said. The letter does seem like the BM blames the SM to some extent, but it also reads as if she is trying to extend the Olive Branch too.

My response would have remained the same regardless of WHO wrote the letter and what their title. I tried to remain neutral and speak on MY situation rather than a general one.

Yes my response was based PURELY on my situation with the BM that I deal with and htat alone although I tried to address some of the issues that the author posed in her letter.

Personally I don't think I would EVER get a letter like this from the Bm that I deal with. As I mentioned before I wrote one like this to BM. She actually took the letter and turned it around. She read bits and pieces of the letter to the skids rather than the entirety (even though I don't feel she needed to share it with them at all as it was an adult matter). In my letter I pointed out how she should help me with working on improving their then poor behaviors and attitudes and I addressed a couple of specific examples. Well BM read the pieces where I was displeased with the kids behavior to them. A couple of years later the letter came up again. The kids actually read it in its entirety and admitted that BM had shared it with them but she left out the pieces where I was asking her to put all differences aside and be a better parent. To stop putting her own special needs aside and pay attention to theirs. That I said that they would love her if she never did another thing for them and it didn't need to be a competition. That she didn't need to buy their love and attention, she just needed to BE there. So, when the kids got wind of the letter in its ENTIRETY they actually APOLOGIZED for the way in which they had treated me. GASP! :shocked: They had treated me badly and said some really nasty things based on that letter and things that BM had said.

So unfortunately and sadly, it would never happen for me that BM and I get along cordially. I can rest peacefully knowing that I really did try... In fact, I did try for nearly 8 years. Put a fork in me cause I'm done building inroads.

I hope this helps, but I am only one person and this is only my one opinion based on my circumstances.

Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P

Gestalt's picture

and edited to her thought for how the kids would feel, obviously- it's so sad when parents do that kind of stuff, it's good that the kids finally saw the truth and made amends with you.

"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards

The Principlist's picture

I STILL can't understand why she shared that with them other than to create problems in my relationship with them. AND that they were like 9 and 11. They had no business knowing the contents of that letter. Our problems are our problems. I believe in allowing kids to be kids and not caught up in grown up nonsense. I don't think she understands that the more she does stuff like this, the more they step back from her. She only helped me out though -- I don't need to say a WORD about her incompetance as a parent because she proves it everytime she does crap like this. Just not fair to the kids.

Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P

Angel37's picture

Your BM had NO right to read anything to the kids. I have an old email from the ex's ex gf and to this day my kids don't even know that I have an email from her, let alone what it said! That was just plain wrong.

“Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either”~Aesop

Gestalt's picture

Finally, if the BM in my situation were to have written me that I letter I would have responded that she is delusional and needs to get over herself.

LOL- obviously if you don't do those things and she wrote that letter....she really would need some serious help

"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards

namaste123's picture

Just being silly, but I wanted to answer all your questions. Wink

BridgingTheGap's picture

My response would be the same. For the most part I thought the letter was ok. It just bothered me that the BM didn't see her jealousy as part of the problem. I made a commment about the BM thinking that the SM wanted to replace her in Angel's blog. I made that comment because I HATE that BM's assume that the new woman wants to replace her as "mom".

I guess I'm picking on that because a very good friend of mine is convinced that her ex's new girlfriend is trying to replace her as mom. I told her she was being crazy. His GF has met the kids exactly TWO TIMES! She is well aware that these kids have a mom that they love unconditionally. My friend is a normally sane and rational person. She does not want her ex back nor does she still have feelings for him. But out of blue she decided that she was getting replaced. I've been trying to tell her for the past week that she is not getting replaced but its just not sinking in. *le sigh*

namaste123's picture

how many people in their right minds even think of or even would want to replace a child's BM. If people like that exist, they need some serious help.

BridgingTheGap's picture

Honestly I'm really sad for her! I can't believe she really thinks and feels this way. It makes me wonder what neurons fire in what location of the brain to make a woman think/feel like that. How does a woman go from being "normal" to downright irrational?

FallingfromGrace's picture

My BM participates in an imaginary "competition" with me in regards to the skids. The truth is I have my own kids, while I love the skids, I DO NOT want to be there Mother. I have my hands full with my own children. If I wanted more kids, I would produce them...LOL!!!

"God grant me the serenity accept the things I cannot change; the strength to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

BridgingTheGap's picture

That's exactly what I said in Angel37's blog. I believe it was "when/if I decide I'm ready for the responsibility of kids, I will have one"

My BM thinks I want to show the skids that I am better than her...NO, not the case. If that's the opinion they form, I did not make the decision for them. They have eyes and ears and a damn good brain. They can come to their own conclusions. Instead of worrying about me and feeling threatened she should focus on her own behavior and actions

Gestalt's picture

of the tension in these relationships- or like the letter said anitrelationships is because of assumed motives

From Figuring it out
"My BM thinks I want to show the skids that I am better than her"

I don't have any idea how FIO knows this- heck mom might have told her...but let's just say she didn't

but in that sitch mom is assuming what FIO motivations are....and maybe FIO is assuming that mom thinks this of her for whatever reason- so both get defensive and sort of act a tad more "stiff" (for lack of a better word) around each other....which they both may assume to be stand offishness or disrespect in the other....

This could really drive someone crazy....can this ever be fixed or could a place ever be found where assuming the good is the first resort rather than no resort? I dunno....certainly interesting

sorry to use you for an example FIO

"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards

BridgingTheGap's picture

She tells this to the parents of the children that SD and SS play with. Of course, they also know BF and have met me. They have told me what she says about me.

In many cases, it probably is assumed.

Cheyenne Arizona's picture

I second that. I have notice that the biggest "badmouthing" done about BM isn't actually words but her behavior to and in front of the kids.

DISbelief's picture

that a lot of the tension that has been flying around here lately is due to this:

We all may have ONE thing in common here, BLENDED FAMILIES. We either are SM's, SD's, SF's, BD's.. we all have SOME role that is a result of a divorce (one night stand, break up... what ever) the point is WE SHARE KIDS WITH DIFFERENT HOUSEHOLDS. That is what we have in common. What we are failing to remember lately is that NO TWO SITUATIONS ARE THE SAME. I can say from my personal upbringing, my stepmom was HORRIBLE. I can only hope to be the exact opposite for my SS, and PRAY TO GOD that my girls NEVER EVER have to deal with a SM like her, or anything close to it.

So, why is it that we have this wonderful site that was created for us to vent and get things off our chest, that seems to be causing so many fights amongst each other? I personally JUST read Angels post of of curiousity after reading another post that referred to the HYPE in Angels post. WHY didn't I read Angels original post??? WEll, I will tell you ... the title "A View From the Other Side". I steared clear of it because frankly, I am not in the mindset for a view from the other side. I have no desire to hear what BM could possibly have to say to me. Honestly... while this is America, and freedom of speech is alive and well, and obviously practiced on this site OFTEN... there comes a time when we just need to let a sister get sh*t off her chest. It sounds to me like the SM she is dealing with is a lot like my SM that I grew up with... and I applaud my mom for not killing that b*tch. So instead of getting support here, she gets lynched? She clearly had some issues on her mind... and whether or not she is a BM instigator in actuality WE WILL NEVER KNOW. Like Meliss said: sometimes posts should not be applied to our own situations. There is just no comparison. I dunno~ I'm just sayin...


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )

libby's picture

Myself I read that letter as if the BM I have to deal with had wrote that to me. When I met my DH I had no problems with her, but heard the stories from my DH; his parents and HER MOTHER. But I looked at it this way - Thanks to her screw-up I have a wonderful man. So I have no reason to hate her. UNTIL THE ATTACKS ON MY CHILDREN, The numerous false police report, Her and her husband attempts attempts to alienate my SK from the DH. the DCF reports, The desire to know how much I make so she can profit off me. And most of all her holier than thou attitude.

The way she uses her kids as weapons, to try an just kill my DH, the way she attempted to pull up to my house yelling at me demanding she has everyright to be on my property.

I am a very blunt and direct person.I dont beat around the bush I stick to the facts and my mind does not change depending on the wind.

I dont blackmail, my ex, I dont use mind games on my BD and I would never put my kids in the worst clothes I could possibly find at the salvation army for visitation (this has included no underwear on the SK) just to get at my EX.

I know this is how I read the letter. But with my Ex's new wife - I liked her she straighten his ass out until she smarted up and got the hell out of there -

So no I didnt start off hating her...For me it was a learned behavior that and I will never NEVER have any sort of respect for her - there fore I will never like her.

Gestalt's picture

that you described, I think anyone that would expect you to respect her should have their head examined...why can't all the crazies end up being their own crazy blended families and all the rational people be blended families, it always seems that the rational people end up on the other side of a crazy- one of the great cosmic injustices...

"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards

namaste123's picture

bothered me the most about the letter. The letter was instructing "cooperation" from stepmom, I found that to be extremely condescending. I can definately be civil, but to tell me to "cooperate" with you, you must be out your damn mind to say that! That's what made it sound like the BM in the letter needed to get over herself.

Secondly, there is no need for a relationship with BM. It is not a requirement for a happy, healthy family. My skids BM is not someone I would ever associate with even if there were no skids and if she was never married to my BF. I have no respect for that type of woman. And it's not based off what BF says, it's based of facts.

I do however believe that it is important to be polite and respectful to her at all times... at exchanges, at events for the children, or when she calls, regardless of my personal opinion of her. Do I go out of my way to be nice, not really. But she is always greeted with a smile and a positive attitude and that's all that matters.

Gestalt's picture

to go reread, I missed that...but I totally agree, no one needs to be friends, but being cordial is almost a necessity in order for people live somewhat acceptably in these scenarios

"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards

Gestalt's picture

I went back and reread it, I honestly don't see that at all- is there a particular area that does it? I thought it was probably going to be the last paragraph but "to me" that reads more as a plea for a fresh start.

"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards

namaste123's picture

"I love my child and I believe you love my child as well. That should be enough common ground for a good starting point of cooperation."

I interpreted that as the BM saying that the SM needed to cooperate with BM because the letter is all about the SM's actions so to me that infers a lack of cooperation on SM's part. My opinion is SM's never need to "cooperate" it's just important that they are civil.

"I have tried my hardest to avoid you at all costs so this situation does not escalate but, if you are ever inclined to lay down the gauntlet and start anew in the spirit of cooperation I would welcome the fresh start."

Again interpreted that as the same as before. Maybe it's just the wording I have a problem with.

None the less, It is EXTREMELY important to be civil and polite in these situation which we all can agree on. I just think the letter could have been written with a different tone.

Gestalt's picture

I didn't read that as that, but now can see how it could be read that way...wish we could talk to mom and say "hey, you might want to tweak here and here and here" LOL

"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards

namaste123's picture


belleboudeuse's picture

Personally, I would be really surprised to see a letter like that come from someone on here. It seems to me that the experience of being a stepmom would give a biomom way more compassion, understanding, and less of a martyr complex than that letter had. I would think that being both, and reading all the frustrations people vent on this site, would give any woman who is a biomom and a stepmom a much more balanced understanding of both sides.


- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)

Gestalt's picture

look how many moms on here thrive in one aspect and struggle in another, there are also may for whom the mom can do absolutely nothing right...with that in mind it would not surprise me that those feelings could easily be turned the other way....

"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards

Angel37's picture

Also, I am not the author.

“Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either”~Aesop

Cheyenne Arizona's picture

Your the author of the original post and only is an adverb in the sentence - lets not read to much into things okay?

namaste123's picture

What is your opinion, in regard to what the letter says, about it possibly being a matter that should be handled like this (if BM and BD were sane and SM was really the problem):

BM speaks with Ex-H regarding the issues and asks EX to help regarding the matter because BM would like things to be more civil for the sake of skids.

Ex-H discusses it with SM

WowjustWow's picture

I think most people could have and would have easily applied that letter to their own situation. I didn't directly write a response to the letter, but mine would have been along the lines of Priciplist and Namaste.

If I would have ever received a letter like that from BM, I would laugh so hard I would pee my pants. I extended the olive branch way too many times in the beginning and didn't let SIL's opinions make mine of BM until I saw her true colors. DH doesn't talk about BM, and we NEVER talk about BM to Skids. SIL had to fill me in on the gory details. She said she wouldn't feel right with us getting married if I didn't know the truth. I tried and tried to be nice, be cordial, etc, but all it got me was several attempts to arrest me, a restraining order attempt and $1000 bill for an attorney.

So, to answer the real question here, no Gestalt, my opinion would not change if it was someone I knew here from ST or not.

Honestly, I don't think letters have the same effect for the person receiving them as the person writing them. Writen word is so easily misinterpreted, and as Priciplist explained, easily used against the writer.

emptyrisksagain's picture

If I found out the BM in my life could WRITE A LETTER at all I'd pee my pants laughing. Wink

Sita Tara's picture

Is this just something you are curious about? Or are you taking notes from us for a paper?

I think I will have to ponder my response in my own blog now, as I don't want to add another log to the fire here. Because this reads like an essay for cultural anthropology class to me.

"To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?" ~Hamlet Act III scene I

Gestalt's picture

I am in, this stuff is interesting to me, I am very curious about people's reactions and motivations in different scenarios, especially blended family scenarios. That being said- the question was not for any type of formal research of any kind. I promise that if I ever do want questions answered in that type of situation, I will definitely make the purpose known before hand.

"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards