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Break out the champagne!!!!!!

debiamia's picture

DH called the Court today and verified that the CS for SD17 will END on her birthday next month. BM had recieved a letter from the court asking for proof of school attendance if she wanted the CS to continue past age 18. Per the divorce papers it will stop on her 18th birthday unless BM can prove that SD17 is making "reasonable progress" towards graduation and is living with the custodial parent. SD17 is doing not living at home and is two years behind in school. The case worker told DH that she has not received any of the required paperwork from BM and the case is closed next month. Finally, an end to the financial leash that BM has had on DH for the past 18 years. Every time she was mad at him she threatened to haul him back into court despite DH voluntarily paying extra for clothes, camp, dance lessons and additional CS to appease her.


Anon2009's picture

because now we don't have to pay BM child support! It feels so nice because we know that we spend our money properly for the kids, to make sure they have everything they need. When we were paying BM CS, the kids would come over improperly clothed, and were practically wearing rags and looked underfed. Yet BM was always going to the Carribean, Antigua, or some exotic place that DH and I could only dream of going to at the time. She also drove the fanciest cars, always had her nails done, and highlights in her hair. That's so nice to be able to see light at the end of a VERY long tunnel, isn't it?

Tara12's picture

My FH was never married to BM so he just has to finish paying out CS but in the state where SD lives it is 19. It makes me sick that we will be paying her for SD when she has already graduated from high school.

Most Evil's picture

You are so lucky girl! Enjoy your new freedom!!!!!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

melis070179's picture

Lucky! We have 6 1/2 more years...ugh

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"