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A BIG mental dump. Caution: reading may give headaches.

MSloan86's picture

I feel lost and confused these days. This blog, like others will likely be long and disjointed. It helps me sort out some thoughts so forgive the mess.
Some days seem great, things are moving in the right direction. Next day is frustrating and I am again alone in my own home.
If it wasn’t for BD2, I am pretty certain I would give up and move on. It would break my heart but I am sure I would go, regardless of how much I love my wife.

We have been in counseling for a year now. We havent been able to stay on topic for more than 2 sessions. There is always a new drama that needs to be brought up. The counselor started trying to work on US, to strengthen us as a couple so that we can work together to be a united front with SD. But we cant get the simplest things done.

The easiest thing to suggest: Spend 15 minutes each day together when I get home from work. SD can watch BD for that brief period. It gives a chance to unwind a bit and catch up on any news. Or just spend the time in quiet together. I liked this idea a lot. We couldn’t even get this to work for 2 weeks. There is always too much to do, SD has homework, dinner is on the stove. Counselor says BS. 15 mins is nothing. If you cant set aside 15 mins to connect after an entire day apart, and make it a priority then when will we do any of the more difficult things to maintain our relationship.

She also gets on us because we are not going out on ‘dates’ as much as she wants. I own this as much as DW as we are supposed to alternate responsibility for each one. Dates tend to be mid afternoon. There is either too many other things scheduled, lack of funds, or lack of just doing it. Getting a sitter should be easier than it has been but it hasn’t been.

I get tired of trying sometimes. My wife put up the walls. I am a bit gun shy of crossing the boundary as we try to reconnect without a clear and open invitation. Getting shut out when you try doesn’t encourage further attempts after so many failures. So when she gets wrapped up in other things and doesn’t drop the walls herself, I tend to not try like I used to. So now Im inattentive and not interested in her. She feels I don’t find her attractive, despite all my comments and reactions to the contrary. I said those things because I am supposed to as a husband, not because I believe them according to DW.

Now I am questioning things even more. Last session we discussed why we seemed to have a breakthrough, then everything slipped back to where it was. DW had a very hard time explaining things. She tends to beat around the bush or give way too much back story when explaining something. The counselor told her that she has a very hard time expressing herself… It seems to take all session before she gets to the point she can say what she wants or needs to say, then we end the session without any real discussion. My wife started crying. She says she used to be very good at expressing herself but she cant because she feels she will be criticized by me for how she says things. I invalidate her feelings and statements. This kind of floored me. Here I am looking at her cry and she feels like Ive discounted her at every turn and now she cant express herself because of me?

I was pretty taken aback by this. Its not something you can even try and defend yourself very easily, as being defensive discounts their feelings, so says the counselor. My wife was never good at expressing things she was uncomfortable with. (But I cant say this either) This goes back to as early in our relationship as I can remember, but I am wondering if she really thinks this way, which I assume she does as she got so emotional. My wife has a way of looking at a situation and either blowing it out of proportion and looking at it through worse case scenario… This happens only with me. Everyone else in her family, SD, mom, sisters… she minimizes everything making issues smaller than they are. I rarely call her on these because most of them have nothing to do with me or my immediate family.
But now she has said Ive taken her ability to clearly express herself. I don’t get it.

Whenever we are in a session and the counselor starts proding her to say what she wants, or why she cant do x y or z, my wife gets defensive. She again falls back on my looking at women online. Again I was looking at models on a photography site that I post my own photos on. I didn’t see the big deal, and I made the mistake of not taking it too seriously and so it became a larger issue. But this was about 3 years ago. She says she doesn’t understand why and I never gave her a satisfactory answer. Its hard to even discuss this now because she presents it as I was interacting with women online and who knows what else… I WASN’T INTERACTING WITH WOMEN FOR CHRIST SAKES! My wife has trust issues after being cheated on a few times in the past, but I cant point out her trust issues because then I am blaming her.

Is there a emoticon for slamming your head against the wall?

So I find myself on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds. I see no way I will be happy if I cant fix my marriage, which I feel is next to impossible at times. I cant leave either. I would be miserable more than ever. I feel like Ive given up a lot of ME to make things work, but I feel like I have to sacrifice my actual being, who I am and what makes me tick to become what she wants me to be. Why is it always what I need to do to make her and SD happy? Has anyone noticed I am slowly dying? What is anyone doing for me? My DW always tells the counselor that she feels stuck in the middle trying to make everyone happy. ? If she can name 1 instance she put me ahead of anything SD wanted to make me happy, I cant think of it.

I am definitely in a glass half empty sort of mind.


melis070179's picture

"Is there an emoticon for slamming your head against the wall?"...yes, it looks like a wedding band.

Sometimes its 2 steps forward, 1 step back, sometimes its 1 step forward, 2 steps back. She may chose to make SD happy over you because its easier. She doesn't want to fight with a teenager? She is obviously good at pointing the finger. Any good counselor would make each partner of the marriage fess up to THEIR role in the marital problems, not just point fingers. Afterall, the only person you can control is yourself. Has this counselor asked both of you what you think you should each be doing to help the situation? Have you considered changing counselors to get a new perspective on things?

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

MSloan86's picture

Our counselor has talked with us and gotten a god painting of what we both think regarding things, and frustrations, problems etc.

She has said her goal was to strengthen us as a couple so we would be better prepared to deal with the differences about SD. That hasnt worked very well because SD issues continue arising and causing more issues between DW and I.

Seeing another counselor is a consideration but if it comes to that I will be pretty discouraged. I like this counselor, I like her approach and what she is trying to do. She is highly respected and recommended for couples issues.

If we see someone new, it will require results pretty quickly before I shut it down completely.

honeybunszer's picture

I'm sorry you're going through this. I will just give you the view from one woman... while my situation is much much much different I can at least relate to some of the things you've said. I know that i don't say anything when my BF does something that makes me angry, and so i just let it stew and stew and i grow angrier and resent him and he never has any idea that he did anything wrong, or even that i was ever angry... until 6 months later i blow and EVERYTHING comes out. I know this is unhealthy to keep it inside, and it sounds like your wife is maybe growing resentful that you don't understand what is wrong. I also know that following this path for so long now, i am not even happy in my relationship anymore. I love him still but don't even want to be with him anymore, and i feel bad because he doesn't even know i feel this way. I think unfortunately sometimes alot of women tend to be incapable of logically sorting out their thoughts and accepting their faults. We also have a bad habit of taking things the wrong way and feeling bad about things that shouldn't be a problem. I remember coming across my boyfriends porn folder on the computer, and i felt this overwhelming feeling of betrayal and just plain hurt. I have never been cheated on, so i don't have those issues that your wife does. It's just unexplainable. When i talked to him about it he simply explained that it's a natural instinct for guys to hide their porn he wasn't trying to keep anything from me. Somehow it makes me feel better now that it's on his desktop. Really men will never understand women, and i have to say, i really think your wife should see a counselor of her own, outside of your counselor together. Obviously you don't want to suggest this, but maybe if you can think of someone that could without it causing problems and/or tracing back to you. Maybe even if you talk to the counselor outside of your group meeting and tell her that you think it's holding her back talking in front of you, maybe she should deal with her issues before you can deal with yours together. Best wishes!

"Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege"

sarahbernheart's picture

I went to a therapist and he wanted to meet with my then husband, husband went to ONE session and refused to work on HIS issues. so I continued going then when I decided to file for divorce he wanted to work on us, so i went to HIS conselour- guy looked at me and said you are done arent you and I said yes.
end of session. when my son was having issues and we went to a therapist for him the lady asked me ex if he thought he should work on his anger issues and ex what anger issues?? I can handle my anger..(yah that is why are son was cutting himself and didnt want anything to do with you??)
so you can go to these but unless she truly wants it to work she has to realize her part in it.
good luck MS86- hang in there!
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

MSloan86's picture

Im surprised people read this whole thing... I appreciate the feedback.

Both my wife and I are seeing a counselor on our own as well as the couples sessions. I started seeing someone and our couples counselor said she was glad i wanted to see someone to work out my thoughts, then asked DW and when are you going to see someone? So while I have no idea what DW discusses in her sessions I hope it will help.

Both my personal and couples counselor have my permission to speak with each other and share notes where they feel it may be helpful. I believe my wife gave the same permissions. At least she did to the couples therapist.

sarahbernheart's picture

learning to undo behavior that has been a part of your life for so long is HARD!
you have to unlearn so much.

i hope she does want to put the work into helping her and the marriage. I really hated doing some of the "homework" thought it was silly but I did it anyway and learned so much about myself -
women are hard on ourselves it is even harder for us to move away from stuff that comforts us even if it is unhealthy.
it is a positive that she is seeing a therapist on her own!

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

now4teens's picture

can feel like FOREVER, can't it?
I remeber when DH and I were with our FIRST therapist (I didn't like her approach AT ALL). We were with her for about four months and I could vividly remember walking out of each therapy session thinking like I had just been through the ringer, all the time asking myself, "Is this really helping?"

Four months of that! So I can appreciate how you must feel, one year in, and feeling like you are getting no where.

I know you said you like her, but after an entire year, don't you think you should be at least getting somewhere together as a couple??? I tend to agree with the other posters who suggested a fresh approach might be in order other than feeling like you are just spinning your wheels...

Maybe it's time to ask your individual therapist his/her thoughts on the subject.

I have heard from some therapists that after a while, even THEY get tired of dealing with some patients, but just don't know how to move on...

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"

MSloan86's picture

Sometimes I think our therapist is getting tired of us. My hesitancy about another counselor is that I cant get my wife to follow through with what this one asks of us. Small things dont get done unless I do them or initiate them all the time. Some things that she has to start, dont get done. If we find another counselor whe like, what will the difference be?

Im waiting to see where the next few sessions go. She has opened up a bit, even if Im confused but its something.

Sasha's picture

Reading your post has taken me back to the time right before my first marriage ended. My God, how I know what it's like to feel as though you are dying just know that if you don't do something, if nothing changes you will die. Literally.

I'm glad that you're both continuing to seek counseling, although it seems to me that perhaps your wife just doesn't have her heart in it. I think I told you this once before, but my gut instinct is telling me that your wife wants or needs to say something to you but just doesn't know how, or is afraid that she will hurt your feelings.

I also think she is blaming you for her insecurities. I'm sorry, but continuing to doubt everything you say to her, how you feel about her, and not believing you because of HER issues with trust...she's not being honest with herself or owning her part. The trust thing is her thing, not yours. Why she continues to make it your issue just totally escapes me. Personally I think she's using that as an excuse, but for what purpose I do not know.

I think what you need to ask yourself is just how long are you willing to work on this relationship when you don't have the slightest clue after one year of counseling what the resolution will be? Is it going forward, backward, or is it completely stalled? I bet you're having anxiety and / or panic attacks too? I'm guessing that when you feel as helpless and hopeless as I did, you will know that it's time to make a decision, one way or another.

I really feel for ya, Sloan. Been there, done that, soaked the Kleenex box with rivers of tears.


MSloan86's picture

I do know that my wife's insecurities are a cause of issues. She goes looking for things that might mean something is going on. She googles my usernames that I have used for years on multiple sites. She has read through car forums, game forums. I know she still does this. She is looking for somthing to hang her insecurities on.
I intended to go for 2 years, its been one. There are some signs of movement but if we cant get back a real connection, how do we address other issues? I want to do all I can to fix my marriage for me, but I also dont want my daughter to ever be viewed in the same light other steps get looked upon here. I can see how a parent could fall into the guilt parenting when all they get is EOW, so they just want to cram all the positives they can in. I dont see myself doing these things married or not but I see how it happens.
This is my 2nd marriage, no children from the 1st thankfully. I never planned to marry again, I couldnt begin to fathom it if this one fails. If I did entertain the idea, she would have no kids... and you all would be saying to stay away from the guy with a kid. Blum 3

Hanny's picture

I'm sorry things aren't changing too much for you. The last post I saw from you, you were seemed encouraged, and said even intimacy was getting better between you. I can relate to your wife, I have a hard time expressing myself to my BF sometimes. I find it easier to open up some discussion via e-mails, and then we discuss later. I am usually the one that give in or finds a compromise, he not so much. He is still getting over a very controlling ex, even though it's been 5 years. It is especially hard for you because of BD, who is only 2. But sometimes separation, and ultimately divorce is the only recourse. I know it would break your heart not being with her daily, and that is why you are trying so hard. It does not sound to me that your DW is trying as hard, possibly because she doesn't have as much to lose as you.

Good luck, and please don't stop writing, of course, we read everything!

MSloan86's picture

I was very much encouraged a month ago. Then we had therapy and the 1st thing I told the counselor was 'we had sex!'. That was a big positive and we spent the whole session on it. She talked about making regular plans for it, schedule it if you have to etc... I was all for it but my wife looked like she had eaten bad fish. When asked she just said she was listening... I dunno, perhaps she does have something she needs to say? I thought for awhile that she wanted out, but wouldnt say it, so she was pushing me away. But things started improving. Then they stopped... then they started...

Just hanging on and see whats next.

tryingtofindpeace's picture

I too am feeling a LOT of what you are. My therapist recommended a book to me that is totally opening my eyes to the dynamics of relationships. It is called "How to Get the Love you Want by Harville Hendrix". Get it, read it. It will help you understand things tremendously!
I know the back and forth feeling. Some days are great and I'm like "what am I so upset over?" then the next day it blows up and I too am beating my head against a wall....

MSloan86's picture

Thanks for the suggestion.
Ill see if the local library has it. I tend to struggle with these self help books. My wife reads all kinds of them. She then asks me to read them. She would dog ear pages where the topic was about what the guy was doing wrong. When I asked her about the other parts, like what the women might be doing, she never felt they applied to her, or she didnt notice etc...

MSloan86's picture

Very grudgingly in some cases. She has the largest set of blinders ever. Her whole family does. Ive been amazed at the things that are just 'forgotten' or ignored by her parents and sibs.

Harleygal's picture

So what you mean to say is that they are a bunch of enablers?? She is not used to being called out on things. It would do her some good. You're on the right track, it's frustrating though.

"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac

tryingtofindpeace's picture

The good thing about this book is it is not like those other ones. This one is not about blame or he said she said. It is not about squabbling over details and jumps right to the heart of the matter, getting what we need emotionally to feel loved, supported, cared for, and whole.
Read this book for yourself, not for your wife, or even your marriage.
Trust me on this one...