And I second what Gia said. I was thinking the same thing. Earth Day SHOULD be EVERYDAY.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
Living well is the best revenge
Right now H and I are in the process of making our yard a no mow yard. When you factor in fertilizer, pesticides, all the other chemicals a person uses on their grass, the fuel needed to mow this grass and the CO2 output, having a grass lawn is not good. We have been slowly replacing grass with native shrubs, trees, bushes, wildflowers and clover. What grass that will be left I will be able to mow with a non motorized mower. A big bonus is that our yard will be able to feed a lot of wildlife. I've already changed all our lightbulbs, recycle, have a compost heap, and have convinced H it isn't necessary to run the AC 24/7. I put light blocking window film over all the windows and storm door, works great.
I admit I have no knowledge whatsoever about yard, gardens etc... I need to learn, because we might be moving to a house with a huge yard!!! :O I have no idea what to do with it though... I should have learned from my mother, she is a "garden person"... but now I live in another country, and I have actually googled a lot of things about backyards, because I really want to learn!!!
Kinda Off Topic... but...
~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's
I don't think I would handle the trees and shrubs too well. I like having the big open yard. The only thing that comes in our yard is a squirrel, some raccoons (perimeter - stay away because of my 2 yappers) and an occasional turtle and iguana. NONE of which I'm all too fond of except the squirrel. The squirrel plays with and taunts my doggies. It is the funniest of things.
We've replaced the bulbs. I am slowly changing over to all energy efficient appliances as I can afford to replace them. My allergist says that I should run my A/C 24/7, but we don't. In fact, I am enjoying the breeze right now with the windows open. We do recycle. I do not know anything about composting. We no longer purchase bottled water (only on occasion when there are LOTS of people). I carry a refillable water bottle. I'm trying to ween the family off of paper towels and get DH to stop freaking buying paper plates!!! The paper plates drive me insane. I have the most beautiful dinner ware but DH thinks it is easier to purchase paper plates (sometimes styrofoam - I will not use) so the kids will have it easier to clean the kitchen. PUH-LEEZE!!!
I am changing over to more natural products for house cleaning that are safer for the environment. Am actually gonna do the vinegar and water and baking soda when I need an abrasive. They work just as well if not better and man are they cheaper. So, I'm doing little things, but doing I AM.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
yappers. They will lick any intruder to death though. Our back yard abutts a concrete wall that divides our community from the next. The squirrel runs back and forth across the top of it as if it is laughing at them. The dogs give chase and run and yap and run and yap. When they stop yapping the squirrel runs back and forth on the wall to get their attention again and the process repeats itself. It is funny, but it can be annoying.
Then when the turtle came (must have been someone's pet that they released) they yapped us to death until DH caught the turtle and tried to find the owner. The other day there was an iguana about 3 feet long back there. DH figured he would bring the dogs out and let them bark to scare it off. Well, he took the dogs out and they looked at the thing (bigger than they are) and they both turned their heads afraid to look at it and di not make a PEEP. The iguana then began whipping its tail back and forth as if to say "I'll show you who's BOSS." We get a good laugh out of them and the woodland creatures that come our way.
You are only in trouble of being bitten if you are a kibble or FOOD! LOL.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
With the shrubs and things we have I get hundreds of birds, butterflies, chipmunks and flying squirrels. Sometimes I can't tell which are the flowers and which are the butterflies. The good thing about clover it only gets so high about 8 to 10 inches and you never have to cut it. The rabbits love to eat the blossoms and then they bloom again. It's like having a carpet of pink flowers outside. Last year we used to AC constantly but this year with the widow film and using fans we've already lowered our KW usage by around 180KW. By blocking all the UV rays we are lowering the temperature in the house. My goal is to seal every air leak in the place so we can keep it cool or warm whatever the season is without using a lot of electricity. So far it's working. As for composting it's so easy. I have a large tub where I dump coffee grounds, tea bags, egg shells, potato peels, anything that will decompose. Then I take it to the far corner of the yard and dump it in a pile. We add grass cutting, leaves, pretty much anything. Every so often I stick a pitch fork in it and give it a stir, also put a bunch of earthworms in there. We started it last year and it's almost ready to spread on the flower and vegetable beds. It's the best fertilizer you'll have have.
If you are having a bad problem with reptiles and it's legal in your county try firecrackers to run them off. H says whirlygigs work for gators and some snakes. Be very careful and the snakes, so many pet boas and pythons have gotten lose in FL that they are breeding. Also there has been a problem with Gamon Vipers, these are DEADLY, they are also known as the 2 step because that's how many steps you take before you die.
You too!... The google design looks nice, go check it out... LOL
Earth day should be EVERYDAY!..
~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's
Back at ya Ferret!
I hope your day is enjoyable.
And I second what Gia said. I was thinking the same thing. Earth Day SHOULD be EVERYDAY.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
Living well is the best
Living well is the best revenge
Right now H and I are in the process of making our yard a no mow yard. When you factor in fertilizer, pesticides, all the other chemicals a person uses on their grass, the fuel needed to mow this grass and the CO2 output, having a grass lawn is not good. We have been slowly replacing grass with native shrubs, trees, bushes, wildflowers and clover. What grass that will be left I will be able to mow with a non motorized mower. A big bonus is that our yard will be able to feed a lot of wildlife. I've already changed all our lightbulbs, recycle, have a compost heap, and have convinced H it isn't necessary to run the AC 24/7. I put light blocking window film over all the windows and storm door, works great.
I know nothing about it
I admit I have no knowledge whatsoever about yard, gardens etc... I need to learn, because we might be moving to a house with a huge yard!!! :O I have no idea what to do with it though... I should have learned from my mother, she is a "garden person"...
but now I live in another country, and I have actually googled a lot of things about backyards, because I really want to learn!!!
Kinda Off Topic... but...
~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's
I'm impressed
I don't think I would handle the trees and shrubs too well. I like having the big open yard. The only thing that comes in our yard is a squirrel, some raccoons (perimeter - stay away because of my 2 yappers) and an occasional turtle and iguana. NONE of which I'm all too fond of except the squirrel. The squirrel plays with and taunts my doggies. It is the funniest of things.
We've replaced the bulbs. I am slowly changing over to all energy efficient appliances as I can afford to replace them. My allergist says that I should run my A/C 24/7, but we don't. In fact, I am enjoying the breeze right now with the windows open. We do recycle. I do not know anything about composting. We no longer purchase bottled water (only on occasion when there are LOTS of people). I carry a refillable water bottle. I'm trying to ween the family off of paper towels and get DH to stop freaking buying paper plates!!! The paper plates drive me insane. I have the most beautiful dinner ware but DH thinks it is easier to purchase paper plates (sometimes styrofoam - I will not use) so the kids will have it easier to clean the kitchen. PUH-LEEZE!!!
I am changing over to more natural products for house cleaning that are safer for the environment. Am actually gonna do the vinegar and water and baking soda when I need an abrasive. They work just as well if not better and man are they cheaper. So, I'm doing little things, but doing I AM.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
You must have some
Friendly doggies...
~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's
They are little
yappers. They will lick any intruder to death though. Our back yard abutts a concrete wall that divides our community from the next. The squirrel runs back and forth across the top of it as if it is laughing at them. The dogs give chase and run and yap and run and yap. When they stop yapping the squirrel runs back and forth on the wall to get their attention again and the process repeats itself. It is funny, but it can be annoying.
Then when the turtle came (must have been someone's pet that they released) they yapped us to death until DH caught the turtle and tried to find the owner. The other day there was an iguana about 3 feet long back there. DH figured he would bring the dogs out and let them bark to scare it off. Well, he took the dogs out and they looked at the thing (bigger than they are) and they both turned their heads afraid to look at it and di not make a PEEP. The iguana then began whipping its tail back and forth as if to say "I'll show you who's BOSS." We get a good laugh out of them and the woodland creatures that come our way.
You are only in trouble of being bitten if you are a kibble or FOOD! LOL.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
Living well is the best
Living well is the best revenge
With the shrubs and things we have I get hundreds of birds, butterflies, chipmunks and flying squirrels. Sometimes I can't tell which are the flowers and which are the butterflies. The good thing about clover it only gets so high about 8 to 10 inches and you never have to cut it. The rabbits love to eat the blossoms and then they bloom again. It's like having a carpet of pink flowers outside. Last year we used to AC constantly but this year with the widow film and using fans we've already lowered our KW usage by around 180KW. By blocking all the UV rays we are lowering the temperature in the house. My goal is to seal every air leak in the place so we can keep it cool or warm whatever the season is without using a lot of electricity. So far it's working. As for composting it's so easy. I have a large tub where I dump coffee grounds, tea bags, egg shells, potato peels, anything that will decompose. Then I take it to the far corner of the yard and dump it in a pile. We add grass cutting, leaves, pretty much anything. Every so often I stick a pitch fork in it and give it a stir, also put a bunch of earthworms in there. We started it last year and it's almost ready to spread on the flower and vegetable beds. It's the best fertilizer you'll have have.
I love the film, now I can
I love the film, now I can open the curtains for natural light with out worrying my nosy neighbors are getting an eyeful. LOL
Can I have the turtle and
Can I have the turtle and lizard PLEASE.... I love reptiles, they would fit right in here.
I like Tuh'tles...
And if you don't know what I'm talking about go check this video!
~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's
If you are having a bad
If you are having a bad problem with reptiles and it's legal in your county try firecrackers to run them off. H says whirlygigs work for gators and some snakes. Be very careful and the snakes, so many pet boas and pythons have gotten lose in FL that they are breeding. Also there has been a problem with Gamon Vipers, these are DEADLY, they are also known as the 2 step because that's how many steps you take before you die.
My bad I meant Gabon Viper.
My bad I meant Gabon Viper.