God is testing me, I think I passed...
So yesterday, in anticipation of BM picking up SS11 (SS16 and SS17 already made plams to avoid her and were at friends houses) I put my car in the garage. You see, she likes to come to the door and even come into my house if she thinks we aren't home. So, with hubby working over and me the only one home, I thought I'd test her and mess with her a little bit too. Sure enough, she thought no one one was and came right up to the door (she never even gets out of her car if I'm home). She almost crapped herself when I was the one answering it. I wanted nothing more than to beat her right there, but my SS11 was in the next room. So I shouted to him that his mama was here and he replied, "already awwww". I'm sure that made her day even better. So I invited her in to wait while he got his things and I made small talk. I am really trying to be big here. So now she knows, even if she thinks we are gone, we may just be in the other room-hahahahah..that was funny!
So tonight I went out to dinner with my folks. All the kids are gone and hubby is working late again. The first one I run into at the restaurant is a person I used to work with that made my life HELL when I worked with her. Her rank was higher than mine, and she and her partner are brutal to everyone there. Okay I passed that test too. I talked nice and even played with her adorable grandkids while we were at the restaurant. Good, now I can leave.
On the way out I see BM and my three stepsons getting ready to order! Are u freaking kidding me? I have been nice to two of my least favorite people two days in a row already! So I walk over and say hi and tell them how good what I ordered was. The BM gives me a dirty look, then my mom says hi to the kids and she gives my mom a dirty look! BITCH! Oh and did I say BITCH yet? Whatever! The kids saw me and my folks play nice and say hi and they saw their stupid ass mom act like a child again. It only makes her look bad, not us.
So really-God must be testing me. I left and told my parents, see, I can be a good person and be nice to anyone. BLAH I still feel like beating something up though.
- Sassy's blog
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You sure passed in my book.
You sure passed in my book. That was awesome!! I am sure BM will be less inclined to snoop around now. I love that!! BM never gets out of the car with me either buts its always a bonus to see her face when she is expecting DH and gets me instead lol.Kudos to you for handling yourself so well yuck twice in one day is 2 times to many to see a troll.
As for you feeling like beating something up...Have you ever worked with clay?It is a wonderful release.You have to pound it to get it workable.I find I like doing that best when I am ticked off. You should give it a shot. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. 
You are a brave woman. I would NEVER invite BM into our house for ANY reason. I don't care if it's sleeting, hailing, a tornado and a hurricane going on outside, she would park her happy ass on the porch with the door closed in her face. She could be on fire and I wouldn't spit on her. There is not a single thing in the world that would allow that beyotch access to my home. Ever.
You are a much better person than I.
~ Formerly ToTheEdge. I have stepped down from the ledge.
Very good!
I am very impressed, with your control and flair!! I am not sure I could do so well. Good job!
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
Yeah, I would have said
Yeah, I would have said he'll be out in a minute & shut the door in her face! LOL Good job!
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
Way to go. Usually we make
Way to go. Usually we make BM wait outside. She has been in our home 1 time and that was ONLY so the kids could show her their bedrooms since it was right after we moved into our new apartment back in 2006. Ever since then her dumbass can wait outside. She has only invited us into her home like 2 times and both times were to much for me. Her house smelled really bad. To put it nicely you can tell she has 3 dogs and now she has 2 cats, plus a ferret or 2. Plus we often hear about how she wants to get a snake or 2 also.